Really looking forward to seeing him in Prime, and to new toys!
Re: Gebuys
01/14/2016 03:16 PM CST
Work has been keeping me exhausted lately, so basically every night/weekend I say to myself, "I still need to do the Gebuys event in Prime." It will basically happen the next night/weekend I don't feel exhausted. That might be tonight, or it might be next week. Hopefully soon, not soon™.
That one guy
If you have questions or comments in regard to this post please email me at
That one guy
If you have questions or comments in regard to this post please email me at
Re: Gebuys
01/14/2016 04:25 PM CST
Been looking forward to this as well. Curious to see what a Scholar from the Grove is all about.
Re: Gebuys
01/14/2016 04:52 PM CST
Myself as well. And thanks for the work in bringing a WM event back, too. Very excited.
- Saragos
- Saragos
Re: Gebuys
01/14/2016 06:21 PM CST
Oh look, there he is in the Warrior Mage Guild, Hall of History talking about a new spell, Electrostatic Eddy, and improvements to Elemental Weapons!
That one guy
If you have questions or comments in regard to this post please email me at
That one guy
If you have questions or comments in regard to this post please email me at
Re: Gebuys
01/14/2016 07:18 PM CST
Thanks for doing this. The interaction was cool, and I look forward to being able to use the spell...some day. I'm slow.
Re: Gebuys
01/14/2016 08:16 PM CST
>>Thanks for doing this.
Definitely. I really enjoyed the whole thing and can't wait to build up some slots to test out the spell. It was a great night.
Definitely. I really enjoyed the whole thing and can't wait to build up some slots to test out the spell. It was a great night.
A visit with Gebuys (log)
01/14/2016 08:18 PM CST
Gebuys says, "Good evening."
Gebuys says, "Looks like the gweth thing worked."
You say, "And to you. It's an honor to meet a Scholar of the Grove."
Gebuys says, "Ha! It's an honor to be met! We don't get out much."
You say, "Now, if only they can find the Hall of History."
Gebuys asks, "Do people not come up here often?"
Binu says, "It depends on the day really."
Zaxor says, "I don't think most people make it past the front door."
Binu says, "Most times, I find this hall to be empty."
Gebuys says, "Oh, I've been extremely eager to introduce this new spell."
You say, "We hold our monthly guild meeting night here, to remind people there's more to the guild than spells and hunting."
Gebuys exclaims, "Another one found us! Wonderful!"
You say, "Evenig, Tepi."
Tepi says, "Evening."
Binu says, "I've given directions on the gweths so that more can join us."
Gebuys exclaims, "Party's really getting started now!"
You ask, "Indeed. Dear...does this qualify for a table, maybe?"
Kaelie says, "I believe I could get us some refreshments for sure."
Kaelie says, "By all means, all, help yourself. This isn't for us but it does seem to be a nice thing to have out for you all."
Gebuys says, "Oooh, nibbles."
Serennade tenderly exclaims, "Thank you!!"
Gebuys exclaims, "I was just about to say the attendance has started to slow down, and several more people arrive!"
Serennade tenderly says, "I am so excited for this."
You say, "I expect we'll get quite a few coming from the outlying provinces. Saragos is coming from Ratha I believe."
Gebuys says, "I'm pretty excited, myself."
Binu says, "Maybe we need to request the help of a few Moon Mages to help the others get here."
Gebuys exclaims, "Not only did I get to leave my cloister, but I get to tell you about a spell I helped develop!"
Hanku says, "Couldn't hurt."
You say, "That's an excellent suggestion."
Gebuys says, "I think you'll all like it."
You say, "What's the life of a researcher like? I rather went the other way when I joined up."
Gebuys says, "Well, much of our time is spent studying, or attempting to design spell patterns."
Gebuys says, "However, we also drill in the use of weapons."
Gebuys says, "We have to put the spells and abilities we research to the test, so to speak."
Gebuys asks, "The electric kind?"
Binu says, "I can start a class on Targeted Magic if anyone would like."
You say, "Pardon me just a moment while I go get Klines."
You say, "Go on up, to the east."
Gebuys asks, "So where would all of you like to start?"
Binu whispers, "OOC: Gebuys says, "I was also told some of you had a meeting and came up with some questions I might be able to answer.""
Gebuys asks, "Questions, new spell, or Elemental Weapon improvements?"
Serennade tenderly says, "From the beginning."
Binu says, "Oh, it sounds so interesting."
Gebuys asks, "The beginning of what?"
Binu says, "I'll let him tell it though."
You say, "Perune hosted that."
You say, "I hope he gets a chance to come in person.."
You say, "If not, I have them written down."
Gebuys says, "We can start with something else if you'd rather Perune be here to ask those questions."
Gebuys says, "And by start, I mean besides the nibbles."
You say, "Yes, why don't we? He put a lot of effort in, deserves to be him."
Gebuys asks, "Alright, then. Spell or Elemental Weapons?"
You say, "Elemental weapons, if I'm choosing."
Raeellen says, "Weapons."
Binu says, "My vote is for Elemental Weapons, but that's only because you already told me about the spell."
Gebuys says, "Well, sounds like weapons to start, then."
Serennade tenderly exclaims, "Ooh straight to the chase!"
You say, "Food and drinks on the table, by the by."
Gebuys says, "Really, it's only a small change."
Binu teasingly says, "Just wait until you hear about the spell..."
Serennade tenderly says, "I coulda said straight to the cheese."
Gebuys says, "If you know the Quick Infusions metaspell, you can pull more material onto your weapon or push material off your weapon."
Mulder says, "Ooh."
You ask, "Oh, that sounds...can we do infinite density?"
Gebuys says, "It makes the weapon heavier, or lighter, depending."
Gebuys says, "There is a limit to how dense you can make a weapon."
You say, "I've always thought that should be possble but never actually had the stones to try."
