Folks that can't hold there temper 09/05/2021 06:56 PM CDT

I was in Town Square in Ice Mule. Am Empath and ride around with my cleric, So am in TC and drop some herbs, So Kobane tells me am littering, I whisper back to him that its herbs. As if he had never littered in his life. I whispered to him maybe I should watch him and tell him what he is doing wrong. He called me slob whispered that. Than he called me snert what ever that is. Cast some kind of sleeping spell on me. I tried to report him I don't know if that worked. Because he can't control is temper, Well at any rate am moving to River Rest. So one less empath and cleric.
Re: Folks that can't hold there temper 09/05/2021 08:00 PM CDT
<So am in TC and drop some herbs,>

<Well at any rate am moving to River Rest.>

Just an FYI, there's a crate behind the bench in the Commons for herbs, a chest behind the tree for random items folk might have a use for, and a barrel for trash right out in the open. If you rest in the Sanctuary, you can put anything others might find useful you don't need behind the altar.

Starchitin, the OG

A severed gnomish hand crawls in on its fingertips and makes a rude gesture before quickly decaying and rotting into dust. A gust of wind quickly scatters the dust.
Re: Folks that can't hold there temper 09/06/2021 08:42 AM CDT
>> So am in TC and drop some herbs,

Most towns do have locations where it is a common practice to place 'community' herbs. Anything you drop on the ground will eventually be picked up by the janitor.

Some of my characters would possibly call you out for littering as well (depends on the character and the situation). The last time I did that the person responded that the birds have to eat as well - I loved it. If you really don't want to risk people calling you out for dumping things on the ground then you might consider doing it someplace more privately or using the herb benches, trash bins, etc. that are placed around the town you are in for such purpose.

Also, in the past at least for some towns, the GMS would actually have the local law enforcement fine you or toss you in jail for a spell for littering. I suspect there were some folks that were going overboard in this regard to the point it was having some sort of larger impact (such as people walking into a shop and being blinded by a wall of discarded items on a regular basis).

Casting sleep on you, while somewhat harmless, could be considered as PVP and inappropriate depending on the situation. The rest of what you have reported on sounds completely appropriate for an RP game where someone is littering in the public square (depending on the characters, responses, etc.)

-- Robert

>> A mongrel kobold points at you and yells, "Mine! Chasin!"
Re: Folks that can't hold there temper 09/06/2021 12:12 PM CDT
Being that this is a game right ? And my guess is that some of the folks that play this game are Juvenile and small in stature would abuse power. I know this coming into the game. And me I am not going to ruin somebody fun over couple things they drop on the ground.
Really playing this game as helped me tolerate the insanity in the real world. So I hope you never change. And now you have the real Opportunity to live in a police state. I sure you will just love it.
Re: Folks that can't hold there temper 09/06/2021 10:42 PM CDT
<Being that this is a game right ? And my guess is that some of the folks that play this game are Juvenile and small in stature would abuse power. I know this coming into the game. And me I am not going to ruin somebody fun over couple things they drop on the ground.>

Yes it's a game, but it's also a community. Like any community there are conventions and customs that folk are expected to observe. As Robert said, sleeping someone for dropping herbs on the ground is prolly going a bit far, but most that are here to RP aren't going to be greeting you warmly if you litter.

I actually had a little chuckle when you mentioned moving to RR over this.... the residents there are way less tolerant of such things and WAY more creative in their responses to it.

Starchitin, the OG

A severed gnomish hand crawls in on its fingertips and makes a rude gesture before quickly decaying and rotting into dust. A gust of wind quickly scatters the dust.
Re: Folks that can't hold there temper 09/07/2021 02:10 PM CDT
Really, how much more anal can they get. Besides the littering, I will watch out for that after all am not stupid, maybe stubborn. I will accept an apology. I think I will like River Rest, might not like everybody run into, but that is life. There is a fine line between good and evil, If you watch you will find good will win in the long run. I believe this should kill this thread. And the yellow thing in the corner as stop fixing my mistakes.

Re: Folks that can't hold there temper 09/19/2021 12:14 AM CDT

been there. done that. so many times. it just gets a little ridiculous how some people just decide to flex their muscles and decide to impose their will on other players.

it used to be worse, though. just keep that in mind.

there was a time when Mind Jolt would keep you stunned forever(it seemed) if you failed the warding badly enough.

Feint used to stack RT.

Bind and web used to work in sancts.

Feel bad that you felt you had to bail out of Icemule because of that nonsense. I had a similar situation(different reasons) out in Vaalor years ago with certain players. Same Bull, same result. wound up bailing out and heading west back to the landing.
