Guild Questions and Theories 05/16/2016 06:20 PM CDT

Just a quick reminder that I will soon be holding the second gathering to discuss Questions (and related theories) that we wish to submit to the Guild Leadership for review. Please note the date and time listed below. I look forward to seeing everyone again.



Date/Time: Friday, 20th of May. 9pm EST.
Location: Arhat's Tower, Crossing. From the Crossing's Northeast Gate go Southeast, East, East, and you will see the ruins of the tower.

For those unfamiliar with this meeting, please reference this prior thread: )
Re: Guild Questions and Theories 05/16/2016 08:49 PM CDT
Question: Are the Guild Leaders, or Grove Keepers, working on Hylomorphic Sorcery? Follow on, do they need assistance testing or with ideas?

-Dartellum Waddle

Vote for DR:
Re: Guild Questions and Theories 05/20/2016 07:58 AM CDT
Just a reminder: This is happening tonight.
Re: Guild Questions and Theories 05/20/2016 05:28 PM CDT
Same time as before, 11 PM ET?

-Dartellum Waddle

Vote for DR:
Re: Guild Questions and Theories 05/20/2016 07:22 PM CDT
>>Same time as before, 11 PM ET?

Nope. Time as listed, 9 PM Eastern
Re: Guild Questions and Theories (log) 05/20/2016 10:20 PM CDT
Here is the log of tonight's meeting:

[Northeast Wilds, Grimsage Way]
The once pristine tower of the Warrior Mages is now no more than a memorial. The stresses of the great fire have shattered the crystalline spire. The building stands broken and raw against the sky. One onyx door tilts wildly to the side, its hinges melted to slag, while the other has been reduced to rubble.
You also see a spotted storm-grey lynx with piercing blue eyes, a serving table borne on legs that look like a black fox with several things on it, a burning wooden fire, a stone seat and a tall fir tree.
Also here: Shadow Huntress Nimthiriel, Battlehardened Hammerfist, Dilionter, Spellsword Magmis who is kneeling, Cyclone Soonuh who is sitting, Hoodlum Crisson who is surrounded by a shimmering shield, Celestian Sideron who is surrounded by a shimmering shield, Knight Magister Saragos who is surrounded by a shimmering shield, Herald Navesi who is surrounded by a shimmering shield, Communications Officer Munchausen, Wodynn who is sitting, Hodierna's Fist Kaelie and Mazrian who is sitting.

You ask, "Well, we have a good size group. Let's begin, shall we?"

You say, "This is the second time we've held this type of gathering, and for those who don't know, what we generally do is..."

You say, "..someone will present a topic, and their thoughts on the subject. We often then discuss the subject, and when finished, the next person who wishes to speak will present."

You say, "These topics are generally about subjects involving our Guild that we have questions about."

You say, "Things we'd like to know, or have theories on."

You say, "In the coming days, I will submit a letter to Gauthus presenting these topics and concerns and we will see what the guild leadership can share with us."

You say, "As an example, I will start."

You say, "The topic I wished to bring up tonight is one of significance to Elemental Magic and Spellwork."

You say, "Specifically, the spell Mark of Arhat."

You say, "For those of you familiar with this spell, upon invocation, the spell summons a sort of fiery lion to mark your opponent, allowing further elemental attacks to set off a fiery reaction."

Soonuh asks, "Correct me if I'm wrong, but this works with our elemental weapons as well?"

Mazrian asks, "Perhaps you can demonstrate, Perune?"

Mazrian says, "Since the cast is harmless."

You say to Soonuh, "Yes."

You say, "Funny you should mention that, as I recently forgot the spell when studying Eddy."

You say, "However, the normal invocation is not what I'd like to discuss."

Magmis says, "Careful with using eddy here."

Magmis says, "The guards lack a sense of research or humor."

Mazrian says, "No sense of humor and absolutley no imagination are requirements for becoming a guard, I'm pretty sure."

