Testing the principle (IC) 02/25/2021 04:01 PM CST
25 Fashanos, 5121

Per instructions of Commander Kobane I am pursuing the possibility of cloning two of the most dangerous adventurers in the land, in hope of providing extra defensive options to the town. Research in this regards has been difficult, but I have found a baseline from which to work. Normally, the creation of homnoculi is at best an alchemical parlor trick (due to their short lifespans), but I believe I may be able to expound on this to create something (someone?) that will suffice for our current needs. However, further testing is required before the attempt is made. I am in the process of locating an appropriate subject for prototyping. In the meantime setup of the biovats needed is proceeding as scheduled.

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The old sorcerer grunted as the last of the scarring slowly faded. Ma Leaftoe's baked concoctions were unusual, but thankfully effective, he thought as he meandered his way towards the center of town. The foray up to the tundra had been successful, and he'd gathered sufficient samples to begin. What to try first... bear? Saber-tooth? Mammoth? All dangerous in their own way. Perhaps too unpredictable...

Motion out of the corner of his eye, and Sothog turned to notice a wizard passing through the square with penguin familiar in tow... and a single feather dropped into the snow. Picking it up, the sorcerer pondered a moment, then slowly began to smile. Yes... perhaps it would be best to start small at first...