Zojak says, "Hi all."
Gebuys exclaims, "Hello!"
You say, "Pardon me a moment, escorting."
Yesmur says, "Wll."
Yesmur says, "Well."
Zevazi says, "Good day."
You say, "Hey all...Gebuys, scholar of the grove, is in the Hall of History talking about elemental weapons."
Woten asks, "Anything interesting going on?"
You say, "And a new spell."
Voyle asks, "Right now?"
You say, "Right now."
Woten says, "Ah, excellent."
You say, "This moment."
You say, "Yes."
Binu says, "That sandwich does look tasty."
Devish says, "Sandwich might be more deadly."
Serennade tenderly asks, "You put your sandwich on the scimitar?"
Gebuys says, "That would be silly."
Zaxor asks, "Oh, can you add more material to the sandwich?"
Zojak asks, "An electrical scimitar huh?"
Zojak says, "Nice."
You say, "Perune is on his way...coming from Theren."
Gebuys says, "I'm not a forger, so it's a pretty standard scimitar."
Gebuys says, "Aside from the electricity, obviously."
You say, "Aside from being made of elemental electricity, yes."
You say, "Kaelie taught me into being a passable smith."
Voyle says, "That's a nifty trick, Binu."
Binu asks, "What?"
Xionara softly says, "Sorry I'm late. I came from Hara'Jaal and then Shard."
Zevazi asks, "Anyone care for a joust or combat instruction before I join a class?"
Gebuys says, "More of a chat."
Xionara softly asks, "Heavy thrown?"
You say, "Have a seat, grab a dirnk."
Armoria says, "Thank you."
Gebuys asks, "Is that a thing?"
You ask, "I have no idea?"
Perune says, "It is now."
Gebuys asks, "Alright, any questions about the elemental weapons, or should we move on?"
Voyle asks, "Has the technique changed?"
Voyle says, "I only recently arrived."
Gebuys says, "Oh, if you know the Quick Infusions metaspell, you can pull material to add to your weapon making it denser."
Voyle says, "Interesting."
Gebuys says, "Similarly, you can ush material off to make it lighter."
Munchausen says, "Outstanding."
Gebuys says, "There is a limit to how dense or light you can make it, though."
You say, "We've been chatting, waiting for people to arrive."
Devish asks, "What determines the limit?"
Zojak says, "Summoning, i would assume."
Devish asks, "Skill or just a hard cap?"
Munchausen says, "Simply outstanding."
You say, "30 stones to 36 on this scimitar. One additional density, seems like."
Devish asks, "Or both?"
Gebuys says, "I'm not sure. I didn't develop this ability, but as far as I'm aware, the cap is the same for everybody."
Binu says, "It seems to me that it goes between 4 and 6 density."
Gebuys says, "I was just asked to introduce this ability while I was here."
Binu says, "From my short testing just now."
Gebuys says, "I came to introduce a spell I helped develop."
Witchbaby says, "Oh nice."
Voyle says, "A newly-approved spell? I'm all ears."
Binu says, "Glad you made it Rayyoln."
Rayyoln says, "Got your heads up just now."
Gebuys says, "The new spell is an Electrical spell."
Xionara softly says, "Excellent."
Gebuys says, "It creates a cyclic connection to the Elemental Plane of Electricity which charges the air around the caster."
Zojak asks, "Ooh, like the sword trick?"
Gebuys says, "This tends to wreak havok on the nervous system of the caster's foes."
Munchausen asks, "Do I need a discharged ethereal shield to cast it?"
Zojak asks, "Or our shield?"
You ask, "At what ranges does it work?"
Gebuys says, "No, you should be fine, since you control it."
Xionara softly says, "Ooh."
Xionara softly says, "This sounds like something I need."
Devish asks, "At melee only?"
Gebuys says, "It's a typical area of effect spell."
Rainiere says, "Sounds pretty usefull in the field."
Gebuys says, "So you can hit everything around you, or just the things actively trying to kill you."
Xionara softly asks, "It moves with us?"
Woten asks, "Is there a point beyond which it can no longer inflict nerve damage?"
Xionara softly says, "Good. I don't understand why Fire Rain doesn't."
Devish says, "Interesting."
Zojak says, "Sounds like a fun spell."
Gebuys says, "It shouldn't hurt your allies, unless you're trying to destroy the room."
Munchausen asks, "Will is be more effective in water?"
Gebuys says, "I'm not sure, to be honest."
Gebuys says, "It's called Electrostatic Eddy."
Devish says, "That's a mouthful."
Zojak says, "Spiffy."
Kaelie says, "I feel kinda special hearing it and I'm only an Empath."
Zojak asks, "So where can i learn Electrostatic eddy?"
Gebuys says, "It's currently available for any guild member to cast."
Gebuys says, "Not as hard as some, but advanced, yes."
Devish says, "Oh nice."
Zojak says, "Im too young."
You say, "...I'm tempted to cast it now."
Gebuys says, "I would warn you not to cast it in town, though."
Zaxor says, "You can't, I just tried."
Zaxor says, "I mean..."
Hanku asks, "Can anyone but war mages cast this, if they found a scroll?"
Gebuys says, "Unless you want to deal with the authorities."
Munchausen says, "This is a safe space anyhow."
Gebuys says, "It requires a connection to the elemental planes."
Gebuys says, "Since you're directly tapping into the Plane of Electricity."
Devish asks, "Do you need to be aligned to the plane of electricity?"
Gebuys says, "You don't."
You say, "Be right back, getting Fizzbitty."
Voyle says, "So. Advanced. Cyclic. Electric. Burns up the nerves. Dangerous in town."
Voyle says, "Sounds good."
Munchausen says, "No more trying to make someones head explode with arc light."
Gebuys says, "It can also cause stealthy types to reveal themselves if they twitch hard enough."
Kilan says, "If it's not dangerous in town it's no fun to learn."
