Our next weekly gathering will be a trip to the Muspar'i Guildhall to observe its splendor (it is one of the oldest Guildhalls in Elanthia), and once there we can study some guild artifacts. Muspar'i is a long ways from Crossing so we ask everyone meet at the gates to Therenborough to speed this trip along. Arriving on time will be crucial, as once we get moving it is unlikely we will be able to pick anyone else up unless we happen to have a Moon Mage accompany us, and even that will require a moon to be above the horizon. Those who are not guilded Warrior Mages but expressed interest in going are welcome to tag along, especially our Elementalist cousins, the Bards.
Date/Time: Apr 18th, Friday. Be there by 11:15 pm EST.
Location: Outside the Gates to Therenborough.
Re: Upcoming Gathering
04/11/2016 06:31 AM CDT
>>Midnight on a Tuesday?
Good catch. Not quite sure why I read that date wrong.
The date is actually Apr 15, this Friday, at 11:15.
Good catch. Not quite sure why I read that date wrong.
The date is actually Apr 15, this Friday, at 11:15.
Re: Upcoming Gathering (log)
04/16/2016 07:51 PM CDT
Here is a heavily edited log of the trip to Muspar'i:
[Muspar'i, Sanyrsen's Square]
Several elegantly carved marble benches rest beneath some palm trees at the edge of the square, providing a spot for weary travellers to stop and rest, or for one of the library scholars to sit with a book in quiet contemplation. Sandstone tiles fan out before the base of the central statue, arranged into an intricate mosaic.
You also see a muscular cloud-grey leopard with fiery rosettes, a spotted cream and gold owl, a golden-pawed white lynx with fierce silver-green eyes that is sitting and a tall blackened steel gate.
Also here: Black Fox Xionara, Avlantia, Knight Magister Saragos, Kryptopo, Vohraus, Arcane Lord Fizkinn, Hurricane Dartellum, Herald Navesi and Professor of Medicine Ceindrech.
Obvious paths: north, east, south.
You say, "Looks like we're good to start."
You say, "I'm sure most of you know, that this city was founded after Lanival's Victory by one of his comrades, Shorka."
Kryptopo says, "Ooh boy im gonna learn stuffs."
Kryptopo takes a drink of his rum.
You say, "It holds a number of arifacts along with some pretty interesting architecture, but perhaps more importantly.."
You say, "The guild is well known for studies and theories formed here by Archmage Hh'reshh."
You say, "Someone Saragos has done some research on."
Saragos nods to you.
Saragos says, "Indeed. His theories form the foundation of much of our current understanding of the elements."
Vohraus asks, "How do you say that again?"
Vohraus says, "Hissaferth.."
Saragos says, "Elemental magic is old. Legend holds it to be the first form of magic discovered. But we didn't know about the planes until much, much later. The first mages simply found the elemental energies, and harnessed them."
Saragos says, "Indeed, we did not even know about Electricity or Aether. It was just Fire, Air, Earth, and Water in those days."
You say to Vohraus, "Something like that. I'm sure I butchered it."
Vohraus looks thoughtful for a moment, then shrugs.
You say, "Only S'kra can speak their language right."
Xionara angles her ears forward in curiosity.
Saragos says, "Note that I'm speaking of a time thousands of years ago."
Saragos says, "We don't have specific dates for Archmage Hh'ressh's life, but we know he lived in Muspar'i. He wrote a book called "The Principles of Elemental Magic"."
Vohraus asks Saragos, "What was the intention of your guild's primitive focus?"
Saragos says, "His work forms a large part of the canon of how we understand the elements today."
Saragos asks Vohraus, "What do you mean, exactly?"
Vohraus says to Saragos, "The fellow that started studying, well.. fire, and all that."
Vohraus asks Saragos, "Was there a reason, aside from the obvious?"
Saragos says, "Elemental magic has a long history. It would perhaps be an entire meeting to discuss that history alone. But essentially, from what we understand individuals simply found this power and explored it, typically dedicated to a single element."
You say to Vohraus, "Mostly the obvious until the Clerics outcast Elemental Mages and Firulf lead them to the Grove for further unity and study."
Saragos says, "Early history of elementalists was fraught with strife and warfare, with schools competing against each other. And for a time... yes, exactly."
Saragos grins at you.
You say, "The important thing about Hh'reshh is what he eventually discovered and further theories we have proven true."
Vohraus says, "Considered as heretics by their specific societal constraints, then."
Saragos says, "Hh'reshh theorized the existence of the Elemental Planes, and the existence of Elementals."
Saragos says, "Additionally, he empirically proved the existence of Aether. Some sources say he discovered it, but we have evidence of the knowledge of Aether from before that time."
Saragos says, "This is of particular note, since our familiars are Aether elementals."
Saragos says, "The talismans we use daily are a legacy of the work he started."
You say, "Interesting fact, the accidental goof by Paeldryth that released Air Elementals was also largely based on Hh'reshh's work."
Fizkinn chuckles.
Xionara raises an eyebrow.
Vohraus asks Saragos, "So Aether is that mystical whatchamacallit, ideally?"
Vohraus waggles his fingers mystically. Ooh...impressive.
You say, "And Melear has a theory that Paeldryth's event set of a series that resulted in that cloud above Stormwill Tower."
Saragos nods to you.
Vohraus says, "Ah, yes, the persistent storm."
Fizkinn says, "I wish I had a perpetual storm over my head."
You say, "So ultimately, a lot of our modern guild is due Hh'reshh."
Fizkinn gazes up at the sky.
Saragos says, "The Mage of Storms was reputed to have been involved, but yes."
Saragos says, "Paeldryth's actions are said to have permanently changed weather patterns."
Xionara concentrates intently on Fizkinn.
With the barest whisper of a breeze, a diminutive black cloud coalesces above Fizkinn's head.
Saragos says, "Both of those are cautionary tales for us to take care with how we use our powers. Simply because a thing can be done does not mean that it SHOULD be done."
You say, "Sadly, Hh'reshh eventually left Muspar'i and travelled deeper into the desert."
You say, "To further his studies, some say."
Saragos says, "If you look at many of the various disasters in Kermoria's history, Elemental magic was involved in some way. We are powerful. At many times we have been seen as living weapons. It is worth considering how those weapons should be wielded."
You say, "Who knows what else he discovered."
You ask, "Shall we enter the guild?"
[Sho'hhs Migendaniis, Courtyard]
A great tower of black stone rises high overhead with a pair of massive double doors leading within. Its buttresses and outrunning columns cast long shadows across the courtyard, which is occupied primarily by two long tables of black oak set up to either side of the lane, displaying various wares to passersby. The bright buntings draping down from the tables' canopy create a daring splash of color, offsetting the other rather austere surroundings.
You also see a tall blackened steel gate and some broad steps.
> shop
The following items contain goods for sale:
a black oak table
a wooden rack
a sturdy black oak table
a silver tray
a chiseled golden stand
a sturdy black oak table
a copper tray
a fluted silver stand
You say, "This is actually a shop, for those who don't know."
Navesi says, "Wares in front of a guild? How interesting."
Kryptopo asks, "A shop?"
Kryptopo says, "Da i cant afford nothin."
You ask, "Did you want something, Kryptopo?"
Kryptopo asks, "Is the tailband for skra or pry?"
You say, "For either."
You chuckle.
Kryptopo says, "Thats whut i got my eye on."
Kryptopo taps a polished golden tailband shaped like a cobra with carefully etched cambrinth and onyx eyes atop a black oak table.
You say, "Ok, before we leave, we'll grab it."
You say, "Let's check out the rest of the guild for now."
[Sho'hhs Migendaniis, Preparation Hall]
Long tapestries sewn in deep, rich colors drape the polished stone walls of the preparation hall. Stools and straight-backed chairs are scattered about for the use of those entering the arena and those waiting to join the line. The scent of sandalwood hangs in the air, drifting from incense burners placed in the four corners of the room.
You also see a huge stone archway, some broad steps and a strangely heavy ebony door inscribed with silver warding sigils.
Obvious exits: west.
> look at tape
Dark, defiant reds and rich blues dominate the color scheme of the tapestries, which display heroic scenes of battle amidst fire- and lightning-wielding mages, many with swords raised aloft in challenge.
Navesi shows you a miniature black tower. The miniature tower is a near-perfect replica of the Warrior Mage Guild in Muspar'i. Black marble curves up in a twisting spire from the square pewter base and intricate dvarapalas are spaced around the tiny carved windows.
Navesi exclaims, "I adore replicas. So tiny!"
Avlantia exclaims to Navesi, "Dont let your husband hear you say that!"
Vohraus bursts out in a sudden snort of laughter.
Navesi says to Avlantia, "He's already smaller than I am..."
Navesi glances at Saragos.
Vohraus says to Navesi, "Easy, woman."
Saragos grunts at Navesi.
Avlantia says to Vohraus, "It's okay sweetheart, we all know why you were never in the running."
Vohraus glances at Avlantia.
Fizkinn asks, "Test thy skill?"
Fizkinn frowns at a huge stone archway.
Fizkinn asks, "Is that a challenge!?"
Dartellum says to Fizkinn, "Yes it is."
You go west, leading your group.
[Sho'hhs Migendaniis, Hall of Masters]
The stone walls are dense and thick, draping the hall in a curtain of heavy, reverent silence. Every other panel in each wall is carved with images, alternating with clear crystal oil lamps that burn with strange blue flames. Those buried in the Hall of Masters lie at rest beneath the stone floor, their names engraved atop granite slabs turned dark with age.
Fizkinn gazes off to the east.
Fizkinn says, "I'll be back, Archway."
Fizkinn shakes his fist!
> look at floor
Navesi raises an eyebrow in Fizkinn's direction.
The floor is composed of a series of interlocked stone slabs of different size and shape. Those toward the end of the hall, opposite the door, tend to bear more names, while those toward the eastern archway are blank -- awaiting future occupants.
The breathy sigh of an air elemental whispers softly in the air as one of the diaphanous creatures materializes, traces itself briefly across the floor, and then fades away.
Fizkinn says to Navesi, "The archway issued a challenge to me."
Navesi asks, "It... did?"
Navesi quietly says, "Oh my. Hush. Look where we are."
Avlantia says to Fizkinn, "Yeah i thought it said find more rum too."
You say, "Looks like there's elementals floating though here."
Saragos quietly says, "If you'll notice, each of the slabs has one of the masters' names engraved upon it here."
> look at slab
An old but majestic-featured S'Kra Mur is depicted astride a charging grey steed, a long staff topped with a massive emerald lifted aloft in one hand.
There appears to be something written on it.
> read slab
A stone slab reads:
Uursoth hhl'Malkorn
Navesi points at a stone slab.
Vohraus says, "A sarcophagus."
Navesi says, "That one is blank."
You ask, "Interesting, I wonder if Uursoth was a Guildleader?"
> look at second slab
The image of a male S'Kra dressed in finery and clasping a longsword to his chest has been carved into the stone slab.
There appears to be something written on it.
> read second slab
A stone slab reads:
Renhaar Jalmakh
Vohraus asks, "Or merely a tribute?"
> look at third slab
The large slab is blank.
Vohraus tilts his head to one side.
You say, "No, they're buried here.
An air elemental appears and seems to inspect one of the inscriptions on the floor. As it floats upward again, its lambent blue eyes catch you for a fleeting moment, and for that instant you are lost in those cavernous, alien depths. Then in the next breath it is gone.
You ask, "The slab is maybe for.. Jharlan?"
Saragos says to you, "A good question. We have a line of succession from Arhat for the Crossing's guild generally available, but publicly available information is patchy for other locations."
Vohraus asks, "Do mages typically bury their dead within the halls of the guild?"
Xionara looks thoughtfully at Vohraus.
You say, "Not that I'm aware of. This guildhall is quite old though. Older than the current Crossing one, even."
Avlantia winks at Vohraus.
The faint rush of an air elemental's passing stirs the heavy atmosphere. When the creature appears, it seems only aware of the stone walls around it, and drifts among them for a moment in tireless tending before disappearing in a silent whorl of wind.
Avlantia says, "They have to lock them up somewhere."
Navesi says, "Not in the Bard guilds I've seen. We bury... other things."
Fizkinn says to Navesi, "Prydaen."
You say, "S'kra have different customs though. Very specific to their race."
Fizkinn nods to Navesi.
Navesi gazes silently at Fizkinn.
Fizkinn looks at Navesi and shrugs.
Navesi says to Fizkinn, "Knowledge."
Fizkinn says to Navesi, "They bury things too."
Navesi pats Fizkinn on the back.
You say, "Let's respect the dead and take a look at some other areas."
>go double doors
[Sho'hhs Migendaniis, Foyer]
The entryway to the guild is sparse and utilitarian, but its seamless stone walls and heavy floor tiles are undoubtedly crafted from the finest of materials. A pair of massive double doors dominates the south wall, directly opposite the heavily carved archway leading into the Guildmaster's office. Two towering cobras with glittering emerald eyes watch over the hall from either side of the arch.
You also see a fire elemental and a pair of graceful twin staircases.
You say, "Woah."
Kryptopo raises an eyebrow.
You point at a fire elemental.
Navesi says, "The archway is beautifully carved."
> look at arch
The archway is deeply carved with the faces of famous guildleaders from the past. Certain parts of its well-polished wood have been left empty, no doubt left in preparation of honoring heroes to come.
Kryptopo cowers away from a fire elemental.
Kryptopo says, "Fire is my thing."
Kryptopo chuckles.
Fizkinn says, "It winked at me."
Fizkinn frowns at a fire elemental.
You say, "It likes you."
Kryptopo exclaims, "Dont kiss it!"
Fizkinn just tried to kiss the elemental!
You laugh!
You say, "We don't have an Empath, we can't help you if you burn your face off."
Ceindrech says, "Well yes you do."
You ask, "Oh do we?"
Fizkinn says, "I'm immune to such frivoloties such as faces."
You exclaim, "You shouldn't have suggested we could help him!"
Fizkinn says, "A gnome worth his saltpeter has withstood more than one explosion to the face."
Dartellum chuckles.
[Sho'hhs Migendaniis, Meditation Room]
Long wooden benches line the walls of the meditation room, spaced just far enough for a tail to rest comfortably behind them. An intricate Sun Maze mosaic has been laid into the floor, and six expansive windows permit soft sunlight to gently illuminate it and the leafy palms that sit in each corner of the room.
You also see a dizzying spiral staircase.
Dartellum asks Fizkinn, "You making up words?"
Fizkinn says to Dartellum, "A Gnome's vocabulary is accepted as truth. I'd be happy to Produce a Gnarmenspankler if it would make you understand."
Avlantia groans rather loudly, sounding a bit like a zombie.
> look at mos
Dizzying when followed too quickly with the eyes, the Sun Maze is an intricate asymmetrical design formed from tiny golden, white, and grey tiles. Its long rays spread generously out to every part of the room as if embracing it.
Navesi casually observes the area.
Navesi asks, "The sun. Is that a symbol of your guild?"
You say, "I've heard S'kra Mur enjoy this type of art. I think this guild is, rightfully so, largely tailored to them."
You say, "Not really, but I imagine its important to desert folk."
You say, "I've heard they have areas for the Elements, kind of like Crossing."
Navesi says, "I actually think the rays seem to represent the six elements. A sort of symbol of unity."
Navesi asks, "See how it reaches out to the six windows?"
You say, "Interesting."
> look at window
[Sho'hhs Migendaniis, Air Garden]
A cool radiance sparkles in the clear, refreshing atmosphere of the Air Garden. Twisting, careless paths weave in easy elegance around the area, curving in fanciful spirals and grandiose arcs. The flowers here vary in size, but all are snowy white and speckled toward the center in pale primrose-blue.
You also see a wind-sculpted arch of glittering white stone inscribed with the sigil for air and a tall spiraling statue formed of polished granite wrens circling a massive hollow obelisk.
Obvious paths: northwest.
You say, "Oh, you can see the gardens."
Navesi exclaims, "Oh!"
You say, "Let's go down to them."
[Sho'hhs Migendaniis, Earth Garden]
The rich scent of saffron gilds the air of the Earth Garden. Other herbs rest in scattered patches around massive sandstone boulders, adding a grassy texture to that scent but not overpowering it. Trellises formed of thousands of tiny stacked stones add a delicate touch, as do the carefully trained vines of honeysuckle that wrap around them.
You also see a towering arch of stacked sandstone blocks inscribed with the sigil for earth, a raised platform of packed earth and a shallow hole in the ground.
Saragos quietly says, "There's a lot to know in this world, and never enough time to learn it in."
