A Letter to the Mayor and Town Council 12/12/2021 03:28 AM CST
Mayor Talliver and Fellow Councilors,

It was brought to my attention by Wehnimer's Landing Town CouncilLor Chandrellia that Wehnimer's was recently, and randomly, attacked by extremely powerful frost foes (of note were titans, giants, spiders, and slimes). She was curious to know if we've heard or experienced anything ourselves.

With our attention focused north on Arnabas I would hate for us to become besieged from the south. Further, this might present an opportunity to aid Wehnimer's by crushing a potential enemy between our two forces.

For now I recommend we keep our eyes and ears open. Councillor Chandrellia indicated that she would do the same and alert us to any new developments.

Arianiss Winterfox