Devish says, "Now that is useful."
Voyle says, "Useful inded."
Zojak says, "Oh lord, thats gonna make some people angry."
You say, "Can it stun the target? Not sure what nerve damage will do, exactly."
Kilan asks, "Or..targeted debilitation?"
Munchausen says, "Nerve damage is ghastly."
Zojak says, "Exactly."
Rainiere says, "More work for me then."
Gebuys says, "The nerve damage isn't likely to stun them. However, they lose motor control, so it becomes more difficult to do a lot of things."
Voyle says, "Hairy folks like Elpalzi, for example. Imagine the static charge one could generate."
Gebuys says, "Like defend themselves or attack you."
Devish says, "Or get in your pocketses."
Serennade tenderly says, "I so love this."
Zaxor says, "Or hold onto things."
Voyle says, "Shoot me in the neck, will they..."
Zojak says, "And its electric, finding a stealthy type vulnerable to that should be easy."
Tssahh says, "Think it's primarily the former as opposed to the latter."
Tssahh says, "From my experience."
Soulsailor asks, "How would i inflict nerve damage?"
Munchausen says, "With the spell."
Woten says, "Does the amount of mana it's powered with affect it's damage, or is that dependent on the caster and the target."
Gebuys says, "This new spell, Electrostatic Eddy."
Rayyoln says, "Someone asked if it was targeted if you answered i missed it."
You say, "Just by the by...there is an Empath meeting coming up and they can take nerve damage."
Gebuys says, "It depends on the caster and the target, but more mana will help the caster."
You say, "You know, by way of information."
Munchausen says, "Ah."
Binu says, "It sounds like a debilitation spell."
Gebuys says, "It is not targeted."
Zaxor exclaims, ">maz experimentation... for science!"
Soulsailor says, "Sorry, i missed what spell is being discussed. I just arrived."
You say, "Debilitation, yes."
Rayyoln says, "Thank you."
Munchausen asks, "Is it a sort of fortitude?"
Voyle says, "Oh, my."
Woten says, "Electrostatic Eddy."
Devish says, "I love debil, cant wait to try it."
Soulsailor asks, "Ah, is it in effect already?"
Gebuys says, "Arc Light is required to learn it."
Fizzbitty distractedly exclaims, "BooDebil!"
Xionara softly says, "Arc Light? Hmm."
Gebuys says, "This spell requires thres slots."
Binu says, "Probably more space than Gebuy's signature might take up in Mazrian's spellbook."
Armoria exclaims, "A hug fest!"
Voyle says, "Three slots. Needs arc light."
Munchausen says, "It sounds incredible for hunting."
Rayyoln says, "Sounds great cant wait to try it thank you."
Gebuys says, "That's why I do what I do."
Voyle says, "I just made the trip today, too. Didn't know this would happen."
Voyle says, "Oh well."
Serennade tenderly says, "It's always something."
Binu says, "It seems rather...lackluster currently."
Devish says, "Agreed."
Binu says, "The old incarnation was much better."
Serennade tenderly says, "I just got rid of it."
Rayyoln says, "Understatement."
Devish says, "It should be akin to dazzle."
Devish says, "Not tickle."
Gebuys says, "Tampering with spell patterns is very difficult."
Munchausen says, "The strobe spell has been forgotten."
Xionara softly says, "There are many things that could be improved, I think. I'm just glad we have a new cyclic that should be very useful."
You say, "Going to go against the grain....Arc Light's not bad. It just has that odd delay built in."
Soulsailor asks, "So it's a cyclic?"
Xionara softly says, "Tingle is more useful."
Woten says, "If there is no new information, I'm going to go and play outside..."
You say, "Lots of Lore to talk about, Woten."
Gebuys says, "I believe there were also some questions some of you had for me."
Woten says, "Well, I am always interested in learning more."
Xionara softly says, "We did have some questions that came up from a previous discussion..."
Voyle says, "Yes. I had one as well."
Gebuys asks, "Alright, do we want to move on to the questions?"
Saragos says, "I'm ready to."
Gebuys asks, "Alright, ask away?"
You say, "Let's."
Gebuys says, "I hope I can answer them."
Rainiere says, "Since we cannot control the field."
Binu says, "Unfortunately, I cannot stay."
Gebuys asks, "Okay, so questions?"
Zaxor asks, "Anyone want me to take over Binu's class?"
Gebuys says, "If you'd be so kind as to repeat them so I don't have to try and remember them."
Voyle says, "I assumed as much. I've not gotten to the stage of writing the manuscript, but I wanted to make sure that my findings would at least be considered. Thanks for the answer."
Perune says, "Well, since you mentioned the Grovekeepers. One of the questions we had was looking for a more defined structure of the Guild. There seems to be some confusion there amongst members."
Gebuys asks, "Confusion about what aspect?"
Perune says, "Most members do not seem to know the hierarchy beyond the Guildhalls and their leaders."
Perune says, "We were hoping someone could clear that up."
Gebuys says, "Really, the only hierarchy beyond the Guildhalls are the Grovekeepers themselves."
Anlise asks, "Could someone run downstairs and grab Kenamer please?"
Perune asks, "Is Lathaelor still THE Grovekeeper?"
Gebuys says, "The Grovekeepers decide what spells and abilities are appropriate for the guild."
Gebuys says, "Yes, though he is getting up there in age."
Perune says, "I imagined."
Perune says, "So overall then, he is the head of the Guild, so to speak."
Gebuys says, "Yes. He has the final say on everything."
Gebuys says, "The other Grovekeepers over see cloisters of researchers, like myself."
Munchausen asks, "Do the groveskeepers spar and fight each other when deciding on a new spell to give to the guildmen?"
Gebuys says, "I am not sure how they test new spells."
Gebuys says, "Arhat approached them shortly after founding the guild. He knew the guild would need leadership forever, so he approached the group he knew would survive."
