Ventrilo 09/15/2009 06:46 AM CDT
Not really a guild, clan, or family -- but this seems about the most appropriate place to stick this. I've put up a ventrilo server that is available for you DragonRealm folk to jump on and converse with each other. The ultimate goal is to simply have a place where people can chat about DragonRealms or other, hear helpful hints first hand from other players, and hopefully bump into like minded folks for a certain RP event you may be thinking of doing.

If you have a microphone or not, you're welcomed to join! Those without microphones can easily open up the Chat window and type to the other users.

If you have any questions feel free to ask! The server information can be found on my web site at:

((PLEASE)) Understand that all information you learn through Ventrilo is considered OOC and is not to be taken into context as IC knowledge.

I will never cease to be amazed at how they all know my name... yet never have we be introduced.
Re: Ventrilo 02/28/2010 07:21 AM CST
I like this idea, has their been any traffic on it to speak of?
Re: Ventrilo 06/03/2010 01:42 AM CDT
I was on it with some others. I don't know if it is still ongoing especially with one of the regulars focused on other things atm.