You say, "Those who have utilized the spell often will likely have seen a rare result, instead of a lion, a fiery man steps forth and marks the opponent."

Navesi asks, "Arhat the Fire Lion?"

Soonuh asks, "So this figure, it's arhat?"

You say, "That is the common speculation."

You say, "Or jest, at least."

Soonuh says, "Interesting."

Sideron asks, "Could it be an elemental in the form of a man?"

Munchausen says, "Whose to say arhat was of this plane to begin with."

You say to Sideron, "Perhaps."

You say, "We know little of how exactly we can influence the planes."

Munchausen asks, "Familiars can look like average animals, why couldn't elementals disguise themselves as people?"

Mazrian asks, "He was almost certainly merely a man. Do you recall how the spell came to be found, Perune?"

Wodynn calmly says, "Like messin with the Standing Shtones."

You say to Mazrian, "Perhaps you could share."

Mazrian says, "If I can remember. Been a long, long time."

Munchausen says, "One day I hope they name a spell after me."

Mazrian says, "I just mean, it's supposed to have been developed by Arhat himself."

You ask, "My question posed to the guildleadership is, what exactly is happening with the invocation?"

Mazrian says, "And from what I've read of him.."

Munchausen says, "They could call it the cranky Munchausen."

Mazrian says, "He seems like the sort of man who would take the time to program into his matrix an image of him coming out and marking the target."

Soonuh says, "I'll add..."

You ask, "Did he somehow bond to the Element is such a way that a remnant of him exists? Was his mastery of the element so extreme that the elementals themselves remember his form?"

Sideron asks, "Then why not cause his own image to appear normally, rather than the lion image?"

You say, "Or is it simply spellwork, as Mazrian suggests."

Mazrian says to Sideron, "It's more dramatic and unexpected this way."

Munchausen says, "Because then mages would be like, oh, its arhat again."

Munchausen asks, "Paeldryth's spell used to have rare properties as well yea?"

Munchausen says, "Another famed old war mage."

Soonuh asks, "Wasn't the spell found after his death?"

Mazrian asks, "Do you think there's some sort of spiritual element to the elemental magic?"

Soonuh says, "Perhaps it's something still in the works."

Soonuh says, "Hense why it only works sometimes, and why he never showed it."

Magmis says, "I would believe it."

Munchausen says, "I believe it like electricity, the subtraction of a polarity draws forth the desired element."

Magmis asks, "Meditation is how we commune with the elements, so why wouldn't someone turn that into a spiritual manifestation?"

You say, "I don't know. Consider that we, physically, make a small piece of ourselves elemental, I question whether a bit of our spirit can reside in a elemental plane."

Navesi asks, "So, something like the familiars visiting this plane -- perhaps something intelligent, or other, might be touching your spell?"

Wodynn calmly asks, "It would cause a spirit drain if true no?"

Mazrian says, "It wouldn't be the weirdest thing to happen on the Plane of Abiding, for sure."

Saragos says to you, "That's a fascinating theory."

You say, "Perhaps, keep in mind not much is known about Arhat's death other than he died shortly after Uthmor did."

Munchausen says, "Our spirits and souls are tied to the gods that are tied to this plane, the elemental planes may be older than the abiding."

You say to Navesi, "Maybe so."

Munchausen says, "And as such hold no part in our spirits."

Crisson says, "I belive is is simply a manifestation of the spell much like familars...they are not actually animals...just a form..."

Saragos says, "Considering how it is said that familiars with personalities are in fact reflections of our own minds, it may be a related phenomenon, if true."

Wodynn calmly asks, "Are not the elements themselves an extention of the physical?"

Mazrian says, "The physical is composed of the elements."

Munchausen says, "No, they are in their states since before the abiding, i believe."

Munchausen says, "Abiding is an amalgum of all the planes."

Munchausen says, "A convexion."

Munchausen says, "Spiritual, lunar, elemental and what have you, such as I believe."

Mazrian says, "I think it must be a property of the spell itself."