Perune says, "The only one that has."
Gebuys says, "I'm not aware of any connection the Grovekeepers had with the College."
Gebuys says, "I'm not an expert in history, however."
(Fizzbitty gazes longingly at a mug of mocha coffee.)
Woten asks, "There was some mention of a... Lord of the Void, I think the title was?"
Fizzbitty distractedly says, "Nomorefor me."
Ysaye says, "Oh."
Ysaye says, "Sorry."
Gebuys says, "The Lord of the Void is a title that is passed from one to an apprentice. Often not even a Warrior Mage."
Gebuys says, "It's just an odd coincidence that the current Lord of the Void is a Guild Leader."
Perune asks, "But that person is an Elementalist, yes?"
Gebuys says, "The term Warrior Mage was first used by the mages in the Citadel, I believe."
Saragos quietly says, "Well that's a long time ago."
Gebuys says, "The Telo'Getha devoted their time to creating devestating war magic. So in terms of expansion, they'd kill everything that resisted."
Gebuys says, "Or drive them away."
Perune asks, "Including the Elemental Clans?"
Gebuys says, "If they resisted."
Perune says, "I imagine some did."
Gebuys says, "I imagine many resisted, many fled, and some probably accepted the Empire."
Perune asks, "Speaking of the Citadel.. is that in relation to the fortress Chyvolvea Tayeu a?"
Gebuys says, "I'm not sure anybody is certain about that fortress in particular, but it's proximity is interesting enough that the Guild wanted it."
(Perune digs through some notes.)
You say, "About the is the guild engaging the Vykathi? There's evidence in the art that the prior occupants were very close."
You say, "Culturally affected by the Hive."
Gebuys says, "I'm not sure if there is an official policy, other than to keep them from invading the provinces."
Gebuys says, "The fortress keeps them bottled up, for the most part."
Voyle says, "Good policy."
Perune says, "Considering Elemental magic was used to seal great evil there, we were curious to discover if the Guild knows about the events that allowed such evil to break through into our plane."
Gebuys says, "What caused the initial breach, I'm not sure."
Gebuys says, "But once the breach existed, a being from another plane worked itself through the breach making it larger."
Serennade tenderly says, "A being from another plane."
Serennade tenderly says, "Scary."
Gebuys says, "When you punch holes in the universe, it can let all kinds of bad things in."
Perune asks, "To add on that, I understand that the elemental magics worked and helped close the breach?"
Gebuys says, "So, word of advice, don't bunch holes in the universe."
Woten says, "Lyras could have used that advice..."
Gebuys says, "Yes, I'm not sure why, but Elemental Magic is particularly effective at closing planar breaches."
Kenamer says, "Please excuse me everyone, I have an event to run."
You say, "I imagine it's down to the nature of Aether."
Voyle says, "My own research is aimed in that very direction."
Perune says, "There was some serious problems caused by Lyras, as I understand it. Especially involving our planar barrier and the way our mana now functions."
Perune asks, "Is it possible the Grovekeepers can help strengten the barrier?"
Gebuys says, "That would be a question for someone besides me. I'm not personally familiar with the magics to seal planar breaches."
Gebuys says, "I'm sorry for my lack of knowledge."
Perune says, "I understand. Perhaps you could mention our concerns to Lathaelor."
Perune says, "We appreciate everything you have answered, trust me."
You say, "Indeed."
Perune says, "This is a privilege and an honor."
Gebuys says, "I'm not really in communication with anyone besides the Grovekeeper in charge of my cloister."
Gebuys says, "I will mention it, though."
Gebuys says, "I'm not a liason or anything, they just sent me to spread the word about my spell."
Gebuys says, "And Elemental Weapons while I was out and about."
Serennade tenderly exclaims, "And a wonderful one at that!"
Serennade tenderly says, "I can't wait to use it."
Serennade tenderly says, "Thank you."
Devish says, "Aye, thank you."
Munchausen says, "He should come to the gladiator games."
You ask, "You've mentioned electricity is your specialty...could you talk about the Plane a little more?"
Gebuys asks, "Were there any more questions?"
Munchausen says, "And show off some magic."
Gebuys says, "I believe so, but having never been, I can't testify."
Gebuys says, "Only the Grovekeepers themselves are allowed into THE grove."
Gebuys asks, "But even if you were allowed in, how would you know Firulf ever laid foot there?"
Serennade tenderly says, "Thank you for the snacks, Kaelie."
Woten says, "I'm not sure if this is related to Mazrian's question, but the fact that an elemental plane of electricity exists has always been somewhat at odds with the ordering of the other planes, at least as far as my understanding of planar theory goes."
Perune says, "I'm amazed you have never seen it, I didn't think of that."
Gebuys says, "I'm not sure what you mean."
Gebuys asks, "Ordering?"
You say, "The plane of Electricity seem to lie somewhere distinct from the others. The rituals to reach it point to a different cosmological region."
Woten says, "It's been a LONG time since I've read that book, I'll save my questions till I can refresh my memory."
You ask, " did that come about? How did we find it? Is there anything else around it?"
Perune says, "Mazrian hit it."
Gebuys says, "Cosmology isn't really my specialty."
Gebuys says, "It's true the Elemental Plane of Electricity is different from the other Elemental planes, but I'm not sure regions have any meaning in Cosmology."
Serennade tenderly says, "Yummy."
Gebuys says, "I'm not sure anybody knows the origin of Elemental Magic."
Gebuys says, "Good luck with that."
Zaxor says, "Fieldtrip to the Grove."
Perune says, "Your mention of the Grove brings to mind a question."
Gebuys says, "That would need quite a bit of luck as well."
Xionara softly asks, "Make sure we bring lots of supplies, and refuse to leave until we get an audience?"
Perune asks, "Why have the Keepers kept it off limits?"
Gebuys says, "Say everybody in the guild knew the location of the grove."
