I was thinking about starting a discussion on Armor Selection with the new system since combat has been so drastically rewritten. I previously primarily trained chain armor, favoring the heavier types. Now with damage absorption being a more important factor I was thinking about switching to Brigandine, although I am not certain whether to favor the heavier or lighter of the Brigandine armors.
So far I haven't been in combat enough to really test the different types. What are the thoughts and opinions of everyone else?
Re: Armor Selection and 3.0
01/20/2013 05:20 AM CST
Any armor is viable even as a tertiary, really, that hasn't changed. The only thing that has really changed with 3.0, I find, is that mixing penalties are much more punitive. No more running around in 4 armor types.
Re: Armor Selection and 3.0
01/20/2013 07:02 AM CST
Can I ask what you mean by 'heavier or lighter' brig? LP became brig, while HP remained HP, unlike chain.
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Re: Armor Selection and 3.0
01/20/2013 07:05 AM CST
Much like weapons, armor has different templates that, although they use the same skill, can be lighter and less hindering/protective or a little heavier and more hindering/protective.
I know very little about armor, templates, and how everything behaves in 3.0 and am finally in enough coin for my first set of forged armor. I am really not sure what to buy. Perhaps I should move this to the smithing forum?
I know very little about armor, templates, and how everything behaves in 3.0 and am finally in enough coin for my first set of forged armor. I am really not sure what to buy. Perhaps I should move this to the smithing forum?
Re: Armor Selection and 3.0
01/20/2013 07:52 AM CST
It's a pretty valid question here, I just wanted to politely make sure you weren't confused about the armor skill rewrite.
If you move it to the other folders, you'll probably get some crafting guys pop up and offer advice on what armor you want by weight, and other variables.
As long as you're not using stealth, pretty much any armor is viable I've been told. It may come down to what you want to see your WM wearing. Chain is a great, solid, armor. Brig and HP are good, though they penalize you a bit, and the Light armor groups are ok, but if you're not using stealth or making a RP choice (I want my wizard to wear robes!), they are too light and the benefits of the light armors (stealth) aren't counting for you.
Also, WM have YS, which will probably do...something else, at some point. The GMs aren't thrilled with it now. No clue if it'll become a generic hinderance reducer (I suspect not) like it used to, but, there's that.
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If you move it to the other folders, you'll probably get some crafting guys pop up and offer advice on what armor you want by weight, and other variables.
As long as you're not using stealth, pretty much any armor is viable I've been told. It may come down to what you want to see your WM wearing. Chain is a great, solid, armor. Brig and HP are good, though they penalize you a bit, and the Light armor groups are ok, but if you're not using stealth or making a RP choice (I want my wizard to wear robes!), they are too light and the benefits of the light armors (stealth) aren't counting for you.
Also, WM have YS, which will probably do...something else, at some point. The GMs aren't thrilled with it now. No clue if it'll become a generic hinderance reducer (I suspect not) like it used to, but, there's that.
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