*A Parchment On Greth's Bar*
As the long darkness crashes into the dreams of those who live in Mist Harbor, those who travel to and from the island have offered refuge to the children of the Harbor. Willow Hall wishes to extend an invitation as well. The great Lehon has said it is our duty to offer refuge. Do not fear the barking Krolvin kept at bay in the Landing, the Willow Hall is removed from that coast and both the city and the fort next to the city would have to fall before any threat came to our walls.
The Hall offers many great opportunities for the young of the Harbor! Great gardens to eat from and a lake to fish from, none shall go hungry in the Willow Hall! Perhaps they can take advantage of the many wonderful learning opportunities like wood carving, animal lore , fishing, and learning about herbs that are useful. These skills will assist them when the darkness of the harbor recedes and they can return and sleep peacefully on the island of four winds.
There are beds enough to go around all protected by stout rangers and guards. There is even room for any guardians who wish to travel with them and share in this great learning opportunity! Guardians can enjoy relaxing stroll through the garden and see resident owl as well as swim in hot springs. Very exciting for guardians of children!
So come enjoy learning and safety and do not lose children to dream-stalking horror of Mist Harbor. See any member of the Hall for directions or just show up at gate and knock.
-Dendum of the Willow Hall