Vohraus loudly says, "Well, this is a peaceful room."
Navesi says, "This is beautiful."
[Sho'hhs Migendaniis, Fire Garden]
The heat in this garden is persistently palpable, creating a lushly tropical environment teeming with exotic life. All of the flowers are some variant of red in shade, from vermilion to deep burgundy, and all are tended assiduously by dedicated fire elementals.
You also see an intricately carved arch of deep red agate inscribed with the sigil for fire and a stone fountain.
Navesi says, "Oh... my."
You say, "We need more rainclouds."
Avlantia says, "Reminds me a little of home."
Navesi asks, "Look... the flowers are actually tended by the elementals?"
You say, "Huh.. you're right. How strange."
Vohraus squints at a stone fountain.
> look at foun
The fountain is of thick grey granite, liberally sprinkled with motes of black and white minerals. Graceful carved fire sprites decorate its edges, but there appears to be no central statuary -- the bowl of the fountain is instead filled with a dark red fluid that undulates like lava.
Vohraus asks, "Is that, eh.. what is that?"
You say, "I'm not sure.. but I wouldn't drink it."
Navesi says, "That fountain is... yes. No drinking."
[Sho'hhs Migendaniis, Electricity Garden]
Pathways of gleaming black stone snake around the garden, forking abruptly before large marble pots of strange herbs. A faint, tingling energy hangs continuously in the air, filling it with a sense of unrelieved anticipation.
You also see a tall arch of sparkling snowflake obsidian inscribed with the sigil for electricity and some strange blue-glowing flowers.
> look at flower
The flowers pulse very gently from within, glowing a faint cerulean. The hum that hangs in the air of the garden seems to concentrate around them.
Navesi says, "I've never seen a glowing flower."
You say, "Those flowers will probably make your hair stand on end."
As Fizkinn reaches out to touch one of the strange glowing flowers, a sharp crackle of miniature blue lightning forks out and strikes his hand!
He is stunned!
You say, "Yup."
Navesi glances at Fizkinn.
Vohraus winces.
You snicker.
Ceindrech says, "Wowee."
Fizkinn exclaims, "Just like home!"
Fizkinn gives some strange blue-glowing flowers a hug!
You ask, "What would we do without Gnomes?"
Fizkinn says, "That'll take some years off of the old ticker."
Fizkinn grins.
[Sho'hhs Migendaniis, Air Garden]
A cool radiance sparkles in the clear, refreshing atmosphere of the Air Garden. Twisting, careless paths weave in easy elegance around the area, curving in fanciful spirals and grandiose arcs. The flowers here vary in size, but all are snowy white and speckled toward the center in pale primrose-blue.
You also see a wind-sculpted arch of glittering white stone inscribed with the sigil for air and a tall spiraling statue formed of polished granite wrens circling a massive hollow obelisk.
An angry air elemental whirls into being before Navesi. "You do not belong here!" it hisses.
Navesi suddenly vanishes!
(Apparently if non-WMs attempt to play with the flowers here, they get booted from the guild.)
[Sho'hhs Migendaniis, Aether Garden]
The light plays sparkling games with the crushed obsidian that lines the weaving pathways here, dancing in faerie-like jocosity across black marble benches. Tiny wood violets take shelter beneath them, spreading their vivid petals in the comfort of the shade.
You also see a shadowed arch of gleaming black stone inscribed with the sigil for aether and a strange twisted rod capped with a silver sphere.
> look at rod
The rod is planted in the exact center of the aether garden and is carved along its length with odd symbols in many sizes.
> focus rod
You focus your magical attention on the rod. A subtle layer of aether magic lies within it, reverberating with your magical senses.
You say, "Interesting."
Fizkinn picks a delicate wood violet.
Navesi says, "Oh look. A flower they don't kill you over."
You say, "The rod is apparently imbued with with Aether magic."
[Sho'hhs Migendaniis, Water Garden]
A heavy humidity hangs in the air in defiance of the garden's desert surroundings. Shallow pools weave around the round-cobbled paths, sprouting several varieties of fragrant water lily. Huge blue irises twine around one large stone archway that leads down to the south.
> look at pool
Gazing into the depths of the pool, you can almost discern the flash of a pair of deep green eyes for a moment, before they vanish.
An aether elemental suddenly looms up before Fizkinn as he reaches for some huge irises, silent but menacing. He wisely backs away.
Vohraus asks, "What the hell is that?"
(Vohraus looks suspiciously at the shallow pool, taking a few steps back.)
You say, "My guess? Water elemental."
Vohraus asks, "What's it going to do, drown me?"
Vohraus says to Navesi, "Don't touch the flowers."
Kryptopo says, "This is verry educational."
Saragos says, "Worth noting is that elementals as we currently understand them are different from the Aether elementals within our talismans. The personalities that we see from many familiars are theorized to be a construct of the mind of the mage that summoned the creature, consciously or not."
You say, "Let's head on to the rest of the Guild. Soon we'll make it to the artifacts."
(At this point we attempted to make it up to the Artifact room but discovered Korshalhh doesn't allow non-WMs into the tower. We met up with Binu and Andricus and went to study the artifacts while the other attempted to eat in the kitchens.)
[Sho'hhs Migendaniis, Arcane Relic Room]
Polished mahogany bookshelves line the six walls of the relic room, some paned with clear glass to protect the artifacts inside. No natural light is available, but vigilant aether elementals ensure that the brightly burning oil lamps never go out. Spaced around each corner of the high tower room are tall black oak pedestals, each cradling a precious relic.
> look on ped
On the oak pedestal you see the Tempest Rod.
> look at rod
The rod is long and slender, made of a strange silvery-white metal. Twining all around its length are engraved arcane sigils, stained black.
You focus your magical senses upon the Tempest Rod.
You lift a hand in the direction of the Tempest Rod, spreading your fingers and closing your eyes. A low humming begins in the back of your mind, distant but strikingly powerful and reminiscent of the wild sandstorms that ravage the desert. The amount of force connected to the rod is massive, but lies just beyond your reach.
Roundtime: 8 seconds.
An aether elemental suddenly looms up before Fizkinn as he reaches for the Tempest Rod, silent but menacing. He wisely backs away.
Saragos says, "That rod is... something."
> look on second ped
On the oak pedestal you see the Eye of Arhat.
> look at eye
Though it has been scrupulously maintained, the heavy gold circlet shows the signs of its age. Three thick discs of beaten gold threaded on a chain form the mounting, while the Eye itself is a large, crystal clear ruby set into the center disc that is engraved with two magnificent lions.
> focus eye
You focus your magical senses upon the Eye of Arhat.
A rush of warmth assaults your senses, and the Mantle of Flame spell leaps into your mind. However, it remains only for an instant, before flickering away like a coquettish maid. Just before it departs completely, you are left with the impression of being gently chided by an ancient wisdom.
Roundtime: 8 seconds.
> look on third ped
On the oak pedestal you see the Aurora Circlet.
> look at circl
Deceptively simple, the Circlet seems to be crafted from darkened steel. It bears no ornamentation, save a single sigil, the mark of its maker.
You focus your magical senses upon the Aurora Circlet.
A pulse of pure, scintillating elemental energy emanates from the Aurora Circlet as you focus upon it, manifesting as a burst of golden light. It warms you through with a strange energy, like a breath of fresh air after hours of stifling darkness.
Roundtime: 8 seconds.
> look at claw
The Claw is in fact a steel gauntlet, polished to a bright shine. A single wicked talon tips each finger, and an intricate web of blue-black lapis lazuli is set into the plate that would cover the back of a wearer's hand. Nestled into this web is a massive star-cut ruby, crystal-clear and glittering.
> focus claw
You focus your magical senses upon Renshaar's Claw.
As you reach toward Renshaar's Claw, a sharp, penetrating lance of fire seems to crawl through your veins. You clench your eyes tightly shut against the invasive force, and for a split second, you feel the ghostly sensation of a sharply clawed hand gripping your throat.
Roundtime: 8 seconds.
You say, "What the.."
Fizkinn frowns at Renshaar's Claw.
You ask, "What could that possibly be?"
> look on fifth ped
On the oak pedestal you see the Staff-Sword of Uursoth.
> look at staff
[Assuming you mean the Staff-Sword of Uursoth.]
The staff is massive and carved of heavy black ironwood. At one end is a silver counterweight, intricately carved with a repeating wave pattern. At the other end, a broad sword-blade etched with water sigils lances upward from a crossguard set into the top of the staff. Just below this, at eye-level to a tall S'Kra, a fist-sized emerald banded with shifting shades of green rests in a setting of carved silver.
> focus staff
[Assuming you mean the Staff-Sword of Uursoth.]
[Assuming you mean the Staff-Sword of Uursoth.]
You focus your magical senses upon the Staff-Sword of Uursoth.
A steady, purifying rush like the crash of the ocean against a cliff washes over you as you raise a hand toward the Staff-Sword of Uursoth. It seems to emanate from the emerald, but lines of force continue throughout the length of the huge weapon, staggering in their strength.
Roundtime: 8 seconds.
Xionara softly says, "Wow, these items are amazing."
Xionara softly says, "A bladed staff."
Dartellum says, "I want one."
Xionara softly says, "I'd like a double-bladed staff."
Xionara's tail undulates lazily through the air.
Fizkinn slings a black painted pegasus hobbyhorse with a silver mane off from over his shoulder.
Fizkinn stands astride his pegasus hobbyhorse and gallops around the room.
Saragos says, "The feeling I get from the Claw makes me wonder if perhaps Sorcery is involved."
Saragos furrows his brow.
You say, "Maybe so."
Dartellum says, "Interesting relics."
You say, "Let's head up to the last area."
[Sho'hhs Migendaniis, Solarium]
Myriad panes of interlocked glass magnify the daylight, forming six panels that come to a single point in the center of the solarium. While all of the glass is crystal clear, the blackened lead braces supporting it form artful, spidery patterns across its surface. Clay pots line the walls in long wooden racks, holding rare and dangerous plants.
> look at crystal
The crystal's edges are knife-sharp and highly polished. It has no visible flaws and, though translucent at the edges, it becomes more opaque toward the center, which is entirely obscured. The silver mounting is strong but unadorned and raises the crystal -- roughly the size of a large Halfling -- up so that its top stands at eye-level to an average S'Kra.
>focus cry
You focus your magical senses upon a massive and perfectly symmetrical black crystal set in a cradle of pure silver.
You extend a hand toward the crystal and close your eyes. A brilliant flash of white-hot energy permeates your senses, temporarily blinding you, and you flinch away in pain!
You are stunned!
(Apparently you need a bit of skill to understand the crystal's function. Thanks to Andricus: "As you lightly settle your magical senses upon the crystal, its six bands of supporting energy, each emanating from one of the Elemental Gardens, fade into view. They shine with preternatural light, radiant and strikingly beautiful. As the bands weave to and fro inside the crystal, their light causes every edge of it to sparkle with energy, bright and pure, that seems to fill your soul with sunlight.")
Andricus says, "Its linked to the elemental gardens below. It was almost blissful."
Saragos says, "I've not explored these artifacts before. They bear a great deal of further study."
You say to Saragos, "I agree."
Fizkinn says, "For the sake of research."
(At this point we head back down to the others, shared what we saw, and ventured on to the Bard's Guild for a bit until others had to begin leaving. Thanks everyone who came out.)
[Muspar'i, Sanyrsen's Square]
Several elegantly carved marble benches rest beneath some palm trees at the edge of the square, providing a spot for weary travellers to stop and rest, or for one of the library scholars to sit with a book in quiet contemplation. Sandstone tiles fan out before the base of the central statue, arranged into an intricate mosaic.
You also see a muscular cloud-grey leopard with fiery rosettes, a spotted cream and gold owl, a golden-pawed white lynx with fierce silver-green eyes that is sitting and a tall blackened steel gate.
Also here: Black Fox Xionara, Avlantia, Knight Magister Saragos, Kryptopo, Vohraus, Arcane Lord Fizkinn, Hurricane Dartellum, Herald Navesi and Professor of Medicine Ceindrech.
Obvious paths: north, east, south.
You say, "Looks like we're good to start."
You say, "I'm sure most of you know, that this city was founded after Lanival's Victory by one of his comrades, Shorka."
Kryptopo says, "Ooh boy im gonna learn stuffs."
Kryptopo takes a drink of his rum.
You say, "It holds a number of arifacts along with some pretty interesting architecture, but perhaps more importantly.."
You say, "The guild is well known for studies and theories formed here by Archmage Hh'reshh."
You say, "Someone Saragos has done some research on."
Saragos nods to you.
Saragos says, "Indeed. His theories form the foundation of much of our current understanding of the elements."
Vohraus asks, "How do you say that again?"
Vohraus says, "Hissaferth.."
Saragos says, "Elemental magic is old. Legend holds it to be the first form of magic discovered. But we didn't know about the planes until much, much later. The first mages simply found the elemental energies, and harnessed them."
Saragos says, "Indeed, we did not even know about Electricity or Aether. It was just Fire, Air, Earth, and Water in those days."
You say to Vohraus, "Something like that. I'm sure I butchered it."
Vohraus looks thoughtful for a moment, then shrugs.
You say, "Only S'kra can speak their language right."
Xionara angles her ears forward in curiosity.
Saragos says, "Note that I'm speaking of a time thousands of years ago."
Saragos says, "We don't have specific dates for Archmage Hh'ressh's life, but we know he lived in Muspar'i. He wrote a book called "The Principles of Elemental Magic"."
Vohraus asks Saragos, "What was the intention of your guild's primitive focus?"
Saragos says, "His work forms a large part of the canon of how we understand the elements today."
Saragos asks Vohraus, "What do you mean, exactly?"
Vohraus says to Saragos, "The fellow that started studying, well.. fire, and all that."
Vohraus asks Saragos, "Was there a reason, aside from the obvious?"
Saragos says, "Elemental magic has a long history. It would perhaps be an entire meeting to discuss that history alone. But essentially, from what we understand individuals simply found this power and explored it, typically dedicated to a single element."
You say to Vohraus, "Mostly the obvious until the Clerics outcast Elemental Mages and Firulf lead them to the Grove for further unity and study."
Saragos says, "Early history of elementalists was fraught with strife and warfare, with schools competing against each other. And for a time... yes, exactly."
Saragos grins at you.
You say, "The important thing about Hh'reshh is what he eventually discovered and further theories we have proven true."
Vohraus says, "Considered as heretics by their specific societal constraints, then."
Saragos says, "Hh'reshh theorized the existence of the Elemental Planes, and the existence of Elementals."
Saragos says, "Additionally, he empirically proved the existence of Aether. Some sources say he discovered it, but we have evidence of the knowledge of Aether from before that time."
Saragos says, "This is of particular note, since our familiars are Aether elementals."
Saragos says, "The talismans we use daily are a legacy of the work he started."
You say, "Interesting fact, the accidental goof by Paeldryth that released Air Elementals was also largely based on Hh'reshh's work."
Fizkinn chuckles.
Xionara raises an eyebrow.
Vohraus asks Saragos, "So Aether is that mystical whatchamacallit, ideally?"
Vohraus waggles his fingers mystically. Ooh...impressive.
You say, "And Melear has a theory that Paeldryth's event set of a series that resulted in that cloud above Stormwill Tower."
Saragos nods to you.
Vohraus says, "Ah, yes, the persistent storm."
Fizkinn says, "I wish I had a perpetual storm over my head."
You say, "So ultimately, a lot of our modern guild is due Hh'reshh."
Fizkinn gazes up at the sky.
Saragos says, "The Mage of Storms was reputed to have been involved, but yes."
Saragos says, "Paeldryth's actions are said to have permanently changed weather patterns."
Xionara concentrates intently on Fizkinn.
With the barest whisper of a breeze, a diminutive black cloud coalesces above Fizkinn's head.
Saragos says, "Both of those are cautionary tales for us to take care with how we use our powers. Simply because a thing can be done does not mean that it SHOULD be done."
You say, "Sadly, Hh'reshh eventually left Muspar'i and travelled deeper into the desert."
You say, "To further his studies, some say."
Saragos says, "If you look at many of the various disasters in Kermoria's history, Elemental magic was involved in some way. We are powerful. At many times we have been seen as living weapons. It is worth considering how those weapons should be wielded."
You say, "Who knows what else he discovered."
You ask, "Shall we enter the guild?"
[Sho'hhs Migendaniis, Courtyard]
A great tower of black stone rises high overhead with a pair of massive double doors leading within. Its buttresses and outrunning columns cast long shadows across the courtyard, which is occupied primarily by two long tables of black oak set up to either side of the lane, displaying various wares to passersby. The bright buntings draping down from the tables' canopy create a daring splash of color, offsetting the other rather austere surroundings.