Woten says, "Firulf might consider a bunch of warrior mages starving themselves to death at his grove as a lovely offering though."
Gebuys says, "What happens when someone turns down a darker path."
Gebuys asks, "Can you imagine if Lyras had known its location?"
Gebuys says, "Having been a Warrior Mage herself."
Woten says, "Or Mibgluc."
Xionara softly says, "I can imagine some necromancer's pets constantly showing up there to... play."
Perune says, "I see. So it's in relation to them being the longest surviving tradition."
Perune says, "They feel it's Firulfs imperative to keep surviving."
Perune says, "Makes sense."
Gebuys says, "I don't think Firulf hangs out there on a day to day basis."
Woten says, "But he could! And that's enough for me."
Perune asks, "Yes, but it is a religious order in a way, no?"
Woten says, "Starting that rumour as soon as I leave."
Gebuys says, "I'm not sure it's a religious order."
Gebuys says, "Firulf was rumored to have been there."
Gebuys says, "It's now mostly symbolic as the place where Elemental Magic users gathered."
Serennade tenderly says, "Thank you for the information."
Woten says, "]Gebuy Thanks again for the hard work on the spell, I'll be sure to test it out. And thanks for indulging our questions."
Fizzbitty distractedly exclaims, "Thankseveryone!!"
Munchausen says, "Elemental magic has helped me with my toga."
Saragos says, "Well. You mentioned that the current Lord of the Void just so happens to be a guild leader and a warrior mage, I believe. I was unaware that he was a guild leader."
Saragos says, "It's possible I misunderstood."
Xionara softly asks, "Who is the current Lord of the Void?"
Gebuys says, "I may be misremembering. He may not be a Guildleader."
Gebuys says, "I've never met the man, to be honest."
Gebuys says, "But the Lord of the Void isn't actually a formal place in the Guild Hierarchy."
Gebuys says, "He could just as easily choose a Bard as his apprentice."
You ask, "Would it have to be an Elemental Magic user?"
Gebuys says, "I believe so, yes."
Gebuys asks, "Ask him?"
Saragos says, "I suspect he's got better things to do than to spend his time with the riffraff."
Perune says, "Really good eggnog."
Xionara softly asks, "Hanger-on?"
Gebuys says, "Talking about having drinks with Daervlan, I believe."
Zaxor says, "Unfortunately I must leave."
Gebuys says, "Stay safe, electricute some enemies."
Kaelie says, "Sorry all, I have to get to the Empath Guild. So need to take my table back. But thank you all for letting me sit in."
Kaelie says, "Thank you."
Gebuys says, "Thanks for the drinks."
Devish says, "Thanks again."
You say, "For what it's worth, everyone who tries to tamper wiht the stones seem to die messily."
Xionara softly says, "I am after all, a curious creature."
Saragos says, "Gaeleranandae College has done some research on them, but they haven't published much in the way of deeper insights, to my knowledge."
Gebuys says, "Uh, I seem to be a little occupied with food and drink."
Gebuys exclaims, "Cram down the sugar, that's the way!"
Armoria says, "Thank you for letting non warrior mages come learn too."
Gebuys says, "Looks like the gweth thing worked."
You say, "And to you. It's an honor to meet a Scholar of the Grove."
Gebuys says, "Ha! It's an honor to be met! We don't get out much."
You say, "Now, if only they can find the Hall of History."
Gebuys asks, "Do people not come up here often?"
Binu says, "It depends on the day really."
Zaxor says, "I don't think most people make it past the front door."
Binu says, "Most times, I find this hall to be empty."
Gebuys says, "Oh, I've been extremely eager to introduce this new spell."
You say, "We hold our monthly guild meeting night here, to remind people there's more to the guild than spells and hunting."
Gebuys exclaims, "Another one found us! Wonderful!"
You say, "Evenig, Tepi."
Tepi says, "Evening."
Binu says, "I've given directions on the gweths so that more can join us."
Gebuys exclaims, "Party's really getting started now!"
You ask, "Indeed. Dear...does this qualify for a table, maybe?"
Kaelie says, "I believe I could get us some refreshments for sure."
Kaelie says, "By all means, all, help yourself. This isn't for us but it does seem to be a nice thing to have out for you all."
Gebuys says, "Oooh, nibbles."
Serennade tenderly exclaims, "Thank you!!"
Gebuys exclaims, "I was just about to say the attendance has started to slow down, and several more people arrive!"
Serennade tenderly says, "I am so excited for this."
You say, "I expect we'll get quite a few coming from the outlying provinces. Saragos is coming from Ratha I believe."
Gebuys says, "I'm pretty excited, myself."
Binu says, "Maybe we need to request the help of a few Moon Mages to help the others get here."
Gebuys exclaims, "Not only did I get to leave my cloister, but I get to tell you about a spell I helped develop!"
Hanku says, "Couldn't hurt."
You say, "That's an excellent suggestion."
Gebuys says, "I think you'll all like it."
You say, "What's the life of a researcher like? I rather went the other way when I joined up."
Gebuys says, "Well, much of our time is spent studying, or attempting to design spell patterns."
Gebuys says, "However, we also drill in the use of weapons."
Gebuys says, "We have to put the spells and abilities we research to the test, so to speak."
Gebuys asks, "The electric kind?"
Binu says, "I can start a class on Targeted Magic if anyone would like."
You say, "Pardon me just a moment while I go get Klines."
You say, "Go on up, to the east."
Gebuys asks, "So where would all of you like to start?"
Binu whispers, "OOC: Gebuys says, "I was also told some of you had a meeting and came up with some questions I might be able to answer.""
Gebuys asks, "Questions, new spell, or Elemental Weapon improvements?"
Serennade tenderly says, "From the beginning."
Binu says, "Oh, it sounds so interesting."
Gebuys asks, "The beginning of what?"
