I'm back after a 9 year slumber to see what's changed. I'm going to give a little history of myself.
I played DR on a consistent basis between 1998-2006. After 2006, I started dropping in about once a year for a couple months to see what's changed. In 2012 though, I had to stop doing that. Since activating my account a couple days ago, I've been going through the forums and recognizing player accounts that were around then. It's nice to see some familiar accounts still around. In 2012, magic system ideas such as Pathways were in the idea stage or a new implementations into the game. Infusions weren't developed before I left. While I was playing, I saw a few magic and combat system changes that consistently required back-training and training new skills because of the combat engine I started in and my play style. I'm posting my skills at the bottom of this post and they'll reflect the combat system changes I've seen and my play style regarding armor, survival, and weapons.
I spent most of my time on Aesry, Ratha, and in the Therengia and Shard provinces. While I like the hunting grounds in those areas, I need some more variety. So, I'm open to hunting grounds in P1 and P6 and skill training I'm going to need to get into them.
What I'd also like to know is how people are using magic in this combat system.
Here's my skills broken down by category. I never spent much time in hunting grounds that required stealth, so that's why any skill related to that area is low. I'm a level 51 War Mage.
Elemental Magic: 290 22% clear
Attunement: 287 98% clear
Arcana: 206 45% clear
Targeted Magic: 221 88% clear
Augmentation: 261 19% clear
Debilitation: 232 17% clear
Utility: 217 66% clear
Warding: 203 15% clear
Summoning: 215 00% clear
Evasion: 164 53% clear
Athletics: 127 30% clear
Perception: 109 87% clear
Stealth: 34 62% clear
Locksmithing: 89 31% clear
Thievery: 19 70% clear
First Aid: 97 28% clear
Outdoorsmanship: 59 81% clear
Shield Usage: 123 36% clear
Light Armor: 128 27% clear
Chain Armor: 104 70% clear
Brigandine: 101 68% clear
Plate Armor: 140 86% clear
Defending: 174 49% clear
Skinning: 132 56% clear
Parry Ability: 184 45% clear
Small Edged: 129 66% clear
Large Edged: 194 00% clear
Twohanded Edged: 109 56% clear
Small Blunt: 84 45% clear
Large Blunt: 75 97% clear
Twohanded Blunt: 76 66% clear
Bow: 22 88% clear
Crossbow: 47 86% clear
Polearms: 7 88% clear
Light Thrown: 19 97% clear
Brawling: 21 27% clear
Melee Mastery: 152 00% clear
Missile Mastery: 34 00% clear
Re: Old returning player looking for advice
03/04/2021 06:22 AM CST
I can't give much in the way of good WM advice, but be sure to check out elathipedia.net and join discord. These boards are dead.
https://discordapp.com/invite/012CV9CNB6YximtAZ -- /nick <DR NAME>
~Hunter Hanryu
>I would like to avoid the collection of broken dreams and sorrow that is the Ranger guild.~Agalea
https://discordapp.com/invite/012CV9CNB6YximtAZ -- /nick <DR NAME>
~Hunter Hanryu
>I would like to avoid the collection of broken dreams and sorrow that is the Ranger guild.~Agalea
Re: Old returning player looking for advice
03/04/2021 09:07 AM CST
Welcome back!
I second that you should check out Elanthipedia: I could babble your ears off about the things that have changed since 2012 and still not get everything.
Brawling is now a viable weapon: It won't tank your balance and fatigue like it did the last time you played.
Skills have changed: Some have been rolled together while others have been split, and a few new ones have been introduced. If you analyze a critter, it will teach tactics as well as show you how to deal some major damage.
Check out Burgle, but make sure it is night and that you hide before you do it: That's a fantastic way to train stealth, thievery, and lockpicking or athletics.
You may wish to invest in a Gauge Flow scroll spell from the Artificer's shop in Crossing: That will make it easier for you to train magics without repetitive casting.
Again, welcome back!
Sometimes the key to happiness is not assuming it is locked in the first place- Ziggy
A journey of a thousand SMILES begins with a single step- Ziggy
I second that you should check out Elanthipedia: I could babble your ears off about the things that have changed since 2012 and still not get everything.
Brawling is now a viable weapon: It won't tank your balance and fatigue like it did the last time you played.
Skills have changed: Some have been rolled together while others have been split, and a few new ones have been introduced. If you analyze a critter, it will teach tactics as well as show you how to deal some major damage.
Check out Burgle, but make sure it is night and that you hide before you do it: That's a fantastic way to train stealth, thievery, and lockpicking or athletics.
You may wish to invest in a Gauge Flow scroll spell from the Artificer's shop in Crossing: That will make it easier for you to train magics without repetitive casting.
Again, welcome back!
Sometimes the key to happiness is not assuming it is locked in the first place- Ziggy
A journey of a thousand SMILES begins with a single step- Ziggy
Re: Old returning player looking for advice
03/04/2021 11:18 AM CST
Thanks for the advice and Discord link Ryeka and Hanryu.
Re: Old returning player looking for advice
03/05/2021 06:34 PM CST
Feel free to hit me up on Discord at Saragos#9939. I'm an experienced WM, and always happy to answer any questions. There's also a WM discord as well.
- Saragos
- Saragos
Re: Old returning player looking for advice
03/06/2021 02:12 PM CST
Thanks for the offer. I will most likely take you up on your offer of assistance .