Happy various Holidays 12/09/2004 07:50 AM CST
Just wanted to drop a happy holidays to my fellow guild-members!

I hope this year finds you happier and healthier than it did when you began it and I hope you all have a pleasant Hanukah (for my fellow members of the Jewish persuasion), Christmas, and other assorted end of year holidays. Yes, even you master conflicter ;)

Player of Elriic

You gesture at Vaschon.
A bolt of bluish lightning blazes out of the sky towards Vaschon!
The bolt blasts through the head in an explosion of mangled, smoky flesh!
Roundtime: 2 seconds.
Vaschon turns its tail to the sky for the last time.
Re: Happy various Holidays 12/10/2004 08:23 PM CST
thanks, enjoy your dradles and stuff
