An envelope of thick, light red parchment affixed with a gold seal jostles others of its kind in a sack made of worn canvas. The sack is borne by a boat that makes its intrepid way through the waters of the Locksmehr River, passing through a series of hands and offices comprising the extensive postal service. The words scrawled across its front are in plain, neat handwriting, belying the grandiose trappings of the otherwise colorful exterior.
TO: The Proprietors of Burning Twilight
Bailey Park
Bloodriven Village
Within, the same tidy handwriting continues on a cream colored sheaf of paper.
Dear Master or Mistress,
I am Delindra Talissen, Initiate of Cholen, and a patron of your fine establishment this past Fashanos. My sister and I have greatly admired the weapons of the style you title Daybringer, and have had success in vanquishing many undead with their assistance.
I write to you now with a request for aid; we now confront a foe that has had a widespread and long-lasting impact on the town known as Mist Harbor. This man goes by the name of Pashtal, and he has obtained some means of spreading darkness and nightmares in his wake, in service to Sheru. His actions have resulted in severe harm to a number of children and families within the settlement, and he has caused the death of at least one man, a beloved community leader named Penre, through the use of Luukosian Deathwort.
Those of us seeking to defend the Harbor have had two confrontations with Pashtal thus far, the second of which he revealed he was attempting to animate Jackal statues, presumably to unleash upon the island. I do not know if you are familiar with the destruction wrought by such things in the past, in the town of Solhaven at the hand of the Sheruvian High Priest Draezir. If not, just know, where these sorts of followers of Sheru go, death and darkness prevail. By summoning the power of light, we were able to stave off these influences – for now. Pashtal seems determined to return, and we fear that his deluded aspirations will cause lasting harm to the people of Mist Harbor.
In defense, we have sought to consecrate Mist Harbor in the name of those Arkati who stand in opposition to Sheru. I, myself, am in service to Cholen; and a Priest of Jaston is presently compiling those things needed for a ritual in his deity’s name. We have also sought aid from followers of Ronan, among others of the Pantheon of Liabo.
Given the nature of the weapons that you supply, and the myriad abilities which they provide in both defending and attacking the forces of darkness, I write to you now to request any aid or insight you might be able to give us into further harnessing light in defense of the town. The need is two-fold: first, we face an impenetrable barrier that Pashtal is able to summon, seemingly with the power of his deity, which has made it impossible to reach him to stop his activities. Second, in the event he returns, we wish to be prepared with means in which to stop his summoning of Sheru’s influence and, if possible, destroy the statues he intends to use to that end.
Any assistance you can provide to these ends is greatly appreciated. May this letter find you with Cholen’s Joy, and the spirit of His celebration accompany your reply.
Delindra Talissen
Initiate of Cholen’s Temple
Nerite Lane
The Freeport of Solhaven