~~Autopsy Report - Summary~~
By the Interim Healer of Mist Harbor
The cause of death for this individual appears to have been a mix of several different poisons; one which is known to cause rapid unconsciousness, another which slows the heartbeat dramatically, and a third which causes severe muscle spasms, on a delayed timeframe. The combination would have rendered the subject incapacitated, slowed the heartbeat to induce stillness, then introduced waves of violent internal spasms, which the subject's heart was incapable of resisting, all of which resulted in heart failure.
There appears to have been a fourth element introduced, likely at the same time as the previously outlined concoction, this being the substance known as Luukosian Deathwort. As has been noted, this substance is most commonly used to sever the connection between body and soul, rendering this subject unable to be revived.
It should be noted that the autopsy also revealed severe intestinal bleeding. Damage in the area leads to the conclusion that this condition had been evident for some time, and the subject would have been in extreme pain. I speculate that the subject likely would have died of these injuries in short order, had they not sought healing.
Numerous individuals have come forth to identify the remains as Penre, and there are no indications that his appearance was altered in any way. The veins around the neck are swollen, consistent with the heavy seizures he experienced at the time of death, but there is no external bruising that would suggest trauma. The time and date of death are consistent with the witness reports of those who were present when the victim was presumed to be killed. There is no evidence that death occurred at any other time or place. There are no defensive marks or signs of struggle on the body, further strengthening the conclusion that the above-outlined combination of substances were the sole cause of death.
The stomach was found to be nearly entirely empty, which would have exacerbated the effects of the poisons. It is my opinion that the pain in the subject's abdomen would have prevented much consumption of food, as the resulting rise in stomach acid would have produced debilitating pain. All other internal organs and musculature are consistent with an elderly man who still retained a fairly active lifestyle.
The remains have been prepared, and anointed, and are to be remanded to the town cemetery, consistent with the subject's wishes.
Many thanks to those who submitted questions to enable this little narrative side trip.
Penre's remains have been placed in the cemetery, per his wishes.
~ASGM Quilic
Four Winds Isle/Mist Harbor Storyteller