You also see a tall blackened steel gate and some broad steps.
> shop
The following items contain goods for sale:
a black oak table
a wooden rack
a sturdy black oak table
a silver tray
a chiseled golden stand
a sturdy black oak table
a copper tray
a fluted silver stand
You say, "This is actually a shop, for those who don't know."
Navesi says, "Wares in front of a guild? How interesting."
Kryptopo asks, "A shop?"
Kryptopo says, "Da i cant afford nothin."
You ask, "Did you want something, Kryptopo?"
Kryptopo asks, "Is the tailband for skra or pry?"
You say, "For either."
You chuckle.
Kryptopo says, "Thats whut i got my eye on."
Kryptopo taps a polished golden tailband shaped like a cobra with carefully etched cambrinth and onyx eyes atop a black oak table.
You say, "Ok, before we leave, we'll grab it."
You say, "Let's check out the rest of the guild for now."
[Sho'hhs Migendaniis, Preparation Hall]
Long tapestries sewn in deep, rich colors drape the polished stone walls of the preparation hall. Stools and straight-backed chairs are scattered about for the use of those entering the arena and those waiting to join the line. The scent of sandalwood hangs in the air, drifting from incense burners placed in the four corners of the room.
You also see a huge stone archway, some broad steps and a strangely heavy ebony door inscribed with silver warding sigils.
Obvious exits: west.
> look at tape
Dark, defiant reds and rich blues dominate the color scheme of the tapestries, which display heroic scenes of battle amidst fire- and lightning-wielding mages, many with swords raised aloft in challenge.
Navesi shows you a miniature black tower. The miniature tower is a near-perfect replica of the Warrior Mage Guild in Muspar'i. Black marble curves up in a twisting spire from the square pewter base and intricate dvarapalas are spaced around the tiny carved windows.
Navesi exclaims, "I adore replicas. So tiny!"
Avlantia exclaims to Navesi, "Dont let your husband hear you say that!"
Vohraus bursts out in a sudden snort of laughter.
Navesi says to Avlantia, "He's already smaller than I am..."
Navesi glances at Saragos.
Vohraus says to Navesi, "Easy, woman."
Saragos grunts at Navesi.
Avlantia says to Vohraus, "It's okay sweetheart, we all know why you were never in the running."
Vohraus glances at Avlantia.
Fizkinn asks, "Test thy skill?"
Fizkinn frowns at a huge stone archway.
Fizkinn asks, "Is that a challenge!?"
Dartellum says to Fizkinn, "Yes it is."
You go west, leading your group.
[Sho'hhs Migendaniis, Hall of Masters]
The stone walls are dense and thick, draping the hall in a curtain of heavy, reverent silence. Every other panel in each wall is carved with images, alternating with clear crystal oil lamps that burn with strange blue flames. Those buried in the Hall of Masters lie at rest beneath the stone floor, their names engraved atop granite slabs turned dark with age.
Fizkinn gazes off to the east.
Fizkinn says, "I'll be back, Archway."
Fizkinn shakes his fist!
> look at floor
Navesi raises an eyebrow in Fizkinn's direction.
The floor is composed of a series of interlocked stone slabs of different size and shape. Those toward the end of the hall, opposite the door, tend to bear more names, while those toward the eastern archway are blank -- awaiting future occupants.
The breathy sigh of an air elemental whispers softly in the air as one of the diaphanous creatures materializes, traces itself briefly across the floor, and then fades away.
Fizkinn says to Navesi, "The archway issued a challenge to me."
Navesi asks, "It... did?"
Navesi quietly says, "Oh my. Hush. Look where we are."
Avlantia says to Fizkinn, "Yeah i thought it said find more rum too."
You say, "Looks like there's elementals floating though here."
Saragos quietly says, "If you'll notice, each of the slabs has one of the masters' names engraved upon it here."
> look at slab
An old but majestic-featured S'Kra Mur is depicted astride a charging grey steed, a long staff topped with a massive emerald lifted aloft in one hand.
There appears to be something written on it.
> read slab
A stone slab reads:
Uursoth hhl'Malkorn
Navesi points at a stone slab.
Vohraus says, "A sarcophagus."
Navesi says, "That one is blank."
You ask, "Interesting, I wonder if Uursoth was a Guildleader?"
> look at second slab
The image of a male S'Kra dressed in finery and clasping a longsword to his chest has been carved into the stone slab.
There appears to be something written on it.
> read second slab
A stone slab reads:
Renhaar Jalmakh
Vohraus asks, "Or merely a tribute?"
> look at third slab
The large slab is blank.
Vohraus tilts his head to one side.
You say, "No, they're buried here.
An air elemental appears and seems to inspect one of the inscriptions on the floor. As it floats upward again, its lambent blue eyes catch you for a fleeting moment, and for that instant you are lost in those cavernous, alien depths. Then in the next breath it is gone.
You ask, "The slab is maybe for.. Jharlan?"
Saragos says to you, "A good question. We have a line of succession from Arhat for the Crossing's guild generally available, but publicly available information is patchy for other locations."
Vohraus asks, "Do mages typically bury their dead within the halls of the guild?"
Xionara looks thoughtfully at Vohraus.
You say, "Not that I'm aware of. This guildhall is quite old though. Older than the current Crossing one, even."
Avlantia winks at Vohraus.
The faint rush of an air elemental's passing stirs the heavy atmosphere. When the creature appears, it seems only aware of the stone walls around it, and drifts among them for a moment in tireless tending before disappearing in a silent whorl of wind.
Avlantia says, "They have to lock them up somewhere."
Navesi says, "Not in the Bard guilds I've seen. We bury... other things."
Fizkinn says to Navesi, "Prydaen."
You say, "S'kra have different customs though. Very specific to their race."
Fizkinn nods to Navesi.
Navesi gazes silently at Fizkinn.
Fizkinn looks at Navesi and shrugs.
Navesi says to Fizkinn, "Knowledge."
Fizkinn says to Navesi, "They bury things too."
Navesi pats Fizkinn on the back.
You say, "Let's respect the dead and take a look at some other areas."
>go double doors
[Sho'hhs Migendaniis, Foyer]
The entryway to the guild is sparse and utilitarian, but its seamless stone walls and heavy floor tiles are undoubtedly crafted from the finest of materials. A pair of massive double doors dominates the south wall, directly opposite the heavily carved archway leading into the Guildmaster's office. Two towering cobras with glittering emerald eyes watch over the hall from either side of the arch.
You also see a fire elemental and a pair of graceful twin staircases.
You say, "Woah."
Kryptopo raises an eyebrow.
You point at a fire elemental.
Navesi says, "The archway is beautifully carved."
> look at arch
The archway is deeply carved with the faces of famous guildleaders from the past. Certain parts of its well-polished wood have been left empty, no doubt left in preparation of honoring heroes to come.
Kryptopo cowers away from a fire elemental.
Kryptopo says, "Fire is my thing."
Kryptopo chuckles.
Fizkinn says, "It winked at me."
Fizkinn frowns at a fire elemental.
You say, "It likes you."
Kryptopo exclaims, "Dont kiss it!"
Fizkinn just tried to kiss the elemental!
You laugh!
You say, "We don't have an Empath, we can't help you if you burn your face off."
Ceindrech says, "Well yes you do."
You ask, "Oh do we?"
Fizkinn says, "I'm immune to such frivoloties such as faces."
You exclaim, "You shouldn't have suggested we could help him!"
Fizkinn says, "A gnome worth his saltpeter has withstood more than one explosion to the face."
Dartellum chuckles.
[Sho'hhs Migendaniis, Meditation Room]
Long wooden benches line the walls of the meditation room, spaced just far enough for a tail to rest comfortably behind them. An intricate Sun Maze mosaic has been laid into the floor, and six expansive windows permit soft sunlight to gently illuminate it and the leafy palms that sit in each corner of the room.
You also see a dizzying spiral staircase.
Dartellum asks Fizkinn, "You making up words?"
Fizkinn says to Dartellum, "A Gnome's vocabulary is accepted as truth. I'd be happy to Produce a Gnarmenspankler if it would make you understand."
Avlantia groans rather loudly, sounding a bit like a zombie.
> look at mos
Dizzying when followed too quickly with the eyes, the Sun Maze is an intricate asymmetrical design formed from tiny golden, white, and grey tiles. Its long rays spread generously out to every part of the room as if embracing it.
Navesi casually observes the area.
Navesi asks, "The sun. Is that a symbol of your guild?"
You say, "I've heard S'kra Mur enjoy this type of art. I think this guild is, rightfully so, largely tailored to them."
You say, "Not really, but I imagine its important to desert folk."
You say, "I've heard they have areas for the Elements, kind of like Crossing."
Navesi says, "I actually think the rays seem to represent the six elements. A sort of symbol of unity."
Navesi asks, "See how it reaches out to the six windows?"
You say, "Interesting."
> look at window
[Sho'hhs Migendaniis, Air Garden]
A cool radiance sparkles in the clear, refreshing atmosphere of the Air Garden. Twisting, careless paths weave in easy elegance around the area, curving in fanciful spirals and grandiose arcs. The flowers here vary in size, but all are snowy white and speckled toward the center in pale primrose-blue.
You also see a wind-sculpted arch of glittering white stone inscribed with the sigil for air and a tall spiraling statue formed of polished granite wrens circling a massive hollow obelisk.
Obvious paths: northwest.
You say, "Oh, you can see the gardens."
Navesi exclaims, "Oh!"
You say, "Let's go down to them."
[Sho'hhs Migendaniis, Earth Garden]
The rich scent of saffron gilds the air of the Earth Garden. Other herbs rest in scattered patches around massive sandstone boulders, adding a grassy texture to that scent but not overpowering it. Trellises formed of thousands of tiny stacked stones add a delicate touch, as do the carefully trained vines of honeysuckle that wrap around them.
You also see a towering arch of stacked sandstone blocks inscribed with the sigil for earth, a raised platform of packed earth and a shallow hole in the ground.
Saragos quietly says, "There's a lot to know in this world, and never enough time to learn it in."
Vohraus loudly says, "Well, this is a peaceful room."
Navesi says, "This is beautiful."
[Sho'hhs Migendaniis, Fire Garden]
The heat in this garden is persistently palpable, creating a lushly tropical environment teeming with exotic life. All of the flowers are some variant of red in shade, from vermilion to deep burgundy, and all are tended assiduously by dedicated fire elementals.
You also see an intricately carved arch of deep red agate inscribed with the sigil for fire and a stone fountain.
Navesi says, "Oh... my."
You say, "We need more rainclouds."
Avlantia says, "Reminds me a little of home."
Navesi asks, "Look... the flowers are actually tended by the elementals?"
You say, "Huh.. you're right. How strange."
Vohraus squints at a stone fountain.
> look at foun
The fountain is of thick grey granite, liberally sprinkled with motes of black and white minerals. Graceful carved fire sprites decorate its edges, but there appears to be no central statuary -- the bowl of the fountain is instead filled with a dark red fluid that undulates like lava.
Vohraus asks, "Is that, eh.. what is that?"
You say, "I'm not sure.. but I wouldn't drink it."
Navesi says, "That fountain is... yes. No drinking."
[Sho'hhs Migendaniis, Electricity Garden]
Pathways of gleaming black stone snake around the garden, forking abruptly before large marble pots of strange herbs. A faint, tingling energy hangs continuously in the air, filling it with a sense of unrelieved anticipation.
You also see a tall arch of sparkling snowflake obsidian inscribed with the sigil for electricity and some strange blue-glowing flowers.
> look at flower
The flowers pulse very gently from within, glowing a faint cerulean. The hum that hangs in the air of the garden seems to concentrate around them.
Navesi says, "I've never seen a glowing flower."
You say, "Those flowers will probably make your hair stand on end."
As Fizkinn reaches out to touch one of the strange glowing flowers, a sharp crackle of miniature blue lightning forks out and strikes his hand!
He is stunned!
You say, "Yup."
Navesi glances at Fizkinn.
Vohraus winces.
You snicker.
Ceindrech says, "Wowee."
Fizkinn exclaims, "Just like home!"
Fizkinn gives some strange blue-glowing flowers a hug!
You ask, "What would we do without Gnomes?"
Fizkinn says, "That'll take some years off of the old ticker."
Fizkinn grins.
[Sho'hhs Migendaniis, Air Garden]
A cool radiance sparkles in the clear, refreshing atmosphere of the Air Garden. Twisting, careless paths weave in easy elegance around the area, curving in fanciful spirals and grandiose arcs. The flowers here vary in size, but all are snowy white and speckled toward the center in pale primrose-blue.
You also see a wind-sculpted arch of glittering white stone inscribed with the sigil for air and a tall spiraling statue formed of polished granite wrens circling a massive hollow obelisk.
An angry air elemental whirls into being before Navesi. "You do not belong here!" it hisses.
Navesi suddenly vanishes!
(Apparently if non-WMs attempt to play with the flowers here, they get booted from the guild.)
[Sho'hhs Migendaniis, Aether Garden]
The light plays sparkling games with the crushed obsidian that lines the weaving pathways here, dancing in faerie-like jocosity across black marble benches. Tiny wood violets take shelter beneath them, spreading their vivid petals in the comfort of the shade.
You also see a shadowed arch of gleaming black stone inscribed with the sigil for aether and a strange twisted rod capped with a silver sphere.
> look at rod
The rod is planted in the exact center of the aether garden and is carved along its length with odd symbols in many sizes.
> focus rod
You focus your magical attention on the rod. A subtle layer of aether magic lies within it, reverberating with your magical senses.
You say, "Interesting."
Fizkinn picks a delicate wood violet.
Navesi says, "Oh look. A flower they don't kill you over."
You say, "The rod is apparently imbued with with Aether magic."
[Sho'hhs Migendaniis, Water Garden]
A heavy humidity hangs in the air in defiance of the garden's desert surroundings. Shallow pools weave around the round-cobbled paths, sprouting several varieties of fragrant water lily. Huge blue irises twine around one large stone archway that leads down to the south.
> look at pool
Gazing into the depths of the pool, you can almost discern the flash of a pair of deep green eyes for a moment, before they vanish.
An aether elemental suddenly looms up before Fizkinn as he reaches for some huge irises, silent but menacing. He wisely backs away.
Vohraus asks, "What the hell is that?"
(Vohraus looks suspiciously at the shallow pool, taking a few steps back.)
You say, "My guess? Water elemental."
Vohraus asks, "What's it going to do, drown me?"
Vohraus says to Navesi, "Don't touch the flowers."
Kryptopo says, "This is verry educational."
Saragos says, "Worth noting is that elementals as we currently understand them are different from the Aether elementals within our talismans. The personalities that we see from many familiars are theorized to be a construct of the mind of the mage that summoned the creature, consciously or not."
You say, "Let's head on to the rest of the Guild. Soon we'll make it to the artifacts."
(At this point we attempted to make it up to the Artifact room but discovered Korshalhh doesn't allow non-WMs into the tower. We met up with Binu and Andricus and went to study the artifacts while the other attempted to eat in the kitchens.)
[Sho'hhs Migendaniis, Arcane Relic Room]
Polished mahogany bookshelves line the six walls of the relic room, some paned with clear glass to protect the artifacts inside. No natural light is available, but vigilant aether elementals ensure that the brightly burning oil lamps never go out. Spaced around each corner of the high tower room are tall black oak pedestals, each cradling a precious relic.
> look on ped
On the oak pedestal you see the Tempest Rod.
> look at rod
The rod is long and slender, made of a strange silvery-white metal. Twining all around its length are engraved arcane sigils, stained black.
You focus your magical senses upon the Tempest Rod.
You lift a hand in the direction of the Tempest Rod, spreading your fingers and closing your eyes. A low humming begins in the back of your mind, distant but strikingly powerful and reminiscent of the wild sandstorms that ravage the desert. The amount of force connected to the rod is massive, but lies just beyond your reach.
Roundtime: 8 seconds.
An aether elemental suddenly looms up before Fizkinn as he reaches for the Tempest Rod, silent but menacing. He wisely backs away.
Saragos says, "That rod is... something."
> look on second ped
On the oak pedestal you see the Eye of Arhat.
> look at eye
Though it has been scrupulously maintained, the heavy gold circlet shows the signs of its age. Three thick discs of beaten gold threaded on a chain form the mounting, while the Eye itself is a large, crystal clear ruby set into the center disc that is engraved with two magnificent lions.
> focus eye
You focus your magical senses upon the Eye of Arhat.
