((This missive was dictated by Yardie and helped scribed by his brother, Draelor, as his reading and writing skills leave a lot to be desired. As stated *in game*, Yardie said he would attempt to contact Cyllost to gain any information. This letter was sent via the in-game mail system, and it reads as follows))
>To Cyllost,
>I hope this letter scribed by my brother Draelor finds you well. We have not spoken since the fall of Ankreth. There are still matters that remain unanswered. We both bear the same scar and as kin in our markings, this may permit me to ask you a series of questions.
>First, as we parted without any discussion, I am optimistic that your krolvin and the inhabitants of the island have a truce. I would hope not to shed blood versus a fellow follower of the web and expect that you do not go the way of Kyjani in wanting to enslave hapless sailors and harm the Iyo or worse, the tyrannical route of your father that brought our sides together against a common foe.
>Second, my instincts alert me to a sense of danger and dread, confirmed by the downpour of rain and the nightmares and oddities that some have seen in their limited rest. I feel we will need your stealth and might. As we aided and worked together, and your sister has returned to you safely as promised, I hope that someday you can return the favor and assist us should the island be in peril.
>Finally, I have concerns regarding Socius. Shortly after your departure, Socius vowed to leave the island. However, the mounted dagger atop the plaque in front of Greth’s remains missing. Some suspect he took the blade. Others believe it was someone else. Do you know about his whereabouts or the whereabouts of the dagger? You are the only one stealthy enough to slip past most eyes. If so, I hope you return the weapon before accusations are made and clarify the ordeal before matters worsen.
>I fear the worst is coming. I hope you are an ally and that we can put aside quarrels to benefit both sides without slavery or bloodshed.
((Enclosed in the package is a sticky silvery spiderweb))