A Letter to the Citizens of Cysaegir 01/20/2018 05:54 AM CST
Office of the Mayor
Nihala Winterberry
Town of Icemule Trace
Clovertooth Hall
Commerce Burrow, Sylvan Hollow
Icemule Trace, Northern Frontier

The 20th of Lormesta 5118

Citizens of Cysaegir
In the Care of the Office of the Seneschal, Lord Aeriadrn Ghaeriden of Ta'Illistim
Ta'Illistim Keep
Moonglae Var
Ta'Illistim, Elven Nations

Dear Lord Aeriadrn Ghaeriden,

Warmest greetings from Icemule Trace. On behalf of Mayor Nihala Winterberry of Icemule Trace, I would humbly like to introduce myself. I am Dirvy Britbane, Chairwoman of the Icemulian Collective for the Improvement of Civilian Life, Etc., colloquially known as I.C.I.C.L.E. The purpose of our Collective is to ensure Icemule Trace is a safe place for our townspeople and visitors, to help enrich the lives of those who visit and live in our town, and to help maintain the integrity of our rich and diverse history.

The purpose of this missive is to establish diplomatic relations, in the hopes of building a prosperous and productive relationship between Icemule Trace and Cysaegir. As you know, our municipalities are sometimes vulnerable to invasive forces that seek to destroy what we all have built. Icemule Trace would be happy to heed the call, should Cysaegir ever summon.

An I.C.I.C.L.E. ambassador has been chosen to visit Cysaegir, to help establish diplomatic relations between Cysaegir and Icemule Trace. The ambassador is Arshwikk Aralock, and I humbly ask that you please arrange for an emissary to meet with him in Cysaegir, so that he may discuss these matters in person. If this can be arranged, please send a missive addressed to me, stating when this meeting will occur and with whom he should meet.

Thank you for your consideration in this matter.


Lady Dirvy Britbane
Chairwoman of I.C.I.C.L.E.

Matriarch of the Britbane Family
Executrix of House Sovyn
Elder Sentinel Advisor of The Order of the Sphere and Scythe
Chairwoman of I.C.I.C.L.E.