A rush of warmth assaults your senses, and the Mantle of Flame spell leaps into your mind. However, it remains only for an instant, before flickering away like a coquettish maid. Just before it departs completely, you are left with the impression of being gently chided by an ancient wisdom.
Roundtime: 8 seconds.
> look on third ped
On the oak pedestal you see the Aurora Circlet.
> look at circl
Deceptively simple, the Circlet seems to be crafted from darkened steel. It bears no ornamentation, save a single sigil, the mark of its maker.
You focus your magical senses upon the Aurora Circlet.
A pulse of pure, scintillating elemental energy emanates from the Aurora Circlet as you focus upon it, manifesting as a burst of golden light. It warms you through with a strange energy, like a breath of fresh air after hours of stifling darkness.
Roundtime: 8 seconds.
> look at claw
The Claw is in fact a steel gauntlet, polished to a bright shine. A single wicked talon tips each finger, and an intricate web of blue-black lapis lazuli is set into the plate that would cover the back of a wearer's hand. Nestled into this web is a massive star-cut ruby, crystal-clear and glittering.
> focus claw
You focus your magical senses upon Renshaar's Claw.
As you reach toward Renshaar's Claw, a sharp, penetrating lance of fire seems to crawl through your veins. You clench your eyes tightly shut against the invasive force, and for a split second, you feel the ghostly sensation of a sharply clawed hand gripping your throat.
Roundtime: 8 seconds.
You say, "What the.."
Fizkinn frowns at Renshaar's Claw.
You ask, "What could that possibly be?"
> look on fifth ped
On the oak pedestal you see the Staff-Sword of Uursoth.
> look at staff
[Assuming you mean the Staff-Sword of Uursoth.]
The staff is massive and carved of heavy black ironwood. At one end is a silver counterweight, intricately carved with a repeating wave pattern. At the other end, a broad sword-blade etched with water sigils lances upward from a crossguard set into the top of the staff. Just below this, at eye-level to a tall S'Kra, a fist-sized emerald banded with shifting shades of green rests in a setting of carved silver.
> focus staff
[Assuming you mean the Staff-Sword of Uursoth.]
[Assuming you mean the Staff-Sword of Uursoth.]
You focus your magical senses upon the Staff-Sword of Uursoth.
A steady, purifying rush like the crash of the ocean against a cliff washes over you as you raise a hand toward the Staff-Sword of Uursoth. It seems to emanate from the emerald, but lines of force continue throughout the length of the huge weapon, staggering in their strength.
Roundtime: 8 seconds.
Xionara softly says, "Wow, these items are amazing."
Xionara softly says, "A bladed staff."
Dartellum says, "I want one."
Xionara softly says, "I'd like a double-bladed staff."
Xionara's tail undulates lazily through the air.
Fizkinn slings a black painted pegasus hobbyhorse with a silver mane off from over his shoulder.
Fizkinn stands astride his pegasus hobbyhorse and gallops around the room.
Saragos says, "The feeling I get from the Claw makes me wonder if perhaps Sorcery is involved."
Saragos furrows his brow.
You say, "Maybe so."
Dartellum says, "Interesting relics."
You say, "Let's head up to the last area."
[Sho'hhs Migendaniis, Solarium]
Myriad panes of interlocked glass magnify the daylight, forming six panels that come to a single point in the center of the solarium. While all of the glass is crystal clear, the blackened lead braces supporting it form artful, spidery patterns across its surface. Clay pots line the walls in long wooden racks, holding rare and dangerous plants.
> look at crystal
The crystal's edges are knife-sharp and highly polished. It has no visible flaws and, though translucent at the edges, it becomes more opaque toward the center, which is entirely obscured. The silver mounting is strong but unadorned and raises the crystal -- roughly the size of a large Halfling -- up so that its top stands at eye-level to an average S'Kra.
>focus cry
You focus your magical senses upon a massive and perfectly symmetrical black crystal set in a cradle of pure silver.
You extend a hand toward the crystal and close your eyes. A brilliant flash of white-hot energy permeates your senses, temporarily blinding you, and you flinch away in pain!
You are stunned!
(Apparently you need a bit of skill to understand the crystal's function. Thanks to Andricus: "As you lightly settle your magical senses upon the crystal, its six bands of supporting energy, each emanating from one of the Elemental Gardens, fade into view. They shine with preternatural light, radiant and strikingly beautiful. As the bands weave to and fro inside the crystal, their light causes every edge of it to sparkle with energy, bright and pure, that seems to fill your soul with sunlight.")
Andricus says, "Its linked to the elemental gardens below. It was almost blissful."
Saragos says, "I've not explored these artifacts before. They bear a great deal of further study."
You say to Saragos, "I agree."
Fizkinn says, "For the sake of research."
(At this point we head back down to the others, shared what we saw, and ventured on to the Bard's Guild for a bit until others had to begin leaving. Thanks everyone who came out.)
Re: Upcoming Gathering (log)
04/16/2016 10:04 PM CDT
>You say, "The guild is well known for studies and theories formed here by Archmage Hh'reshh."
>Vohraus asks, "How do you say that again?"
>Vohraus says, "Hissaferth.."
>You say to Vohraus, "Something like that. I'm sure I butchered it."
>Vohraus looks thoughtful for a moment, then shrugs.
Phonetically, it would sound like "U-resu" to you smoothskins.
>You say, "Only S'kra can speak their language right."
So it would seem.
>Vohraus asks, "How do you say that again?"
>Vohraus says, "Hissaferth.."
>You say to Vohraus, "Something like that. I'm sure I butchered it."
>Vohraus looks thoughtful for a moment, then shrugs.
Phonetically, it would sound like "U-resu" to you smoothskins.
>You say, "Only S'kra can speak their language right."
So it would seem.
Re: Upcoming Gathering (log)
04/17/2016 11:50 AM CDT
It would have been great to have a S'kra mage there. You should come out to some of the other gatherings sometime!
It would have been great to have a S'kra mage there. You should come out to some of the other gatherings sometime!
Re: Upcoming Gathering (log)
04/17/2016 01:15 PM CDT
>You should come out to some of the other gatherings sometime!
I am actually quite the fan of Elanthian, S'Kra Mur, and Warrior Mage history. Unfortunately, between work and school, I have nowhere near the time available that I would prefer to devote to DR. I often don't get home from work until ten or eleven o'clock at night and I rarely have my weekends to myself. Which should also explain why I didn't volunteer for a more active position at the meeting where these trips were proposed.
However, I have been following these meetings with great interest. As a WM from the old days, I am very encouraged by the current activity that is going on. If my schedule allows, I will definitely be joining the group for some future event.
I am actually quite the fan of Elanthian, S'Kra Mur, and Warrior Mage history. Unfortunately, between work and school, I have nowhere near the time available that I would prefer to devote to DR. I often don't get home from work until ten or eleven o'clock at night and I rarely have my weekends to myself. Which should also explain why I didn't volunteer for a more active position at the meeting where these trips were proposed.
However, I have been following these meetings with great interest. As a WM from the old days, I am very encouraged by the current activity that is going on. If my schedule allows, I will definitely be joining the group for some future event.
Re: Upcoming Gathering (log)
04/17/2016 01:56 PM CDT
>>Unfortunately, between work and school, I have nowhere near the time available that I would prefer to devote to DR. I often don't get home from work until ten or eleven o'clock at night and I rarely have my weekends to myself.
I sympathize with your plight there. I went through odd hours and lack of time for almost 6 years, and I imagine I'll be going through it again at some point in the future.
I'm glad to hear you're taking an interest though, and I hope you can make a few of them here and there.
I sympathize with your plight there. I went through odd hours and lack of time for almost 6 years, and I imagine I'll be going through it again at some point in the future.
I'm glad to hear you're taking an interest though, and I hope you can make a few of them here and there.
Re: Upcoming Gathering (log)
04/23/2016 04:22 AM CDT
Perune is awesome :)
Hope to see you at future meetings, S'kra guildbrother!
- I hate the word paywall and everything that goes with it. -
Xionara Swiftstrike
Hope to see you at future meetings, S'kra guildbrother!
- I hate the word paywall and everything that goes with it. -
Xionara Swiftstrike
Re: Recent Gathering (log)
04/23/2016 07:49 PM CDT
Here's is a badly edited log of last night's gathering:
Devish says, "Heyas."
You nod politely to Devish.
You ask, "Morning, how are you?"
Devish asks, "Hangin' in there, how bout you?"
Devish raises an eyebrow.
Remorseless just arrived.
You say, "Doing pretty good, wondering how much of a showing we will get with the Shard festival and all."
Devish dusts himself off.
Devish says, "I am heading there myself, but wanted to stop by here first."
You say, "I haven't stopped by there myself."
You ask, "I guess they had fireworks earlier?"
You ask, "Have either of you seen the new altar to Drogor?"
Devish asks, "The one out the east gate of Haven?"
You nod to Devish.
Devish says, "Yeah, I been by there a few times, my house is up that way."
You say, "I guess a lot of the commanders in Theren got killed trying to burn it down."
Devish laughs softly, trying to hide his amusement.
Devish says, "Yeah."
Remorseless says, "I have not been there."
Devish says, "It's right where you dive into the river to swim to Xing."
You nod in agreement.
Remorseless says, "I've never stopped there."
Devish says, "I don't put much stock in the gods, so I don't care one way or the other."
You say, "The locals seem to be upset with the Inquisitor who consecrated it."
Devish says, "Some do have their breeches in a twist."
Devish nods.
You ask Devish, "Really? What is your opinion on them?"
Devish says, "I ignore them."
Devish flashes a quick grin.
You chuckle.
You ask, "Aren't concerned that they won't ignore you?"
Devish says, "That would be my hope, that they do ignore me."
Devish grins.
You say, "Well, I figured."
> l
Devish says, "I leave that business to the clerics."
You say, "The Inquisitor seemed to imply that it is due to people ignoring them that the Dark Aspects fly into a rage."
You say, "One moment, I have to get an elementalist friend."
You go west.
You direct the elemental's attention to Navesi.
The elemental flickers for a moment, then waves Navesi towards the staircase.
An elemental of water appears and nods to your group, gesturing you up the staircase.
[Warrior Mage Guild, Landing]
The second floor landing is paneled in softly-colored woods that start at a pleasant gold at the north and south, and shade gently to a pale pink at the east and west. A large goldenwood door to the north blends perfectly with the paneling, and is flanked by two archways of pale pink marble to the east and west.
You also see a long steep staircase.
Also here: Herald Navesi.
Obvious exits: east, west, up.
You go east, leading your group.
[Warrior Mage Guild, Hall of History]
Thickly woven tapestries adorn the dull granite walls, each depicting something different. Iron sconces shaped like human hands, each holding a brightly lit gaethzen sphere, are affixed to the walls at regular intervals around the hall. A few mages read quietly in plush, high-backed chairs sitting atop the thick, bright red carpet.
You also see an ironwood table with a black leather-bound grimoire on it and a shiny silver plaque set above the archway leading west.
Also here: Herald Navesi, Remorseless and Devish.
Obvious exits: west.
Devish winks.
Devish says, "Hiyas Navesi."
Navesi nods politely.
Navesi says, "Hello there."
Remorseless says, "Dergati is not one to cross."
You nod to Remorseless.
Navesi says, "Fair warning, I am not a warrior mage, but Perune is kind enough to allow me to sit in."
You say, "I'm not sure I'd want to cross any of them."
Remorseless asks Navesi, "Warrior mage?"
Remorseless casually observes the area.
Navesi nods at you, obviously agreeing with your views.
Hoodlum Crisson just arrived.
Remorseless asks Navesi, "This isn't the thieves guild?"
Devish says, "My beliefs are simple: if it wants to kill me, I try to kill IT first."
Navesi chortles softly at some secret joke.
Devish laughs softly, trying to hide his amusement.
You chuckle.
Remorseless mutters to himself.
You nod to Devish.
You say, "I think it might be hard to kill an Immortal, however."
Devish says, "Good point, but never know til ya try."
Devish flashes a quick grin.
You say, "These people who tried to burn down the altar weren't attacked by monsters, but large bolts of lightning that always hit their mark."
Devish says, "Yeah, I think Hammerfist had a shocking revelation there."
Devish snickers.
You chuckle.
Navesi says, "Evidence perhaps that Drogor is a skilled warrior mage..."
Navesi flashes a quick grin.
You notice as a spotted storm-grey lynx with piercing blue eyes pads into the room.
The storm-grey lynx begins to watch the goings on carefully.
You say, "Certainly skilled at storms."
Remorseless says to Devish, "In the land of mortals it would take a demi god to defeat a god."
You notice as a spotted storm-grey lynx with piercing blue eyes begins to pant.
You nod to a spotted storm-grey lynx with piercing blue eyes.
Navesi says, "Hello Arias."
The storm-grey lynx growls, "Hello, Navesi."
The sleek bear growls, "Greetings again Arias."
Navesi smiles gently at the grey lynx.
Hedgewizard Tarlof just arrived.
The storm-grey lynx sits down.
You notice Crisson attempting to conceal his spell preparations.
Crisson traces an angular sigil in the air.
The storm-grey lynx growls, "Greetings. It is so strange to interact with another 'familiar"
Crisson gestures.
Crisson's cambrinth armband emits a loud snap.
Crisson is stunned!
The Hanjora growls, "Maybe, but most enjoyable."
You observe Crisson with fascination.
Navesi glances at Crisson.
Crisson chuckles.
Navesi quietly asks you, "What spell was that?"
You say, "I don't know."
Devish asks, "Self stun?"
The storm-grey lynx growls, "To put it in mortal terms, it is like peering through a foggy window and seeing someone you recognize on the other side."
You ask Crisson, "You alright?"
Devish laughs softly, trying to hide his amusement.
Crisson says, "My essence of yew isn't alwys cooperative."
Navesi frowns.
Navesi quietly asks Crisson, "Are you aware of the consequences of sorcery?"
Crisson says, "Um power...yes good consequesnces."
Navesi sighs.
Devish says, "Unless you get caught."
Devish flashes a quick grin.
Crisson scoffs.
Devish says, "Locked out of all hospitals for a day, banks too."
Tarlof grins.
You say, "Or blow up your arms, lands, summon demons, and so on."
Navesi says, "It is illegal, dangerous to yourself and others, and erodes at the fabric of our universe."
The storm-grey lynx growls, "There are indeed other consequences, more dire than the legal ones."
Devish says, "That is annoying, but the bank and empath thing is more of a pain."
Crisson says, "That has not benn proven yet."
Navesi says, "I don't intend to redirect our conversation from the planned one, but I thought you should at least be informed."
Crisson nods to Navesi.
You say, "Out of curiosity."
You ask Crisson, "What would you do if we had the research to prove it?"
Remorseless asks Navesi, "Unless we push our magic powers to the limit how can we know our limits?"
You ask, "If we had some solid evidence, would it change your studies?"
Crisson says, "I will refrain from questionable activity for the remainder of this endeavor."
Navesi says to Remorseless, "Who says the limits are a place we want to be? You've surely heard of Blackfire and the Voidspell."
The storm-grey lynx growls, "It has been proven time and again. Legends of your own guild talk of Sorceries - the Voidspell, and Blackfire. It is theorized that the Voidspell may have caused the breach that the Zaulfung stones are shoring up."
You say, "I ask simply because I think for most, it wouldn't change anything."
Remorseless grins at Navesi.
Remorseless says to Navesi, "Aye, I have."
The storm-grey lynx growls, "Or the Wind Clan - wiped out after refusing to heed the warnings of the Guardians of Magic."
Remorseless says to Navesi, "With hard work i may master those powers."
Devish says, "A little danger keeps the blood pumpin'."
Navesi says, "We have furthermore had dire visions lately of the Heralds returning, quite likely related in some way to Elemental sorcery."
Navesi's fierce determination continues to inspire you to stand strong against all that assails you, the chaos of the world around you seeming small and insignificant.
You nod.
Black Fox Xionara just arrived, leading her group.
[Warrior Mage Guild, Hall of History]
Thickly woven tapestries adorn the dull granite walls, each depicting something different. Iron sconces shaped like human hands, each holding a brightly lit gaethzen sphere, are affixed to the walls at regular intervals around the hall. A few mages read quietly in plush, high-backed chairs sitting atop the thick, bright red carpet.
You also see a spotted storm-grey lynx with piercing blue eyes that is sitting, a sleek bear that is sitting, an ironwood table with a black leather-bound grimoire on it and a shiny silver plaque set above the archway leading west.