Crisson says, "I agree."

Mazrian says, "The matrix is certainly complex enough to support that."

Wodynn calmly asks, "In how efficiently it is cast?"

Soonuh says, "I think it's something else."

Munchausen asks, "Could it be as simple as arhat routed where the matrix manifests itself in the plane of fire through some sort of runic device?"

Soonuh says, "Mark of Arhat is some kind of summoning."

Soonuh says, "I think Arhat transcended, through a means he never released to us."

Soonuh says, "Perhaps the lions assist where he can not be."

Soonuh says, "He assists one mage at a time. Thus creating the lions as assistants."

Soonuh says, "If you also look, he seems to play favorites."

Soonuh says, "Lending more power to those more charasmatic."

Wodynn calmly asks, "How has this been tested or confirmed?"

Soonuh says, "I'm not sure how to say it..."

Soonuh says, "It's a spell that improves based on our spirit."

Soonuh says, "And the only one."

Soonuh asks, "So obviously it's something completely different, right?"

Soonuh says, "Just a thought.."

You say, "I was unaware of that aspect of it, if true that is interesting."

You say, "We will submit the question to Gauthus and see what happens."

You ask, "Does anyone else have a topic to discuss?"

Munchausen says, "And ask em about blackfire, too."

Mazrian dryly says, "Asking about Blackfire would be a good way to get turned into a greasy smear on the stoop by the guildleader, possibly."

Dartellum says, "Perhaps not."

Crisson asks, "Whisper about blackfire...would that be better?"

Wodynn calmly says, "Sorcery might be socially unacceptable but the gods don't see it as offensive as necromancy."

Mazrian says, "The gods, no. But I doubt the guild's leadership will stand for it."

Mazrian says, "And it's dangerous nonetheless."

Crisson says, "Blackfire is unacceptable because the ancient fire mages tried to destroy all other elemental mages...its corruption incarnate."

You say to Wodynn, "Doesn't make it less dangerous unfortunately."

Dartellum says, "I am interested in Hylomorphic spells."

Soonuh says, "The best way to think about it.."

Soonuh says, "Fire destroys."

Soonuh says, "Blackfire consumes."

Soonuh says, "They are opposites."

Soonuh says, "We mess with fire, not the opposite."

You say, "Does anyone have a theory they wish to bring up? I do not think the Guild leadership is going to talk sorcery with us."

Soonuh says, "I might have one."

Dartellum asks, "Not even Hylomorphic spells?"

Soonuh says, "Electricity magic."

Mazrian says to Dartellum, "Highly unlikely."

Soonuh says, "We have fire magic, stone magic, even some wind that directly uses our body."

Dartellum says, "I would like to know more of what the Grove Keepers are doing, researching, keeping secret."

Dartellum says to Mazrian, "Worth a shot."

Soonuh says, "Yet, we have not found a way to use electricity to manipulate any sort of impulses in our body."

Mazrian says to Dartellum, "Your unmarked grave."

Soonuh says, "We find it easier to bring flame to a weapon, instead of an electric current."

Soonuh asks, "Why is this element so hard for us to control?"

Dartellum says to Mazrian, "I have left many unmarked graves around."

You say, "I would argue that as far as Elemental Transformations go, we really only have Fire and Earth."

Saragos says, "If the Grovekeepers are keeping things secret, I doubt they'll simply spill the beans just because they were asked."

Mazrian says, "Rumors of a Water transformation as well."

Dartellum asks, "Perhaps they would slip if asked?"

Navesi says, "An electricity transformation would be... interesting."

Soonuh says, "Lets take lightning bolt, a hard spell to aim."

You say, "That said, I imagine others are possible, are they being researched or kept by the Grovekeepers, I don't know."

Crisson says, "Bards use water and aether magic embodiments."

Soonuh says, "We can hardly even aim our targeted spell using electricity."

You ask, "You don't aim a lightning bolt?"