Binu says, "I'll let him tell it though."
You say, "Perune hosted that."
You say, "I hope he gets a chance to come in person.."
You say, "If not, I have them written down."
Gebuys says, "We can start with something else if you'd rather Perune be here to ask those questions."
Gebuys says, "And by start, I mean besides the nibbles."
You say, "Yes, why don't we? He put a lot of effort in, deserves to be him."
Gebuys asks, "Alright, then. Spell or Elemental Weapons?"
You say, "Elemental weapons, if I'm choosing."
Raeellen says, "Weapons."
Binu says, "My vote is for Elemental Weapons, but that's only because you already told me about the spell."
Gebuys says, "Well, sounds like weapons to start, then."
Serennade tenderly exclaims, "Ooh straight to the chase!"
You say, "Food and drinks on the table, by the by."
Gebuys says, "Really, it's only a small change."
Binu teasingly says, "Just wait until you hear about the spell..."
Serennade tenderly says, "I coulda said straight to the cheese."
Gebuys says, "If you know the Quick Infusions metaspell, you can pull more material onto your weapon or push material off your weapon."
Mulder says, "Ooh."
You ask, "Oh, that sounds...can we do infinite density?"
Gebuys says, "It makes the weapon heavier, or lighter, depending."
Gebuys says, "There is a limit to how dense you can make a weapon."
You say, "I've always thought that should be possble but never actually had the stones to try."
Zojak says, "Hi all."
Gebuys exclaims, "Hello!"
You say, "Pardon me a moment, escorting."
Yesmur says, "Wll."
Yesmur says, "Well."
Zevazi says, "Good day."
You say, "Hey all...Gebuys, scholar of the grove, is in the Hall of History talking about elemental weapons."
Woten asks, "Anything interesting going on?"
You say, "And a new spell."
Voyle asks, "Right now?"
You say, "Right now."
Woten says, "Ah, excellent."
You say, "This moment."
You say, "Yes."
Binu says, "That sandwich does look tasty."
Devish says, "Sandwich might be more deadly."
Serennade tenderly asks, "You put your sandwich on the scimitar?"
Gebuys says, "That would be silly."
Zaxor asks, "Oh, can you add more material to the sandwich?"
Zojak asks, "An electrical scimitar huh?"
Zojak says, "Nice."
You say, "Perune is on his way...coming from Theren."
Gebuys says, "I'm not a forger, so it's a pretty standard scimitar."
Gebuys says, "Aside from the electricity, obviously."
You say, "Aside from being made of elemental electricity, yes."
You say, "Kaelie taught me into being a passable smith."
Voyle says, "That's a nifty trick, Binu."
Binu asks, "What?"
Xionara softly says, "Sorry I'm late. I came from Hara'Jaal and then Shard."
Zevazi asks, "Anyone care for a joust or combat instruction before I join a class?"
Gebuys says, "More of a chat."
Xionara softly asks, "Heavy thrown?"
You say, "Have a seat, grab a dirnk."
Armoria says, "Thank you."
Gebuys asks, "Is that a thing?"
You ask, "I have no idea?"
Perune says, "It is now."
Gebuys asks, "Alright, any questions about the elemental weapons, or should we move on?"
Voyle asks, "Has the technique changed?"
Voyle says, "I only recently arrived."
Gebuys says, "Oh, if you know the Quick Infusions metaspell, you can pull material to add to your weapon making it denser."
Voyle says, "Interesting."
Gebuys says, "Similarly, you can ush material off to make it lighter."
Munchausen says, "Outstanding."
Gebuys says, "There is a limit to how dense or light you can make it, though."
You say, "We've been chatting, waiting for people to arrive."
Devish asks, "What determines the limit?"
Zojak says, "Summoning, i would assume."
Devish asks, "Skill or just a hard cap?"
Munchausen says, "Simply outstanding."
You say, "30 stones to 36 on this scimitar. One additional density, seems like."
Devish asks, "Or both?"
Gebuys says, "I'm not sure. I didn't develop this ability, but as far as I'm aware, the cap is the same for everybody."
Binu says, "It seems to me that it goes between 4 and 6 density."
Gebuys says, "I was just asked to introduce this ability while I was here."
Binu says, "From my short testing just now."
Gebuys says, "I came to introduce a spell I helped develop."
Witchbaby says, "Oh nice."
Voyle says, "A newly-approved spell? I'm all ears."
Binu says, "Glad you made it Rayyoln."
Rayyoln says, "Got your heads up just now."
Gebuys says, "The new spell is an Electrical spell."
Xionara softly says, "Excellent."
Gebuys says, "It creates a cyclic connection to the Elemental Plane of Electricity which charges the air around the caster."
Zojak asks, "Ooh, like the sword trick?"
Gebuys says, "This tends to wreak havok on the nervous system of the caster's foes."
Munchausen asks, "Do I need a discharged ethereal shield to cast it?"
Zojak asks, "Or our shield?"
You ask, "At what ranges does it work?"
Gebuys says, "No, you should be fine, since you control it."
Xionara softly says, "Ooh."
Xionara softly says, "This sounds like something I need."
Devish asks, "At melee only?"
Gebuys says, "It's a typical area of effect spell."
Rainiere says, "Sounds pretty usefull in the field."
Gebuys says, "So you can hit everything around you, or just the things actively trying to kill you."
Xionara softly asks, "It moves with us?"
Woten asks, "Is there a point beyond which it can no longer inflict nerve damage?"
Xionara softly says, "Good. I don't understand why Fire Rain doesn't."
Devish says, "Interesting."
Zojak says, "Sounds like a fun spell."
Gebuys says, "It shouldn't hurt your allies, unless you're trying to destroy the room."
Munchausen asks, "Will is be more effective in water?"
Gebuys says, "I'm not sure, to be honest."
Gebuys says, "It's called Electrostatic Eddy."