Also here: Knight Magister Saragos, Black Fox Xionara, Hedgewizard Tarlof, Hoodlum Crisson who is surrounded by a shimmering shield, Herald Navesi, Remorseless and Devish.
Obvious exits: west.
Xionara softly says, "There he is."
Saragos gives a courteous nod and tips his hat politely.
Navesi says to Remorseless, "I pray to every god that you do not."
Xionara softly says to Navesi, "Your husband is showing his age."
Navesi smiles at Saragos.
Xionara softly says to Navesi, "He's falling asleep on the ferry now."
Navesi begins chortling at Xionara.
Devish chuckles.
Xionara softly says to Navesi, "I think I see a grey hair."
Xionara glances at Saragos.
Saragos snorts, loudly.
Remorseless says to Navesi, "Then pray to Dergati."
Xionara softly says to Navesi, "Don't worry, I won't let him miss the docks on my watch."
Devish says, "1 grey hair, my whole head is already there."
Xionara winks at Navesi.
Devish laughs softly, trying to hide his amusement.
You chuckle at Devish.
Xionara begins chortling at Devish.
Navesi grins at Xionara.
Navesi says to Xionara, "I appreciate you looking out for him."
You say, "It seems we have a fair number of folks now. Though we've really already begun."
Xionara softly says to Navesi, "I do tend to nap sometimes too, but it's not age. The water is... the rocking motion. Yes."
Saragos says to Devish, "Danger does indeed keep the blood pumping, but you're not just risking yourself. You're risking everyone around you. On the farm where I grew up, there's a reason we didn't let anyone smoke when we were harvesting the grain."
Xionara hums to herself.
You say, "Allow me to jump into a few things and then we can continue our prior discussions."
Navesi says to Xionara, "I think Saragos just wears himself out sometimes."
Saragos says, "One person's mistake and we all go up in smoke. Or if we're lucky enough to escape the flames, starve."
Saragos grins.
Saragos nods to you.
Xionara softly says, "Oh, I hope Binu comes tonight."
Xionara studies the faces around her.
You say, "First, last week we travelled to Muspar'i and visited the Guildhall there."
Xionara softly says, "Did my leopard... yep, he did."
You say, "I'd call it a success, we were able to study a lot of the elemental gardens and the rare artifacts they had there."
You say, "Along with some unique burial sites for past Guildleaders, it seemed."
Navesi nods to you.
Xionara softly asks, "Oh?"
Devish ponders when we get to bury Gauthus.
Ulim goes west.
You say, "Next week we plan to have our gathering coincide with Mazrian's mentoring. So our gathering will begin as soon as his concludes."
Xionara nods at you, obviously agreeing with your views.
You say, "I think doing a meet and greet for this would be good. We kind of know each other by name, but not many of us know a lot about each other."
You say, "So if you plan to show up, be prepared to tell a bit about yourself to your peers."
Your mind hears Vaniotte thinking, "{faintly}" "I have a squirrel that smells like bacon!"
Xionara nods.
You say, "After that, I plan to take a leave of absense for a few weeks and return to Leth to visit my father. In the mean time, Xionara and Saragos will hold a couple of these gatherings for the weeks I'm gone."
Navesi nods to you.
Saragos nods.
You say, "Following my return I plan to host another Questions and Theories gathering, much like the first one we did. That will occur a bit earlier than our usual time as well. I plan to host that in front of Arhat's tower again."
Devish nods.
You ask, "Is anyone unfamiliar with that format?"
Xionara softly says, "Oooh, questions and theories."
Xionara rubs her hands together.
Devish says, "I have a theory that questions always lead to more questions."
Devish flashes a quick grin.
Xionara grins at Devish.
You grin at Devish.
You say, "Very true, and it certainly did last time as well."
Devish chuckles.
Saragos nods to Devish.
You say, "We developed a lot of questions we submitted to Gauthus, and he was kind enough to submit them to the Grovekeepers for review."
Xionara nods.
Xionara softly says, "I remember it well."
You say, "Gebuys dropped by and gave us a lot of answers. It was good work all around."
Xionara nods at you, obviously agreeing with your views.
You say, "I'm not sure how Gauthus will re-act to a second set but we're students and we are trying to learn."
You shrug.
Navesi nods to you.
Navesi says, "It is worth a shot."
You notice as a spotted storm-grey lynx with piercing blue eyes begins to pant.
Xionara softly says to you, "I wanted to.. thank you for your diligence in setting up these meetings for us. I already feel like I know several mages better now, thanks to these meetings."
You say, "I imagine he will attempt to help our studies however he can."
Xionara smiles at you.
Saragos says, "Nothing ventured, nothing gained."
Saragos nods to Navesi.
You smile at Xionara.
You say to Xionara, "You're welcome."
You say, "Let me thank those of you who showed up, as well."
You say, "If no one shows, nothing happens."
You say, "But activity breeds activity and this is our third or fourth week gathering now and we've kept it going."
You say, "My only real discussion for tonight, I brought up partly to Devish already."
Devish raises an eyebrow in your direction.
Devish asks, "Oh, the altar?"
You say, "We were discussing the Immortals and specifically the altar that was raised in Riverhaven."
You say, "Yup."
You say, "I gathered Devish's feelings on the Gods quite clearly, but I'm curious as to what my other peers think about the Darker Aspects."
Saragos says, "Oh, interesting. Heard about that thing."
Crisson says, "Ive heard it dangerous to venture near it."
You say, "I spent the better part of a day near it."
You say, "You'll be fine if you don't try to destroy it."
Devish says, "Cant avoid it if you swim back and forth between Haven and Xing."
Devish says, "It's near my house, and I see folks gathered by the river there all the time."
You say, "But I am bringing this up because our guild is often central to the defense of the provinces, and the Dark Aspects tend to work as destructive forces against mortals."
Saragos says to you, "A very good point."
You say, "I spent a few good hours discussing these aspects with an Inquisitor, so my mind has delved a bit into this subject."
Xionara angles her ears forward, gazing curiously at you.
You say, "And my curiosity on everyone elses viewpoint is piqued."
Navesi says, "The Dark ones... They are the orchestrators of blight, storm, and woe. Sometimes They demand worship and sacrifice. It is not something that I particularly like, being... coerced in this way."
You nod to Navesi.
Forging Legend Binu just arrived.
You say, "Mornin, Binu."
You pat Binu on the back.
Binu says, "Hello."
Navesi says, "At the same time, there are certainly times when I do bow to Their will, because of the loss of life and suffering that They might cause otherwise."
Saragos tips his hat to Binu with a courteous nod.
Binu waves to Saragos.
Xionara smiles at Binu.
Xionara softly exclaims to Binu, "There you are!"
Binu grins at Xionara.
Binu says, "Your leopard was too cloudy."
The cloud-grey leopard sits down.
Binu says, "Blended into the morning."
Saragos says, "I've got some thoughts, if you'll all indulge me."
Binu grins at Xionara.
Saragos grins.
Xionara grins at Binu.
Navesi nods to Saragos.
Xionara nods to Saragos.
Binu says, "Certainly."
Binu smiles at Saragos.
You say to Navesi, "To jump in on your point, it was stated to me that if I wished to defend others from a destructive act of a Dark One, I would do best to lead people to an altar for prayer and not intefere with the actions of said Dark One."
Xionara softly says to Binu, "My leopard is skilled at camoflageing itself. My prey never notice it."
Navesi nods to you.
Xionara angles her ears forward, gazing curiously at you.
Saragos says, "Dark aspects simply ARE. Can't get around them. They're there. When I think about it, I've got to admit that they're necessary for life. Destruction often brings renewal and regeneration."
Navesi says, "I am willing to humble myself before Their altars at times."
You nod to Saragos.
Xionara softly says to Binu, "Hmm."
You say to Saragos, "That was stated to me as well."
Binu says, "Drogor is fun."
Binu whistles a merry tune.
You chuckle at Binu.
Binu gazes upward.
Xionara softly says to Binu, "Drogor uses lightning. I can respect that."
Binu says, "And eels."
Xionara softly says to Binu, "But, I follow the three. He gets my respect, not my worship."
Xionara softly says, "Whoever, or whatever, he is."
Xionara waves her hand distractedly.
Saragos asks, "Thing is, you can't do everything at once. You can't make the dark aspects and the light aspects both happy at the same time. So you either try to ride the line, or you pick a side. I pick the side of preservation rather than destruction. But that then begs the question - how do you avoid the wrath of the side you're not on?"
Binu nods to Saragos.
Navesi nods to Saragos.
Binu says, "Neutral aspects."
Binu nods to Saragos.
Saragos says, "I look at it this way - even if you don't agree with a god, you have to respect them. But respect comes in different shades."
Crisson asks, "If it hasn't caused any obvious dangers...other than melting it really about protecting to provinces or more a view on the gods?"
Xionara softly says to Saragos, "I could get into a discussion about whether or not Drogor is not just an aspect of Eu presenting itself, but that could get complicated."
Saragos says, "So, I'll respect Drogor. If I'm going out on a sea voyage, I'm going to say a prayer, maybe make an offering. I respect that he could destroy me."
Xionara softly says, "I'm not sure what my views are on it, really."
You ask Crisson, "The altar?"
Crisson nods to you.
Xionara softly says to Saragos, "The wrath of the sea can be deadly."
Xionara nods to Saragos.
Xionara angles her ears forward in curiosity.
Navesi says to Xionara, "Drogor is also related to the Kaldaran Eluned and in some ways to the Gorbesh Aniek."
You say to Crisson, "It may be more about their Pride, or perhaps the potential danger a cult of Drogor might bring. I'm not sure."
Xionara softly says to Navesi, "Curiouser and curiouser. I'm glad I only have three to worry about."
You say, "The locals there are upset, but the nobility hasn't made any official statements, yet."
Saragos says, "But there are lots of disagreeing aspects. If Drogor's minions come ashore and start eating people, it doesn't mean, to me, that I should start eating people myself, or just wait to die. Any more than it means I need to go stick my face in a puddle and drown the minute a storm starts up."
Xionara softly asks you, "Isn't Drogor credited for releasing the sharks on Zoluren rather recently?"
Devish says, "If anything manifests, I will fight it, otherwise, I will ignore it."
Devish shrugs.
You say, "I would assume so, if sharks were eating people in strange number."
Binu puts his talisman in his war belt.
Xionara softly says, "Well, recently, as in.. well, you know. Not last year or anything, but recently."
You nod to Xionara.
Saragos says, "If I'm following Rutilor, for example, I'll fight against injustice. And I'll respect Drogor's minions as an opponent. But personally, I view any statements that we just have to lie down and take it as partisan rantings. There are lots of immortals with lots of opinions on things."
Saragos clears his throat.
Navesi nods at Saragos, obviously agreeing with his views.
Xionara softly says, "Seems like the most prudent course of action would be to let it be, whoever or whatever that altar is dedicated to obviously exists and is watching it. So, those who believe in it, bring it a shark's tooth or whatnot, keep the waters calm, and move on."
Saragos says, "That's my take, at least. Some Cleric might tell me I'm a blasphemer."
Saragos grins crookedly.
You say, "One of the things I was told.. was that it is partly about balance."
Xionara grins at Saragos.
Xionara nods to you.
Xionara softly says to you, "I agree."
You say, "As mentioned, the Dark Ones represent a form of destruction and challenge."
Xionara softly says to you, "So long as it's not causing a problem... I wouldn't make it a problem until it becomes a problem."
Navesi says, "At the same time, I find it prudent to occasionally offer prayer and orb to the Dark ones during Their times of highest strife. It should not offend the other gods, and it is a showing of respect."
Xionara angles her ears forward, gazing curiously at Navesi.
You say, "When we fail to recognize the work of that aspect in our lives regularly, they are eventually enraged at our pride."
Navesi says, "Yet I would indeed fight against the minions of Drogor and attempt to preserve and protect the people of the Crossing."
Xionara nods at Navesi, obviously agreeing with her views.
Saragos nods to you.
Navesi says, "I will likewise not sacrifice a living being to Him, as I stand for preservation, with Saragos."
Devish says, "Not much I can do to affect a god, but if they drop stuff on us that can be killed, I am there."
Devish chuckles.
Xionara nods at Navesi, obviously agreeing with her views.
Navesi says, "But prayer is harmless enough. He wants to be seen and respected."
Your mind hears Mistanna thinking, "{faintly}" "Awwww."
Saragos says, "Personally, I try to hold to the neutral aspects. I see Chadatru and Meraud as my patrons. Try to walk the line, a bit."
You say, "It was implied that we often benefit from the challenges they present in our daily lives by growing stronger, or wiser."
Saragos nods to you.
You nod to Devish.
Xionara softly says to Navesi, "I couldn't offer him worship, myself. My soul belongs to the Three and is ruled by Tenemlor's Wheel. For all I know, he could just be an aspect of Eu manifesting itself."
Saragos says, "I agree with that. I see my struggles against the storm as part of the respect I pay to Drogor. And I should thank him for making me strong at the same time I fight."
You say, "This may be a bit far outside our general studies, but I figured this is something at least worth thinking about."
Navesi nods to Xionara.
You say, "As Warrior Mages, we're going to be up against minions of destruction at some point, guaranteed."
Navesi says to Saragos, "You have learned our ways well."
Xionara nods at you, obviously agreeing with your views.
Navesi smiles at Saragos.
Saragos grins at Navesi.
Xionara softly asks, "Peru what of the nature of the lightning that was seen?"
Xionara softly says, "Perune."
Xionara clears her throat.
You ask, "Mm, where?"
Xionara adjusts her rose-tinted glasses into place.
You ask, "The altar?"
Xionara softly asks you, "Yes, when those... who were angered by its existance put firewood on it and tried to burn it?"
Xionara softly asks you, "You heard of this, yes?"
You say, "Yes, they were smote."
Xionara nods to you.
Devish says, "That is an understatement."
Devish chortles softly at some secret joke.
Xionara nods to Devish.
You grin.
You say, "I didn't witness it, but that's what I heard."
You say, "Also, there seems to be a lot of storms that way. The Inquisitor claimed it is Drogor's wrath."
Devish says, "I didn't see the lightning hit but I saw Hammer's body."
You say, "Perhaps he plans to flood Riverhaven."
Navesi asks, "What I wonder is why these people felt the need to attempt harm on the altar of any god?"
Devish says, "I hope not, my house is a stone's throw from there."
Xionara softly says to Navesi, "I think they find its presence an affront."
Navesi asks, "Are they worried it invites Drogor's presence and will result in more storms and flooding for Therengia?"
Saragos says, "Trying to burn down the altar of a god, even one you disagree with, is just dumb. Sorry if I offend anyone here with that, but it's true. Might as well go scream at the rain."
You say, "I think they are concerned about drawing the eye of a Dark Aspect."
Xionara frowns.
Xionara nods at Saragos, obviously agreeing with his views.
You say, "Or the wrath a cult of Drogor might bring upon the city."
You notice as a Hanjora looks around absentmindedly.
Remorseless says to Saragos, "People that get offended should be offended."
Xionara softly says, "I think that Cleric asked permission and was denied and in her zeal, went ahead with it anyway."
You say, "These are just guesses though, I have not spoken to anyone about their concerns."
Saragos grins at Remorseless.
Devish says, "Gotta give 'em points for sticking to their beliefs and risking it."
Saragos says to Remorseless, "I don't disagree, but I do try for civility."
You say to Devish, "That does take guts."
You nod at Devish, in complete agreement with his views.
Remorseless says to Saragos, "Their opinion is no more valable than yours."
Crisson says, "Zealots are often not deterred by logic."
Devish chuckles.
Navesi nods to Crisson.
Xionara softly says, "I am curious as to how they were able to attract the attentions of... Drogor... though."
Saragos says, "Guts or foolhardiness. But they did have the fortitude to make the attempt at least."
Saragos shrugs.
(Navesi clears her throat and mutters something about sorcery.)
Xionara softly says, "It makes me want to seek out Liurilias and ask him about how we might go about creating a few more holy places to the Three."
You say, "The Inquisitor has been worshipping Drogor for a long time, I think."
Crisson glances at Navesi.
Xionara softly says, "There is only the boulder.."
Xionara sighs.
Xionara nods at you, obviously agreeing with your views.
You ask, "Where would you like another site?"
You say, "I imagine if you gathered your kin, you could do it."
Xionara softly says to you, "Hmm. Well, ideally, I'd like two."
Xionara softly says, "One south of the gondola, and one north of it by Silverclaw Hub for those living there."
Xionara softly says, "Or west of Shard and south of the gondola. Whatever, so long as it's accessible to those of us who linger around Shard."
You nod to Xionara.