Navesi says to Crisson, "We can use aether, water, fire, or air for our... 'transformations', though that isn't the right word. And we interact with the elements differently when we do."

Navesi says, "The Bardic interpretation of fire, for example, is more like the fire of intense emotion and passion."

Crisson says, "Yes but you still have to purge like we do so its very simliar."

Navesi says, "We can use Pyre and create fire directly, but when we 'transform', it is this more emotional version of fire that we tap into."

You say, "It's possible Electricity is less understood because it sits uniquely on the planar field, so to speak."

You say, "But how that equates to actual spellwork, I'm not sure. Gebuys probably could've answered that."

Mazrian says, "Electricity magic is more recent."

Saragos says, "Honestly, I'd be thrilled if they have any researchers currently working with Electricity that would wish to speak with us."

Mazrian says, "We're presented a cirriculum that seems complete and developed, but that's a b it misleading."

You say to Saragos, "That was Gebuys, pretty much."

You say, "His whole cloister worked solely on Electricity magic."

Soonuh says, "Electricity is also one of the more dangerous elements to use, especially in water."

Dartellum asks, "Would the Grove like assistance?"

Saragos asks you, "I'm thirsty for more?"

You say, "We all are, I'm sure."

Dartellum asks, "Maybe an internship of sorts?"

You say to Dartellum, "We can ask."

You say, "I'll mark that down as people would like to speak to Gebuys more about electricity magic."

You say to Soonuh, "If he does come around another time, you may be able to find out if its rare position makes spellwork more difficult."

You ask, "Does anyone have another topic?"

Wodynn calmly says, "Just a question."

Wodynn calmly asks, "Has anyone researched the Standing Stones in a while?"

Navesi says, "That was actually my topic."

You say, "We were planning to take a trip there, we should set that up soon."

Dartellum says, "We talked of them last time."

Mazrian says, "They're still standing."

You say, "May need to get permission from the Barony though, I understand they're guarded."

Navesi says, "The Voidspell came up recently as I was talking to a young Bard."

Wodynn calmly says, "More than I can say for me."

Navesi says, "It made me curious if there is any more that we can learn there."

Saragos says to Mazrian, "Think we'd be seeing all sorts of action if they weren't."

Wodynn calmly says to you, "I can bring that up in the next guard meeting."

You ask, "From our Guild leadership, or on our own expedition?"

Navesi says, "Since you were thinking of directing questions at your guild, I thought that any expounding they could do on that subject would be welcome."

Wodynn calmly says to you, "Permission from the Baron that is."

You say to Wodynn, "Appreciate it."

Navesi says to you, "Well, both really."

You ask, "Specifically about the Voidspell, or..?"

Wodynn calmly says, "If my familiar reminds me. i am quite drunk."

Navesi says, "About the Voidspell and the construction of the stones. Whether they have ever tried to create anything else like them, what else they might know about either."

Wodynn calmly asks, "And why was Talorc so obsessed with them?"

You ask, "I just want to be clear, are you meaning the theory we discussed before about possibly needing them due to the Voidspell?"

Mazrian says, "Every villain with magical talent has been obsessed with the stones."

Navesi says, "That's why I bring them up together."

You say, "We purposefully avoided making that insinuation last time, but I can be open about it if we're being gutsy."

Wodynn calmly asks, "Does that make me a villan then?"

Navesi says, "Well, we don't have to state it directly. We could simply ask about both."

Wodynn calmly says, "Be gutsy."

Mazrian says, "Possibly."

Navesi says, "I will leave that up to you of course."

Wodynn calmly says, "Get drubk first."

You say to Navesi, "I'll get with you later about the exact specifics."

Navesi says, "At the very least, we could ask about the strange transmutation of elements that appears to happen within the stones."

Navesi says, "I re-read the book on them recently. I believe they contain Air, Fire, and Electricity, one shifting into another."

You say, "I'm not sure how much they'll say about the Voidspell, or the Stones. I think whether or not that type of planar healing or sealing has been used before is a good question too."