Devish says, "That's a mouthful."
Zojak says, "Spiffy."
Kaelie says, "I feel kinda special hearing it and I'm only an Empath."
Zojak asks, "So where can i learn Electrostatic eddy?"
Gebuys says, "It's currently available for any guild member to cast."
Gebuys says, "Not as hard as some, but advanced, yes."
Devish says, "Oh nice."
Zojak says, "Im too young."
You say, "...I'm tempted to cast it now."
Gebuys says, "I would warn you not to cast it in town, though."
Zaxor says, "You can't, I just tried."
Zaxor says, "I mean..."
Hanku asks, "Can anyone but war mages cast this, if they found a scroll?"
Gebuys says, "Unless you want to deal with the authorities."
Munchausen says, "This is a safe space anyhow."
Gebuys says, "It requires a connection to the elemental planes."
Gebuys says, "Since you're directly tapping into the Plane of Electricity."
Devish asks, "Do you need to be aligned to the plane of electricity?"
Gebuys says, "You don't."
You say, "Be right back, getting Fizzbitty."
Voyle says, "So. Advanced. Cyclic. Electric. Burns up the nerves. Dangerous in town."
Voyle says, "Sounds good."
Munchausen says, "No more trying to make someones head explode with arc light."
Gebuys says, "It can also cause stealthy types to reveal themselves if they twitch hard enough."
Kilan says, "If it's not dangerous in town it's no fun to learn."
Devish says, "Now that is useful."
Voyle says, "Useful inded."
Zojak says, "Oh lord, thats gonna make some people angry."
You say, "Can it stun the target? Not sure what nerve damage will do, exactly."
Kilan asks, "Or..targeted debilitation?"
Munchausen says, "Nerve damage is ghastly."
Zojak says, "Exactly."
Rainiere says, "More work for me then."
Gebuys says, "The nerve damage isn't likely to stun them. However, they lose motor control, so it becomes more difficult to do a lot of things."
Voyle says, "Hairy folks like Elpalzi, for example. Imagine the static charge one could generate."
Gebuys says, "Like defend themselves or attack you."
Devish says, "Or get in your pocketses."
Serennade tenderly says, "I so love this."
Zaxor says, "Or hold onto things."
Voyle says, "Shoot me in the neck, will they..."
Zojak says, "And its electric, finding a stealthy type vulnerable to that should be easy."
Tssahh says, "Think it's primarily the former as opposed to the latter."
Tssahh says, "From my experience."
Soulsailor asks, "How would i inflict nerve damage?"
Munchausen says, "With the spell."
Woten says, "Does the amount of mana it's powered with affect it's damage, or is that dependent on the caster and the target."
Gebuys says, "This new spell, Electrostatic Eddy."
Rayyoln says, "Someone asked if it was targeted if you answered i missed it."
You say, "Just by the by...there is an Empath meeting coming up and they can take nerve damage."
Gebuys says, "It depends on the caster and the target, but more mana will help the caster."
You say, "You know, by way of information."
Munchausen says, "Ah."
Binu says, "It sounds like a debilitation spell."
Gebuys says, "It is not targeted."
Zaxor exclaims, ">maz experimentation... for science!"
Soulsailor says, "Sorry, i missed what spell is being discussed. I just arrived."
You say, "Debilitation, yes."
Rayyoln says, "Thank you."
Munchausen asks, "Is it a sort of fortitude?"
Voyle says, "Oh, my."
Woten says, "Electrostatic Eddy."
Devish says, "I love debil, cant wait to try it."
Soulsailor asks, "Ah, is it in effect already?"
Gebuys says, "Arc Light is required to learn it."
Fizzbitty distractedly exclaims, "BooDebil!"
Xionara softly says, "Arc Light? Hmm."
Gebuys says, "This spell requires thres slots."
Binu says, "Probably more space than Gebuy's signature might take up in Mazrian's spellbook."
Armoria exclaims, "A hug fest!"
Voyle says, "Three slots. Needs arc light."
Munchausen says, "It sounds incredible for hunting."
Rayyoln says, "Sounds great cant wait to try it thank you."
Gebuys says, "That's why I do what I do."
Voyle says, "I just made the trip today, too. Didn't know this would happen."
Voyle says, "Oh well."
Serennade tenderly says, "It's always something."
Binu says, "It seems rather...lackluster currently."
Devish says, "Agreed."
Binu says, "The old incarnation was much better."
Serennade tenderly says, "I just got rid of it."
Rayyoln says, "Understatement."
Devish says, "It should be akin to dazzle."
Devish says, "Not tickle."
Gebuys says, "Tampering with spell patterns is very difficult."
Munchausen says, "The strobe spell has been forgotten."
Xionara softly says, "There are many things that could be improved, I think. I'm just glad we have a new cyclic that should be very useful."
You say, "Going to go against the grain....Arc Light's not bad. It just has that odd delay built in."
Soulsailor asks, "So it's a cyclic?"
Xionara softly says, "Tingle is more useful."
Woten says, "If there is no new information, I'm going to go and play outside..."
You say, "Lots of Lore to talk about, Woten."
Gebuys says, "I believe there were also some questions some of you had for me."
Woten says, "Well, I am always interested in learning more."
Xionara softly says, "We did have some questions that came up from a previous discussion..."
Voyle says, "Yes. I had one as well."
Gebuys asks, "Alright, do we want to move on to the questions?"
Saragos says, "I'm ready to."
Gebuys asks, "Alright, ask away?"
You say, "Let's."
Gebuys says, "I hope I can answer them."
Rainiere says, "Since we cannot control the field."
Binu says, "Unfortunately, I cannot stay."
Gebuys asks, "Okay, so questions?"
Zaxor asks, "Anyone want me to take over Binu's class?"
Gebuys says, "If you'd be so kind as to repeat them so I don't have to try and remember them."