Xionara softly says to you, "I intend to look into it... I wasn't sure such a thing could be done."
Xionara softly says, "And I would hope it's been long enough now that my people have been in these lands..."
You say, "I imagine it would take a great gathering of your kin to get their attention, perhaps. The Three are quite specific to your people."
Xionara softly says, "For more than one place to show our reverance."
Xionara nods at you, obviously agreeing with your views.
You ask, "Was there anything else anyone had on their mind?"
Xionara softly says to you, "They speak in subtle ways. Nothing so flashy as a bolt of lightning from the heavens."
Xionara softly says, "At least not that I've seen."
You say, "Oh, that reminds me."
You say, "I did speak to Sir Leucius lately about hunting and practicing with the Paladins."
Saragos says, "Well, I think I had one more thing to say on the previous subject."
Saragos raises an eyebrow in your direction.
Xionara angles her ears forward in curiosity.
Crisson scoffs.
You say, "He plans to hold a hunt against evil soon, I think that will be open to all parties but I'd like to form a large Warrior Mage party for it and dominate that hunt."
Xionara glances at Saragos.
Xionara smiles at you.
Saragos smiles wolfishly.
Saragos says, "I would be delighted."
Xionara softly says to you, "I would be happy to participate in that as well."
You say, "Second, he wants to teach the younger Paladins how to lead and defend others, and I mentioned to him that we were looking at ways to organize better with debilitators and area effect wrath."
Saragos nods to you.
You say, "So we'll likely set up somethin for that in the future as well, just keep your eyes out for it."
Xionara nods to you.
Navesi says, "I could provide Bardic support if you find it amenable."
You say, "Everyone loves bardic support."
Navesi flashes a quick grin.
Navesi carefully examines her clockwork shark.
Xionara softly asks you, "It would be nice to have a wall of steel between us and our foes while we wiggle our fingers to call down the wrath of the elements, hmm?"
You say, "Rage of the Clans gets my blood pumping."
Xionara nods to Navesi.
Devish says, "I hunt with pallies a lot, so if you set something up, I can ask Wrath, Zev, Ken, etc. if they wanna come."
You nod to Devish.
You say, "That'd be great, Dev."
Saragos nods to Devish.
Xionara tilts her head to one side.
Xionara angles her ears forward, gazing curiously at Devish.
You nod at Xionara, in complete agreement with her views.
Xionara softly asks Devish, "Wrath..icant.. Zev...azi.... Kenamer?"
Devish says, "Wrathicant, Zevazi, Kenamer, Nehahra."
You say, "The purpose there is to work better against invading forces, so it'd help a lot."
Xionara nods to Devish.
Xionara coils her tail, looping it loosely around her waist.
Saragos nods to you.
Devish says, "Really helps to have a pallie lead in invasions."
You say, "That's what I told Leucius."
You chuckle.
Xionara softly says to Devish, "I've met Zevazi, Kenamer.. the others I only know in name, but that would be great."
Devish says, "Wrath is down in Shard alot, surprised you don't know him."
Saragos says, "Sure. Well, I just wanted to throw out something. I was born with a leaning towards the elements. I'm lucky enough to have the attunement and the opportunity to train in our guild. We have some powerful ways of wreaking havoc and destruction."
A pained expression crosses Saragos's face.
You nod to Saragos.
Devish says, "Unfortunately, some of those ways get me arrested."
Xionara softly says to Devish, "I think I've passed him once or twice."
Crisson nods to Devish.
Saragos says, "That's not all I want to be. When I'm gone, I don't want people to just shake their heads like they're glad a storm passed and didn't do more damage."
Xionara begins chortling at Devish.
Devish says, "Tired of being dragged off in chains for casting debil."
Xionara softly says to Devish, "Cost me over 200 plats, easily."
Xionara stares blankly into the distance.
Devish exclaims, "It gets expensive!"
Saragos says, "I want to help defend civilization, if I can, with my gifts. Not many people seem interested nowadays, but it's a worthy goal."
Devish nods emphatically at Xionara.
Navesi smiles at Saragos.
Saragos says, "More worthy, I think, than just looking to enrich oneself."
Saragos shrugs.
Devish chuckles.
Navesi stands near Saragos.
Xionara looks thoughtfully at Saragos.
Xionara softly says to Saragos, "I think it is wise of you."
You say, "It is worthy, I agree."
Xionara softly says to Saragos, "Leaving things too late can ... cause the land to suffer."
Xionara softly says to Saragos, "Better to be proactive, get a head start, meet it head on when it surfaces."
Saragos says, "Not throwing stones at anyone. I just wanted to put that out there. And I plan on defending those who can't with everything I have."
Saragos says, "Regardless of the source."
A pained expression crosses Saragos's face.
Xionara nods to Saragos.
Xionara angles her ears forward, gazing curiously at Saragos.
Xionara softly asks Saragos, "What do you mean by that?"
You say, "He means he'll defend others from the Dark Aspects."
Xionara softly says, "Ah."
Xionara nods.
Saragos says, "Well. Sharks come through the Crossing, start gnawing on some orphans... I'm going to be there. I figure if Drogor's not happy with that, I'll eventually have to settle up with him and that's my business."
You say, "And from anything else, for that matter."
Devish says, "My rule is simple, if it invades kill it first, ask questions later."
Devish flashes a quick grin.
Xionara nods to Devish.
You nod to Saragos.
Saragos nods to Devish.
Xionara softly says to Devish, "Anything aggressive is to be put down. It's rare we have the luxury to capture, interrogate, pursue other means..."
You say, "We can only be what they created, perhaps."
Saragos says to you, "Now that's a statement to think on."
Xionara softly says, "Well, anything likely to come charging down the Northern Trade Route covered head-to-toe in armor and carrying martial weapons is likely not wanting to have dialogue with us anyway."
Devish grins at Xionara.
Xionara softly says, "Apart from adventurers, that is."
Xionara softly says, "Let me be clear on that point."
Xionara winks.
Saragos says, "Course, you have to be careful. Take it too far and you can justify darn near anything."
Devish laughs!
Saragos grins at Xionara.
Xionara nods to Saragos.
Devish says, "Well, on that note, I must head to the faire to meet my gal."
Devish says, "Everyone take care."
Xionara softly says to Devish, "It was nice to have met you."
Saragos says to Devish, "Thanks for coming."
Saragos gives a courteous nod and tips his hat politely.
Devish stops teaching.
Xionara waves to Devish.
You say, "Thanks for stopping by Dev."
Crisson nods to Devish.
Devish raises his hand in a quick salute.
You wave to Devish.
Devish pads west.
You say, "About my prior statement, I mean that we are not gifted with the wide view a God has. We only have our mortal senses."
Xionara nods to you.
You say, "I will never see with such a wide and knowing scope, I can only be myself, with what little information I have."
You say, "Maybe there's a comfort in that."
Xionara nods to you.
Saragos nods to you.
Xionara softly says to you, "One can only judge based on what one is presented, and never regret that."
Xionara softly says to you, "Too often, hesitation leads to dire consequences."
Xionara's ears droop for a moment.
Xionara dusts herself off.
You nod to Xionara.
Xionara softly says, "Though, of course... actions untempered by the logic of the mind, fueled by emotion alone, can be just as dangerous."
Saragos says to you, "You sound like some monks I met once. We should chat about that sometime."
Saragos grins at you.
Xionara softly says, "It is a slippery rope to walk."
Navesi nods to Xionara.
You say, "I'm not sure I've met any monks."
Xionara angles her ears forward, gazing curiously at you.
Xionara angles her ears forward, gazing curiously at Saragos.
Xionara softly asks, "Monks?"
You say, "Strangely, I've met a few Inquisitors. Maybe it's a sign of the times."
Navesi says, "He was in the care of monks for a time, in the Dragonspine I believe."
Xionara softly says, "In the Dragonspine.. interesting."
Xionara looks thoughtfully at you.
Xionara softly says to you, "I'd like to hear the story, sometime."
Navesi says, "I was speaking of Saragos."
Saragos nods to Navesi.
Navesi flashes a quick grin at Xionara.
Xionara softly exclaims, "Oh!"
Xionara flails her arms about.
Xionara softly says to Saragos, "Well, I would."
You chuckle at Xionara.
Navesi says, "I am afraid that I do not know Perune's personal history quite as well."
Saragos says, "Indeed. We should get to know each other a bit more."
You say, "I never spent time with monks. Most of my time was spent with the Forest clan after my mother died."
Xionara softly says to Navesi, "Perhaps it would be a good opportunity to explore that."
Navesi nods to Xionara.
Xionara softly says, "Sometime soon."
Navesi says, "I was hopeful we would get started at the next meeting, but any time is fine with me."
Xionara nods.
You say, "We will, I'm sure everyone will have a lot to say that day."
Navesi says, "My own story is a bit unforgivably long, though, I warn you."
Navesi says, "I'll have to condense."
Xionara softly says to Navesi, "I would sit and hear you tell it, at length."
Navesi smiles at Xionara.
Xionara softly says to Navesi, "My kin had... and some of us still have, a great love of oral storytelling."
Navesi says, "I appreciate that."
Xionara smiles at Navesi.
Navesi says, "Perhaps we should arrange it aside from warrior mage gatherings though. It would take a while."
Xionara nods to Navesi.
Saragos nods to Navesi.
Xionara coils her tail, looping it loosely around her waist.
Navesi says, "Unless we wanted to make a series of it, just sharing our own personal stories."
Xionara brushes one ear with her hand, grooming it absentmindedly.
You say, "Perhaps it is time to let things draw to a close for today."
Navesi nods to you.
Xionara nods to you.
Crisson nods to you.
Xionara softly asks Binu, "You didn't happen to locate an additional fire sigilated ring, did you?"
You say, "I recommend everyone start thinking about what questions or theories they want to bring up at that specific gathering though."
Navesi says, "A good discussion on Drogor. Wise to begin to discuss topics of such variety I think."
You say, "I'd recommend the artifacts and things we noticed at the Muspar'i Guild if anyone needs ideas."
Saragos nods to you.
Crisson says, "Nice meeting you all...and i hope you keep leading the charge against sorcery travels."
You say, "Be well Crisson."
Navesi flashes a quick grin at Crisson.
Crisson grins at Navesi.
Saragos grins at Crisson.
Saragos tips his hat to Crisson with a courteous nod.
Crisson waves.
Navesi says, "Thank you good sir. Take care."
You wave.
Navesi says, "I'd like to know why we Bards do not have such amazing elemental artifacts. That is my question."
Navesi grins at you.
Saragos grins at Navesi.
Binu grins at Navesi.
Saragos exclaims to Navesi, "Get started making some!"
Navesi says, "Perhaps I can submit it to the Bard council."
Binu nods to Navesi.
Navesi says, "If there were a good school of enchanting here, I would consider it."
You say, "Maybe so, that is strange though."
You say, "A lot of Guilds hide their artifacts though."
You say, "Consider the Hand of Meraud."
Binu says, "Warrior Mages corner most of the destructive artifact market."
Binu says, "Bards have the rest of the fun."
Saragos says, "Elemental magic doesn't all have to be destructive."
Navesi says, "Our Elemental magic largely hinges on the elemental nature of the emotions."
Saragos says, "But, well, every time I think of that I think of Paeldryth. Always a need to take care."
Saragos makes a grunting noise.
Xionara softly says, "I think that's why we're so gifted."
Navesi says, "The fire I create tends to burn in your breast and drive you to battle. Although I also make a nice fire storm."
Navesi flashes a quick grin.
Xionara softly asks Navesi, "Yes, how DO you get it to move with you?"
Navesi laughs softly, trying to hide her amusement.
Navesi exclaims, "I don't know how you do not!"
You notice as a Hanjora sniffs the ground intently.
Navesi says, "I am the center of my storm."
Navesi nods to Xionara.
Binu nods to Navesi.
Binu grins.
Xionara frowns.
Xionara scratches one ear, looking bemused.
Binu says, "We work well together."
Binu says, "Us elemental mages."
Navesi nods in agreement.
You notice a muscular cloud-grey leopard with fiery rosettes sniff at Binu for a moment.
Navesi says, "Glad I married one."
You grin.
Saragos grins at Navesi.
Saragos kisses Navesi. And he doesn't seem to want to stop.
Saragos says, "On that note, I think I'm going to step away."
You say, "As am I, I could use some rest."
Saragos says, "Thanks for organizing again, Perune."
Saragos nods to you.
You say, "Of course, thanks for coming."
Devish says, "Heyas."
You nod politely to Devish.
You ask, "Morning, how are you?"
Devish asks, "Hangin' in there, how bout you?"
Devish raises an eyebrow.
Remorseless just arrived.
You say, "Doing pretty good, wondering how much of a showing we will get with the Shard festival and all."
Devish dusts himself off.
Devish says, "I am heading there myself, but wanted to stop by here first."
You say, "I haven't stopped by there myself."
You ask, "I guess they had fireworks earlier?"
You ask, "Have either of you seen the new altar to Drogor?"
Devish asks, "The one out the east gate of Haven?"
You nod to Devish.
Devish says, "Yeah, I been by there a few times, my house is up that way."
You say, "I guess a lot of the commanders in Theren got killed trying to burn it down."
Devish laughs softly, trying to hide his amusement.
Devish says, "Yeah."
Remorseless says, "I have not been there."
Devish says, "It's right where you dive into the river to swim to Xing."
You nod in agreement.
Remorseless says, "I've never stopped there."
Devish says, "I don't put much stock in the gods, so I don't care one way or the other."
You say, "The locals seem to be upset with the Inquisitor who consecrated it."
Devish says, "Some do have their breeches in a twist."
Devish nods.
You ask Devish, "Really? What is your opinion on them?"
Devish says, "I ignore them."
Devish flashes a quick grin.
You chuckle.
You ask, "Aren't concerned that they won't ignore you?"
Devish says, "That would be my hope, that they do ignore me."
Devish grins.
You say, "Well, I figured."
> l
Devish says, "I leave that business to the clerics."
You say, "The Inquisitor seemed to imply that it is due to people ignoring them that the Dark Aspects fly into a rage."
You say, "One moment, I have to get an elementalist friend."
You go west.
You direct the elemental's attention to Navesi.
The elemental flickers for a moment, then waves Navesi towards the staircase.
An elemental of water appears and nods to your group, gesturing you up the staircase.
[Warrior Mage Guild, Landing]
The second floor landing is paneled in softly-colored woods that start at a pleasant gold at the north and south, and shade gently to a pale pink at the east and west. A large goldenwood door to the north blends perfectly with the paneling, and is flanked by two archways of pale pink marble to the east and west.
You also see a long steep staircase.
Also here: Herald Navesi.
Obvious exits: east, west, up.
You go east, leading your group.
[Warrior Mage Guild, Hall of History]
Thickly woven tapestries adorn the dull granite walls, each depicting something different. Iron sconces shaped like human hands, each holding a brightly lit gaethzen sphere, are affixed to the walls at regular intervals around the hall. A few mages read quietly in plush, high-backed chairs sitting atop the thick, bright red carpet.
You also see an ironwood table with a black leather-bound grimoire on it and a shiny silver plaque set above the archway leading west.
Also here: Herald Navesi, Remorseless and Devish.
Obvious exits: west.
Devish winks.
Devish says, "Hiyas Navesi."
Navesi nods politely.
Navesi says, "Hello there."
Remorseless says, "Dergati is not one to cross."
You nod to Remorseless.
Navesi says, "Fair warning, I am not a warrior mage, but Perune is kind enough to allow me to sit in."
You say, "I'm not sure I'd want to cross any of them."
Remorseless asks Navesi, "Warrior mage?"
Remorseless casually observes the area.
Navesi nods at you, obviously agreeing with your views.
Hoodlum Crisson just arrived.
Remorseless asks Navesi, "This isn't the thieves guild?"
Devish says, "My beliefs are simple: if it wants to kill me, I try to kill IT first."
Navesi chortles softly at some secret joke.
Devish laughs softly, trying to hide his amusement.
You chuckle.
Remorseless mutters to himself.
You nod to Devish.
You say, "I think it might be hard to kill an Immortal, however."
Devish says, "Good point, but never know til ya try."
Devish flashes a quick grin.
You say, "These people who tried to burn down the altar weren't attacked by monsters, but large bolts of lightning that always hit their mark."
Devish says, "Yeah, I think Hammerfist had a shocking revelation there."
Devish snickers.
You chuckle.
Navesi says, "Evidence perhaps that Drogor is a skilled warrior mage..."
Navesi flashes a quick grin.
You notice as a spotted storm-grey lynx with piercing blue eyes pads into the room.