You say, "Though, they may consider that knowledge dangerous. I think if it were up to leadership, they'd prefer the location of the Stones wasn't even known."

Navesi says, "Maybe so."

Wodynn calmly says, "Don't want some drubk mage messing with them and opening up a gate to something awefull to enter the realms."

You say, "But it is, and that's life, so we can ask."

Dartellum says, "Secrets lead to, well, stuff people want to know."

You say, "As mages, we are natural researchers."

You ask Navesi, "Did you have more to add?"

Saragos says, "I, for one, would be interested if there are any of the Grovekeepers that are historians, that would be willing to talk with us more about some of the more "behind the curtain" aspects of our guild history, and how we were involved in certain conflicts. We are too far removed from the Empire for anyone living, but an elderly Elf might have had the chance to speak with someone who dealt with these matters first-hand."

Navesi says, "Simply putting some questions out for the leadership. I'm interested is all."

Kaelie says to Navesi, "You always come up with the good ones too."

You ask Saragos, "You mean on their involvement throughout time?"

You say, "There has been some suggestion that they've always had a hand somewhere behind the scenes in Elementalist affairs."

Saragos says, "We are weapons. I am particularly interested in how those weapons were used, and at whose behest."

Saragos says, "In hopes that the example might cause more to consider, today, how it is they are being used."

You say, "I know Gebuys and the Guild were somewhat clear that during Imperial times, we were used for expansion, basically, conquering."

You say, "But what the Grovekeepers did in those times, who can say."

Mazrian says, "We were heavy troops. Marines."

Saragos says, "Hearing the fact is different from actual accounts."

Mazrian says, "Essentially."

You say, "We ask for actual accounts, stories, certainly."

You say to Mazrian, "I saw your hand earlier."

Mazrian says, "It's a small question but it puzzles me sometimes."

Mazrian says, "And the answer might be simple or complex."

Mazrian asks, "How do the Elementals in the various guilds recognize a Warrior Mage?"

Navesi asks, "As opposed to a Bard or anyone?"

You ask, "Like the elementals in Muspar'i, you mean?"

You ask, "And here in front of the stairwell?"

Wodynn calmly says, "We semll better."

Mazrian says, "In Muspar'i, blocking the stairs in front of the stairwell, yes."

Dartellum says, "I thought it was the pin we had to wear."

Mazrian asks, "Do they get a list now and then? Do they sense something about us?"

You say, "That is a good question. I wonder if they can see the charge we've built."

Navesi says, "My guess is that it's a sense."

Mazrian says, "That seems likely to me too, Navesi."

Mazrian says, "Anyway, just a thought."

Navesi says, "I'd be curious to know too."

You say, "That's good. I never really thought too deeply into that."

Navesi says, "And perhaps if there is any way I could bribe them to let me in..."

You ask, "Summon a Naga?"

Navesi says, "Yes, perhaps a naga could convince them."

Mazrian says, "I would certainly watch that meeting."

Mazrian says, "Through a telescope."

Wodynn calmly says, "Gutshy."

Mazrian says, "Hmmm. What other small questions might there be..."

You ask Mazrian, "Digging into the archives?"

Mazrian says, "Sometimes I feel like we're incurious by nature."

Mazrian asks, "Ok, how about... "What's the purpose of the familiar maze in the Crossing guild?"

Dartellum says to Mazrian, "Good one."

Mazrian says, "I've personally never solved it, though I spent some time trying."

You say, "I've never really investigated the maze."

Damage says, "Mazrian is older then the maze...."

Mazrian dryly says, "I'm older than the guildhall."

You say to Mazrian, "I wonder if Gauthus will tell us to keep trying to solve it."

Mazrian dryly says, "Probably."

Mazrian says, "I'm going to head down to the bar at Taelbert's and set up for the Siegery league meeting."

You say, "Let me thank everyone for coming out. We had some great ideas."

You say, "I am going to compose myself and begin preparing some notes."

You say, "Thanks again, everyone."