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Re: Simucon? 07/20/2008 07:39 PM CDT
>>And people wonder why there's lobby groups advocating greater restrictions on the use of tasers by the 'professionals.'


Continued in warmie conflicts.


Redeth smiles and points at you with her right hand, then taps herself in the chest with her left. She raises both her hands in the air and whirls both around and then brings them together in a sharp crack of flesh on flesh.

Translation: go time
Re: Simucon? 07/22/2008 12:25 PM CDT
<<I've yet to make anyone pee themselves with it, but I'm hopeful.>>
Wouldn't you have to throw them in the back of your cruiser? Ewww.

PS. If you find your video, I want to watch it. I have the video of my friend getting tazed when he joined the Sheriffs. Very fun to watch.

Ackfer - Halfling in a Can, No Fillers Here!
Re: Simucon? 07/23/2008 12:29 AM CDT
It was one of our classmates videos...he posted it, but I can't seem to find it. I'll keep lookin' though...there's one guy on there who starts's hilarious.


Redeth smiles and points at you with her right hand, then taps herself in the chest with her left. She raises both her hands in the air and whirls both around and then brings them together in a sharp crack of flesh on flesh.

Translation: go time
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