The storm-grey lynx begins to watch the goings on carefully.
You say, "Certainly skilled at storms."
Remorseless says to Devish, "In the land of mortals it would take a demi god to defeat a god."
You notice as a spotted storm-grey lynx with piercing blue eyes begins to pant.
You nod to a spotted storm-grey lynx with piercing blue eyes.
Navesi says, "Hello Arias."
The storm-grey lynx growls, "Hello, Navesi."
The sleek bear growls, "Greetings again Arias."
Navesi smiles gently at the grey lynx.
Hedgewizard Tarlof just arrived.
The storm-grey lynx sits down.
You notice Crisson attempting to conceal his spell preparations.
Crisson traces an angular sigil in the air.
The storm-grey lynx growls, "Greetings. It is so strange to interact with another 'familiar"
Crisson gestures.
Crisson's cambrinth armband emits a loud snap.
Crisson is stunned!
The Hanjora growls, "Maybe, but most enjoyable."
You observe Crisson with fascination.
Navesi glances at Crisson.
Crisson chuckles.
Navesi quietly asks you, "What spell was that?"
You say, "I don't know."
Devish asks, "Self stun?"
The storm-grey lynx growls, "To put it in mortal terms, it is like peering through a foggy window and seeing someone you recognize on the other side."
You ask Crisson, "You alright?"
Devish laughs softly, trying to hide his amusement.
Crisson says, "My essence of yew isn't alwys cooperative."
Navesi frowns.
Navesi quietly asks Crisson, "Are you aware of the consequences of sorcery?"
Crisson says, "Um power...yes good consequesnces."
Navesi sighs.
Devish says, "Unless you get caught."
Devish flashes a quick grin.
Crisson scoffs.
Devish says, "Locked out of all hospitals for a day, banks too."
Tarlof grins.
You say, "Or blow up your arms, lands, summon demons, and so on."
Navesi says, "It is illegal, dangerous to yourself and others, and erodes at the fabric of our universe."
The storm-grey lynx growls, "There are indeed other consequences, more dire than the legal ones."
Devish says, "That is annoying, but the bank and empath thing is more of a pain."
Crisson says, "That has not benn proven yet."
Navesi says, "I don't intend to redirect our conversation from the planned one, but I thought you should at least be informed."
Crisson nods to Navesi.
You say, "Out of curiosity."
You ask Crisson, "What would you do if we had the research to prove it?"
Remorseless asks Navesi, "Unless we push our magic powers to the limit how can we know our limits?"
You ask, "If we had some solid evidence, would it change your studies?"
Crisson says, "I will refrain from questionable activity for the remainder of this endeavor."
Navesi says to Remorseless, "Who says the limits are a place we want to be? You've surely heard of Blackfire and the Voidspell."
The storm-grey lynx growls, "It has been proven time and again. Legends of your own guild talk of Sorceries - the Voidspell, and Blackfire. It is theorized that the Voidspell may have caused the breach that the Zaulfung stones are shoring up."
You say, "I ask simply because I think for most, it wouldn't change anything."
Remorseless grins at Navesi.
Remorseless says to Navesi, "Aye, I have."
The storm-grey lynx growls, "Or the Wind Clan - wiped out after refusing to heed the warnings of the Guardians of Magic."
Remorseless says to Navesi, "With hard work i may master those powers."
Devish says, "A little danger keeps the blood pumpin'."
Navesi says, "We have furthermore had dire visions lately of the Heralds returning, quite likely related in some way to Elemental sorcery."
Navesi's fierce determination continues to inspire you to stand strong against all that assails you, the chaos of the world around you seeming small and insignificant.
You nod.
Black Fox Xionara just arrived, leading her group.
[Warrior Mage Guild, Hall of History]
Thickly woven tapestries adorn the dull granite walls, each depicting something different. Iron sconces shaped like human hands, each holding a brightly lit gaethzen sphere, are affixed to the walls at regular intervals around the hall. A few mages read quietly in plush, high-backed chairs sitting atop the thick, bright red carpet.
You also see a spotted storm-grey lynx with piercing blue eyes that is sitting, a sleek bear that is sitting, an ironwood table with a black leather-bound grimoire on it and a shiny silver plaque set above the archway leading west.
Also here: Knight Magister Saragos, Black Fox Xionara, Hedgewizard Tarlof, Hoodlum Crisson who is surrounded by a shimmering shield, Herald Navesi, Remorseless and Devish.
Obvious exits: west.
Xionara softly says, "There he is."
Saragos gives a courteous nod and tips his hat politely.
Navesi says to Remorseless, "I pray to every god that you do not."
Xionara softly says to Navesi, "Your husband is showing his age."
Navesi smiles at Saragos.
Xionara softly says to Navesi, "He's falling asleep on the ferry now."
Navesi begins chortling at Xionara.
Devish chuckles.
Xionara softly says to Navesi, "I think I see a grey hair."
Xionara glances at Saragos.
Saragos snorts, loudly.
Remorseless says to Navesi, "Then pray to Dergati."
Xionara softly says to Navesi, "Don't worry, I won't let him miss the docks on my watch."
Devish says, "1 grey hair, my whole head is already there."
Xionara winks at Navesi.
Devish laughs softly, trying to hide his amusement.
You chuckle at Devish.
Xionara begins chortling at Devish.
Navesi grins at Xionara.
Navesi says to Xionara, "I appreciate you looking out for him."
You say, "It seems we have a fair number of folks now. Though we've really already begun."
Xionara softly says to Navesi, "I do tend to nap sometimes too, but it's not age. The water is... the rocking motion. Yes."
Saragos says to Devish, "Danger does indeed keep the blood pumping, but you're not just risking yourself. You're risking everyone around you. On the farm where I grew up, there's a reason we didn't let anyone smoke when we were harvesting the grain."
Xionara hums to herself.
You say, "Allow me to jump into a few things and then we can continue our prior discussions."
Navesi says to Xionara, "I think Saragos just wears himself out sometimes."
Saragos says, "One person's mistake and we all go up in smoke. Or if we're lucky enough to escape the flames, starve."
Saragos grins.
Saragos nods to you.
Xionara softly says, "Oh, I hope Binu comes tonight."
Xionara studies the faces around her.
You say, "First, last week we travelled to Muspar'i and visited the Guildhall there."
Xionara softly says, "Did my leopard... yep, he did."
You say, "I'd call it a success, we were able to study a lot of the elemental gardens and the rare artifacts they had there."
You say, "Along with some unique burial sites for past Guildleaders, it seemed."
Navesi nods to you.
Xionara softly asks, "Oh?"
Devish ponders when we get to bury Gauthus.
Ulim goes west.
You say, "Next week we plan to have our gathering coincide with Mazrian's mentoring. So our gathering will begin as soon as his concludes."
Xionara nods at you, obviously agreeing with your views.
You say, "I think doing a meet and greet for this would be good. We kind of know each other by name, but not many of us know a lot about each other."
You say, "So if you plan to show up, be prepared to tell a bit about yourself to your peers."
Your mind hears Vaniotte thinking, "{faintly}" "I have a squirrel that smells like bacon!"
Xionara nods.
You say, "After that, I plan to take a leave of absense for a few weeks and return to Leth to visit my father. In the mean time, Xionara and Saragos will hold a couple of these gatherings for the weeks I'm gone."
Navesi nods to you.
Saragos nods.
You say, "Following my return I plan to host another Questions and Theories gathering, much like the first one we did. That will occur a bit earlier than our usual time as well. I plan to host that in front of Arhat's tower again."
Devish nods.
You ask, "Is anyone unfamiliar with that format?"
Xionara softly says, "Oooh, questions and theories."
Xionara rubs her hands together.
Devish says, "I have a theory that questions always lead to more questions."
Devish flashes a quick grin.
Xionara grins at Devish.
You grin at Devish.
You say, "Very true, and it certainly did last time as well."
Devish chuckles.
Saragos nods to Devish.
You say, "We developed a lot of questions we submitted to Gauthus, and he was kind enough to submit them to the Grovekeepers for review."
Xionara nods.
Xionara softly says, "I remember it well."
You say, "Gebuys dropped by and gave us a lot of answers. It was good work all around."
Xionara nods at you, obviously agreeing with your views.
You say, "I'm not sure how Gauthus will re-act to a second set but we're students and we are trying to learn."
You shrug.
Navesi nods to you.
Navesi says, "It is worth a shot."
You notice as a spotted storm-grey lynx with piercing blue eyes begins to pant.
Xionara softly says to you, "I wanted to.. thank you for your diligence in setting up these meetings for us. I already feel like I know several mages better now, thanks to these meetings."
You say, "I imagine he will attempt to help our studies however he can."
Xionara smiles at you.
Saragos says, "Nothing ventured, nothing gained."
Saragos nods to Navesi.
You smile at Xionara.
You say to Xionara, "You're welcome."
You say, "Let me thank those of you who showed up, as well."
You say, "If no one shows, nothing happens."
You say, "But activity breeds activity and this is our third or fourth week gathering now and we've kept it going."
You say, "My only real discussion for tonight, I brought up partly to Devish already."
Devish raises an eyebrow in your direction.
Devish asks, "Oh, the altar?"
You say, "We were discussing the Immortals and specifically the altar that was raised in Riverhaven."
You say, "Yup."
You say, "I gathered Devish's feelings on the Gods quite clearly, but I'm curious as to what my other peers think about the Darker Aspects."
Saragos says, "Oh, interesting. Heard about that thing."
Crisson says, "Ive heard it dangerous to venture near it."
You say, "I spent the better part of a day near it."
You say, "You'll be fine if you don't try to destroy it."
Devish says, "Cant avoid it if you swim back and forth between Haven and Xing."
Devish says, "It's near my house, and I see folks gathered by the river there all the time."
You say, "But I am bringing this up because our guild is often central to the defense of the provinces, and the Dark Aspects tend to work as destructive forces against mortals."
Saragos says to you, "A very good point."
You say, "I spent a few good hours discussing these aspects with an Inquisitor, so my mind has delved a bit into this subject."
Xionara angles her ears forward, gazing curiously at you.
You say, "And my curiosity on everyone elses viewpoint is piqued."
Navesi says, "The Dark ones... They are the orchestrators of blight, storm, and woe. Sometimes They demand worship and sacrifice. It is not something that I particularly like, being... coerced in this way."
You nod to Navesi.
Forging Legend Binu just arrived.
You say, "Mornin, Binu."
You pat Binu on the back.
Binu says, "Hello."
Navesi says, "At the same time, there are certainly times when I do bow to Their will, because of the loss of life and suffering that They might cause otherwise."
Saragos tips his hat to Binu with a courteous nod.
Binu waves to Saragos.
Xionara smiles at Binu.
Xionara softly exclaims to Binu, "There you are!"
Binu grins at Xionara.
Binu says, "Your leopard was too cloudy."
The cloud-grey leopard sits down.
Binu says, "Blended into the morning."
Saragos says, "I've got some thoughts, if you'll all indulge me."
Binu grins at Xionara.
Saragos grins.
Xionara grins at Binu.
Navesi nods to Saragos.
Xionara nods to Saragos.
Binu says, "Certainly."
Binu smiles at Saragos.
You say to Navesi, "To jump in on your point, it was stated to me that if I wished to defend others from a destructive act of a Dark One, I would do best to lead people to an altar for prayer and not intefere with the actions of said Dark One."
Xionara softly says to Binu, "My leopard is skilled at camoflageing itself. My prey never notice it."
Navesi nods to you.
Xionara angles her ears forward, gazing curiously at you.
Saragos says, "Dark aspects simply ARE. Can't get around them. They're there. When I think about it, I've got to admit that they're necessary for life. Destruction often brings renewal and regeneration."
Navesi says, "I am willing to humble myself before Their altars at times."
You nod to Saragos.
Xionara softly says to Binu, "Hmm."
You say to Saragos, "That was stated to me as well."
Binu says, "Drogor is fun."
Binu whistles a merry tune.
You chuckle at Binu.
Binu gazes upward.
Xionara softly says to Binu, "Drogor uses lightning. I can respect that."
Binu says, "And eels."
Xionara softly says to Binu, "But, I follow the three. He gets my respect, not my worship."
Xionara softly says, "Whoever, or whatever, he is."
Xionara waves her hand distractedly.
Saragos asks, "Thing is, you can't do everything at once. You can't make the dark aspects and the light aspects both happy at the same time. So you either try to ride the line, or you pick a side. I pick the side of preservation rather than destruction. But that then begs the question - how do you avoid the wrath of the side you're not on?"
Binu nods to Saragos.
Navesi nods to Saragos.
Binu says, "Neutral aspects."
Binu nods to Saragos.
Saragos says, "I look at it this way - even if you don't agree with a god, you have to respect them. But respect comes in different shades."
Crisson asks, "If it hasn't caused any obvious dangers...other than melting it really about protecting to provinces or more a view on the gods?"
Xionara softly says to Saragos, "I could get into a discussion about whether or not Drogor is not just an aspect of Eu presenting itself, but that could get complicated."
Saragos says, "So, I'll respect Drogor. If I'm going out on a sea voyage, I'm going to say a prayer, maybe make an offering. I respect that he could destroy me."
Xionara softly says, "I'm not sure what my views are on it, really."
You ask Crisson, "The altar?"
Crisson nods to you.
Xionara softly says to Saragos, "The wrath of the sea can be deadly."
Xionara nods to Saragos.
Xionara angles her ears forward in curiosity.
Navesi says to Xionara, "Drogor is also related to the Kaldaran Eluned and in some ways to the Gorbesh Aniek."
You say to Crisson, "It may be more about their Pride, or perhaps the potential danger a cult of Drogor might bring. I'm not sure."
Xionara softly says to Navesi, "Curiouser and curiouser. I'm glad I only have three to worry about."
You say, "The locals there are upset, but the nobility hasn't made any official statements, yet."
Saragos says, "But there are lots of disagreeing aspects. If Drogor's minions come ashore and start eating people, it doesn't mean, to me, that I should start eating people myself, or just wait to die. Any more than it means I need to go stick my face in a puddle and drown the minute a storm starts up."
Xionara softly asks you, "Isn't Drogor credited for releasing the sharks on Zoluren rather recently?"
Devish says, "If anything manifests, I will fight it, otherwise, I will ignore it."
Devish shrugs.
You say, "I would assume so, if sharks were eating people in strange number."
Binu puts his talisman in his war belt.
Xionara softly says, "Well, recently, as in.. well, you know. Not last year or anything, but recently."
You nod to Xionara.
Saragos says, "If I'm following Rutilor, for example, I'll fight against injustice. And I'll respect Drogor's minions as an opponent. But personally, I view any statements that we just have to lie down and take it as partisan rantings. There are lots of immortals with lots of opinions on things."
Saragos clears his throat.
Navesi nods at Saragos, obviously agreeing with his views.
Xionara softly says, "Seems like the most prudent course of action would be to let it be, whoever or whatever that altar is dedicated to obviously exists and is watching it. So, those who believe in it, bring it a shark's tooth or whatnot, keep the waters calm, and move on."
Saragos says, "That's my take, at least. Some Cleric might tell me I'm a blasphemer."
Saragos grins crookedly.
You say, "One of the things I was told.. was that it is partly about balance."
Xionara grins at Saragos.
Xionara nods to you.
Xionara softly says to you, "I agree."
You say, "As mentioned, the Dark Ones represent a form of destruction and challenge."
Xionara softly says to you, "So long as it's not causing a problem... I wouldn't make it a problem until it becomes a problem."
Navesi says, "At the same time, I find it prudent to occasionally offer prayer and orb to the Dark ones during Their times of highest strife. It should not offend the other gods, and it is a showing of respect."
Xionara angles her ears forward, gazing curiously at Navesi.
You say, "When we fail to recognize the work of that aspect in our lives regularly, they are eventually enraged at our pride."
Navesi says, "Yet I would indeed fight against the minions of Drogor and attempt to preserve and protect the people of the Crossing."
Xionara nods at Navesi, obviously agreeing with her views.
Saragos nods to you.
Navesi says, "I will likewise not sacrifice a living being to Him, as I stand for preservation, with Saragos."
Devish says, "Not much I can do to affect a god, but if they drop stuff on us that can be killed, I am there."
Devish chuckles.
Xionara nods at Navesi, obviously agreeing with her views.
Navesi says, "But prayer is harmless enough. He wants to be seen and respected."
Your mind hears Mistanna thinking, "{faintly}" "Awwww."
Saragos says, "Personally, I try to hold to the neutral aspects. I see Chadatru and Meraud as my patrons. Try to walk the line, a bit."
You say, "It was implied that we often benefit from the challenges they present in our daily lives by growing stronger, or wiser."
Saragos nods to you.
You nod to Devish.
Xionara softly says to Navesi, "I couldn't offer him worship, myself. My soul belongs to the Three and is ruled by Tenemlor's Wheel. For all I know, he could just be an aspect of Eu manifesting itself."
Saragos says, "I agree with that. I see my struggles against the storm as part of the respect I pay to Drogor. And I should thank him for making me strong at the same time I fight."
You say, "This may be a bit far outside our general studies, but I figured this is something at least worth thinking about."
Navesi nods to Xionara.
You say, "As Warrior Mages, we're going to be up against minions of destruction at some point, guaranteed."
Navesi says to Saragos, "You have learned our ways well."
Xionara nods at you, obviously agreeing with your views.
Navesi smiles at Saragos.
Saragos grins at Navesi.
Xionara softly asks, "Peru what of the nature of the lightning that was seen?"
Xionara softly says, "Perune."
Xionara clears her throat.
You ask, "Mm, where?"
Xionara adjusts her rose-tinted glasses into place.
You ask, "The altar?"
Xionara softly asks you, "Yes, when those... who were angered by its existance put firewood on it and tried to burn it?"
Xionara softly asks you, "You heard of this, yes?"
You say, "Yes, they were smote."
Xionara nods to you.
Devish says, "That is an understatement."
Devish chortles softly at some secret joke.
Xionara nods to Devish.
You grin.
You say, "I didn't witness it, but that's what I heard."
You say, "Also, there seems to be a lot of storms that way. The Inquisitor claimed it is Drogor's wrath."
Devish says, "I didn't see the lightning hit but I saw Hammer's body."
You say, "Perhaps he plans to flood Riverhaven."
Navesi asks, "What I wonder is why these people felt the need to attempt harm on the altar of any god?"
Devish says, "I hope not, my house is a stone's throw from there."
Xionara softly says to Navesi, "I think they find its presence an affront."
Navesi asks, "Are they worried it invites Drogor's presence and will result in more storms and flooding for Therengia?"
Saragos says, "Trying to burn down the altar of a god, even one you disagree with, is just dumb. Sorry if I offend anyone here with that, but it's true. Might as well go scream at the rain."
You say, "I think they are concerned about drawing the eye of a Dark Aspect."
Xionara frowns.
Xionara nods at Saragos, obviously agreeing with his views.
You say, "Or the wrath a cult of Drogor might bring upon the city."
You notice as a Hanjora looks around absentmindedly.
Remorseless says to Saragos, "People that get offended should be offended."
Xionara softly says, "I think that Cleric asked permission and was denied and in her zeal, went ahead with it anyway."
You say, "These are just guesses though, I have not spoken to anyone about their concerns."
Saragos grins at Remorseless.
Devish says, "Gotta give 'em points for sticking to their beliefs and risking it."
Saragos says to Remorseless, "I don't disagree, but I do try for civility."
You say to Devish, "That does take guts."
You nod at Devish, in complete agreement with his views.
Remorseless says to Saragos, "Their opinion is no more valable than yours."
Crisson says, "Zealots are often not deterred by logic."
Devish chuckles.
Navesi nods to Crisson.
Xionara softly says, "I am curious as to how they were able to attract the attentions of... Drogor... though."
Saragos says, "Guts or foolhardiness. But they did have the fortitude to make the attempt at least."
Saragos shrugs.
(Navesi clears her throat and mutters something about sorcery.)
Xionara softly says, "It makes me want to seek out Liurilias and ask him about how we might go about creating a few more holy places to the Three."
You say, "The Inquisitor has been worshipping Drogor for a long time, I think."
Crisson glances at Navesi.
Xionara softly says, "There is only the boulder.."
Xionara sighs.
Xionara nods at you, obviously agreeing with your views.
You ask, "Where would you like another site?"
You say, "I imagine if you gathered your kin, you could do it."
Xionara softly says to you, "Hmm. Well, ideally, I'd like two."
Xionara softly says, "One south of the gondola, and one north of it by Silverclaw Hub for those living there."
Xionara softly says, "Or west of Shard and south of the gondola. Whatever, so long as it's accessible to those of us who linger around Shard."
You nod to Xionara.
Xionara softly says to you, "I intend to look into it... I wasn't sure such a thing could be done."
Xionara softly says, "And I would hope it's been long enough now that my people have been in these lands..."
You say, "I imagine it would take a great gathering of your kin to get their attention, perhaps. The Three are quite specific to your people."
Xionara softly says, "For more than one place to show our reverance."
Xionara nods at you, obviously agreeing with your views.
You ask, "Was there anything else anyone had on their mind?"
Xionara softly says to you, "They speak in subtle ways. Nothing so flashy as a bolt of lightning from the heavens."
Xionara softly says, "At least not that I've seen."
You say, "Oh, that reminds me."
You say, "I did speak to Sir Leucius lately about hunting and practicing with the Paladins."
Saragos says, "Well, I think I had one more thing to say on the previous subject."
Saragos raises an eyebrow in your direction.
Xionara angles her ears forward in curiosity.
Crisson scoffs.
You say, "He plans to hold a hunt against evil soon, I think that will be open to all parties but I'd like to form a large Warrior Mage party for it and dominate that hunt."
Xionara glances at Saragos.
Xionara smiles at you.
Saragos smiles wolfishly.
Saragos says, "I would be delighted."
Xionara softly says to you, "I would be happy to participate in that as well."
You say, "Second, he wants to teach the younger Paladins how to lead and defend others, and I mentioned to him that we were looking at ways to organize better with debilitators and area effect wrath."
Saragos nods to you.
You say, "So we'll likely set up somethin for that in the future as well, just keep your eyes out for it."
Xionara nods to you.
Navesi says, "I could provide Bardic support if you find it amenable."
You say, "Everyone loves bardic support."
Navesi flashes a quick grin.
Navesi carefully examines her clockwork shark.
Xionara softly asks you, "It would be nice to have a wall of steel between us and our foes while we wiggle our fingers to call down the wrath of the elements, hmm?"
You say, "Rage of the Clans gets my blood pumping."
Xionara nods to Navesi.
Devish says, "I hunt with pallies a lot, so if you set something up, I can ask Wrath, Zev, Ken, etc. if they wanna come."
You nod to Devish.
You say, "That'd be great, Dev."
Saragos nods to Devish.
Xionara tilts her head to one side.
Xionara angles her ears forward, gazing curiously at Devish.
You nod at Xionara, in complete agreement with her views.
Xionara softly asks Devish, "Wrath..icant.. Zev...azi.... Kenamer?"
Devish says, "Wrathicant, Zevazi, Kenamer, Nehahra."
You say, "The purpose there is to work better against invading forces, so it'd help a lot."
Xionara nods to Devish.
Xionara coils her tail, looping it loosely around her waist.
Saragos nods to you.
Devish says, "Really helps to have a pallie lead in invasions."
You say, "That's what I told Leucius."
You chuckle.
Xionara softly says to Devish, "I've met Zevazi, Kenamer.. the others I only know in name, but that would be great."
Devish says, "Wrath is down in Shard alot, surprised you don't know him."
Saragos says, "Sure. Well, I just wanted to throw out something. I was born with a leaning towards the elements. I'm lucky enough to have the attunement and the opportunity to train in our guild. We have some powerful ways of wreaking havoc and destruction."
A pained expression crosses Saragos's face.
You nod to Saragos.
Devish says, "Unfortunately, some of those ways get me arrested."
Xionara softly says to Devish, "I think I've passed him once or twice."
Crisson nods to Devish.
Saragos says, "That's not all I want to be. When I'm gone, I don't want people to just shake their heads like they're glad a storm passed and didn't do more damage."
Xionara begins chortling at Devish.
Devish says, "Tired of being dragged off in chains for casting debil."
Xionara softly says to Devish, "Cost me over 200 plats, easily."
Xionara stares blankly into the distance.
Devish exclaims, "It gets expensive!"
Saragos says, "I want to help defend civilization, if I can, with my gifts. Not many people seem interested nowadays, but it's a worthy goal."
Devish nods emphatically at Xionara.
Navesi smiles at Saragos.
Saragos says, "More worthy, I think, than just looking to enrich oneself."
Saragos shrugs.
Devish chuckles.
Navesi stands near Saragos.
Xionara looks thoughtfully at Saragos.
Xionara softly says to Saragos, "I think it is wise of you."
You say, "It is worthy, I agree."
Xionara softly says to Saragos, "Leaving things too late can ... cause the land to suffer."
Xionara softly says to Saragos, "Better to be proactive, get a head start, meet it head on when it surfaces."
Saragos says, "Not throwing stones at anyone. I just wanted to put that out there. And I plan on defending those who can't with everything I have."
Saragos says, "Regardless of the source."
A pained expression crosses Saragos's face.
Xionara nods to Saragos.
Xionara angles her ears forward, gazing curiously at Saragos.
Xionara softly asks Saragos, "What do you mean by that?"
You say, "He means he'll defend others from the Dark Aspects."
Xionara softly says, "Ah."
Xionara nods.
Saragos says, "Well. Sharks come through the Crossing, start gnawing on some orphans... I'm going to be there. I figure if Drogor's not happy with that, I'll eventually have to settle up with him and that's my business."
You say, "And from anything else, for that matter."
Devish says, "My rule is simple, if it invades kill it first, ask questions later."
Devish flashes a quick grin.
Xionara nods to Devish.
You nod to Saragos.
Saragos nods to Devish.
Xionara softly says to Devish, "Anything aggressive is to be put down. It's rare we have the luxury to capture, interrogate, pursue other means..."
You say, "We can only be what they created, perhaps."
Saragos says to you, "Now that's a statement to think on."
Xionara softly says, "Well, anything likely to come charging down the Northern Trade Route covered head-to-toe in armor and carrying martial weapons is likely not wanting to have dialogue with us anyway."
Devish grins at Xionara.
Xionara softly says, "Apart from adventurers, that is."
Xionara softly says, "Let me be clear on that point."
Xionara winks.
Saragos says, "Course, you have to be careful. Take it too far and you can justify darn near anything."
Devish laughs!
Saragos grins at Xionara.
Xionara nods to Saragos.
Devish says, "Well, on that note, I must head to the faire to meet my gal."
Devish says, "Everyone take care."
Xionara softly says to Devish, "It was nice to have met you."
Saragos says to Devish, "Thanks for coming."
Saragos gives a courteous nod and tips his hat politely.
Devish stops teaching.
Xionara waves to Devish.
You say, "Thanks for stopping by Dev."
Crisson nods to Devish.
Devish raises his hand in a quick salute.
You wave to Devish.
Devish pads west.
You say, "About my prior statement, I mean that we are not gifted with the wide view a God has. We only have our mortal senses."
Xionara nods to you.
You say, "I will never see with such a wide and knowing scope, I can only be myself, with what little information I have."
You say, "Maybe there's a comfort in that."
Xionara nods to you.
Saragos nods to you.
Xionara softly says to you, "One can only judge based on what one is presented, and never regret that."
Xionara softly says to you, "Too often, hesitation leads to dire consequences."
Xionara's ears droop for a moment.
Xionara dusts herself off.
You nod to Xionara.
Xionara softly says, "Though, of course... actions untempered by the logic of the mind, fueled by emotion alone, can be just as dangerous."
Saragos says to you, "You sound like some monks I met once. We should chat about that sometime."
Saragos grins at you.
Xionara softly says, "It is a slippery rope to walk."
Navesi nods to Xionara.
You say, "I'm not sure I've met any monks."
Xionara angles her ears forward, gazing curiously at you.
Xionara angles her ears forward, gazing curiously at Saragos.
Xionara softly asks, "Monks?"
You say, "Strangely, I've met a few Inquisitors. Maybe it's a sign of the times."
Navesi says, "He was in the care of monks for a time, in the Dragonspine I believe."
Xionara softly says, "In the Dragonspine.. interesting."
Xionara looks thoughtfully at you.
Xionara softly says to you, "I'd like to hear the story, sometime."
Navesi says, "I was speaking of Saragos."
Saragos nods to Navesi.
Navesi flashes a quick grin at Xionara.
Xionara softly exclaims, "Oh!"
Xionara flails her arms about.
Xionara softly says to Saragos, "Well, I would."
You chuckle at Xionara.
Navesi says, "I am afraid that I do not know Perune's personal history quite as well."
Saragos says, "Indeed. We should get to know each other a bit more."
You say, "I never spent time with monks. Most of my time was spent with the Forest clan after my mother died."
Xionara softly says to Navesi, "Perhaps it would be a good opportunity to explore that."
Navesi nods to Xionara.
Xionara softly says, "Sometime soon."
Navesi says, "I was hopeful we would get started at the next meeting, but any time is fine with me."
Xionara nods.
You say, "We will, I'm sure everyone will have a lot to say that day."
Navesi says, "My own story is a bit unforgivably long, though, I warn you."
Navesi says, "I'll have to condense."
Xionara softly says to Navesi, "I would sit and hear you tell it, at length."
Navesi smiles at Xionara.
Xionara softly says to Navesi, "My kin had... and some of us still have, a great love of oral storytelling."
Navesi says, "I appreciate that."
Xionara smiles at Navesi.
Navesi says, "Perhaps we should arrange it aside from warrior mage gatherings though. It would take a while."
Xionara nods to Navesi.
Saragos nods to Navesi.
Xionara coils her tail, looping it loosely around her waist.
Navesi says, "Unless we wanted to make a series of it, just sharing our own personal stories."
Xionara brushes one ear with her hand, grooming it absentmindedly.
You say, "Perhaps it is time to let things draw to a close for today."
Navesi nods to you.
Xionara nods to you.
Crisson nods to you.
Xionara softly asks Binu, "You didn't happen to locate an additional fire sigilated ring, did you?"
You say, "I recommend everyone start thinking about what questions or theories they want to bring up at that specific gathering though."
Navesi says, "A good discussion on Drogor. Wise to begin to discuss topics of such variety I think."
You say, "I'd recommend the artifacts and things we noticed at the Muspar'i Guild if anyone needs ideas."
Saragos nods to you.
Crisson says, "Nice meeting you all...and i hope you keep leading the charge against sorcery travels."
You say, "Be well Crisson."
Navesi flashes a quick grin at Crisson.
Crisson grins at Navesi.
Saragos grins at Crisson.
Saragos tips his hat to Crisson with a courteous nod.
Crisson waves.
Navesi says, "Thank you good sir. Take care."
You wave.
Navesi says, "I'd like to know why we Bards do not have such amazing elemental artifacts. That is my question."
Navesi grins at you.
Saragos grins at Navesi.
Binu grins at Navesi.
Saragos exclaims to Navesi, "Get started making some!"
Navesi says, "Perhaps I can submit it to the Bard council."
Binu nods to Navesi.
Navesi says, "If there were a good school of enchanting here, I would consider it."
You say, "Maybe so, that is strange though."
You say, "A lot of Guilds hide their artifacts though."
You say, "Consider the Hand of Meraud."
Binu says, "Warrior Mages corner most of the destructive artifact market."
Binu says, "Bards have the rest of the fun."
Saragos says, "Elemental magic doesn't all have to be destructive."
Navesi says, "Our Elemental magic largely hinges on the elemental nature of the emotions."
Saragos says, "But, well, every time I think of that I think of Paeldryth. Always a need to take care."
Saragos makes a grunting noise.
Xionara softly says, "I think that's why we're so gifted."
Navesi says, "The fire I create tends to burn in your breast and drive you to battle. Although I also make a nice fire storm."
Navesi flashes a quick grin.
Xionara softly asks Navesi, "Yes, how DO you get it to move with you?"
Navesi laughs softly, trying to hide her amusement.
Navesi exclaims, "I don't know how you do not!"
You notice as a Hanjora sniffs the ground intently.
Navesi says, "I am the center of my storm."
Navesi nods to Xionara.
Binu nods to Navesi.
Binu grins.
Xionara frowns.
Xionara scratches one ear, looking bemused.
Binu says, "We work well together."
Binu says, "Us elemental mages."
Navesi nods in agreement.
You notice a muscular cloud-grey leopard with fiery rosettes sniff at Binu for a moment.
Navesi says, "Glad I married one."
You grin.
Saragos grins at Navesi.
Saragos kisses Navesi. And he doesn't seem to want to stop.
Saragos says, "On that note, I think I'm going to step away."
You say, "As am I, I could use some rest."
Saragos says, "Thanks for organizing again, Perune."
Saragos nods to you.
You say, "Of course, thanks for coming."