Voyle says, "I assumed as much. I've not gotten to the stage of writing the manuscript, but I wanted to make sure that my findings would at least be considered. Thanks for the answer."
Perune says, "Well, since you mentioned the Grovekeepers. One of the questions we had was looking for a more defined structure of the Guild. There seems to be some confusion there amongst members."
Gebuys asks, "Confusion about what aspect?"
Perune says, "Most members do not seem to know the hierarchy beyond the Guildhalls and their leaders."
Perune says, "We were hoping someone could clear that up."
Gebuys says, "Really, the only hierarchy beyond the Guildhalls are the Grovekeepers themselves."
Anlise asks, "Could someone run downstairs and grab Kenamer please?"
Perune asks, "Is Lathaelor still THE Grovekeeper?"
Gebuys says, "The Grovekeepers decide what spells and abilities are appropriate for the guild."
Gebuys says, "Yes, though he is getting up there in age."
Perune says, "I imagined."
Perune says, "So overall then, he is the head of the Guild, so to speak."
Gebuys says, "Yes. He has the final say on everything."
Gebuys says, "The other Grovekeepers over see cloisters of researchers, like myself."
Munchausen asks, "Do the groveskeepers spar and fight each other when deciding on a new spell to give to the guildmen?"
Gebuys says, "I am not sure how they test new spells."
Gebuys says, "Arhat approached them shortly after founding the guild. He knew the guild would need leadership forever, so he approached the group he knew would survive."
Perune says, "The only one that has."
Gebuys says, "I'm not aware of any connection the Grovekeepers had with the College."
Gebuys says, "I'm not an expert in history, however."
(Fizzbitty gazes longingly at a mug of mocha coffee.)
Woten asks, "There was some mention of a... Lord of the Void, I think the title was?"
Fizzbitty distractedly says, "Nomorefor me."
Ysaye says, "Oh."
Ysaye says, "Sorry."
Gebuys says, "The Lord of the Void is a title that is passed from one to an apprentice. Often not even a Warrior Mage."
Gebuys says, "It's just an odd coincidence that the current Lord of the Void is a Guild Leader."
Perune asks, "But that person is an Elementalist, yes?"
Gebuys says, "The term Warrior Mage was first used by the mages in the Citadel, I believe."
Saragos quietly says, "Well that's a long time ago."
Gebuys says, "The Telo'Getha devoted their time to creating devestating war magic. So in terms of expansion, they'd kill everything that resisted."
Gebuys says, "Or drive them away."
Perune asks, "Including the Elemental Clans?"
Gebuys says, "If they resisted."
Perune says, "I imagine some did."
Gebuys says, "I imagine many resisted, many fled, and some probably accepted the Empire."
Perune asks, "Speaking of the Citadel.. is that in relation to the fortress Chyvolvea Tayeu a?"
Gebuys says, "I'm not sure anybody is certain about that fortress in particular, but it's proximity is interesting enough that the Guild wanted it."
(Perune digs through some notes.)
You say, "About the is the guild engaging the Vykathi? There's evidence in the art that the prior occupants were very close."
You say, "Culturally affected by the Hive."
Gebuys says, "I'm not sure if there is an official policy, other than to keep them from invading the provinces."
Gebuys says, "The fortress keeps them bottled up, for the most part."
Voyle says, "Good policy."
Perune says, "Considering Elemental magic was used to seal great evil there, we were curious to discover if the Guild knows about the events that allowed such evil to break through into our plane."
Gebuys says, "What caused the initial breach, I'm not sure."
Gebuys says, "But once the breach existed, a being from another plane worked itself through the breach making it larger."
Serennade tenderly says, "A being from another plane."
Serennade tenderly says, "Scary."
Gebuys says, "When you punch holes in the universe, it can let all kinds of bad things in."
Perune asks, "To add on that, I understand that the elemental magics worked and helped close the breach?"
Gebuys says, "So, word of advice, don't bunch holes in the universe."
Woten says, "Lyras could have used that advice..."
Gebuys says, "Yes, I'm not sure why, but Elemental Magic is particularly effective at closing planar breaches."
Kenamer says, "Please excuse me everyone, I have an event to run."
You say, "I imagine it's down to the nature of Aether."
Voyle says, "My own research is aimed in that very direction."
Perune says, "There was some serious problems caused by Lyras, as I understand it. Especially involving our planar barrier and the way our mana now functions."
Perune asks, "Is it possible the Grovekeepers can help strengten the barrier?"
Gebuys says, "That would be a question for someone besides me. I'm not personally familiar with the magics to seal planar breaches."
Gebuys says, "I'm sorry for my lack of knowledge."
Perune says, "I understand. Perhaps you could mention our concerns to Lathaelor."
Perune says, "We appreciate everything you have answered, trust me."
You say, "Indeed."
Perune says, "This is a privilege and an honor."
Gebuys says, "I'm not really in communication with anyone besides the Grovekeeper in charge of my cloister."
Gebuys says, "I will mention it, though."
Gebuys says, "I'm not a liason or anything, they just sent me to spread the word about my spell."
Gebuys says, "And Elemental Weapons while I was out and about."
Serennade tenderly exclaims, "And a wonderful one at that!"
Serennade tenderly says, "I can't wait to use it."
Serennade tenderly says, "Thank you."
Devish says, "Aye, thank you."
Munchausen says, "He should come to the gladiator games."
You ask, "You've mentioned electricity is your specialty...could you talk about the Plane a little more?"
Gebuys asks, "Were there any more questions?"
Munchausen says, "And show off some magic."
Gebuys says, "I believe so, but having never been, I can't testify."
Gebuys says, "Only the Grovekeepers themselves are allowed into THE grove."
Gebuys asks, "But even if you were allowed in, how would you know Firulf ever laid foot there?"
Serennade tenderly says, "Thank you for the snacks, Kaelie."
Woten says, "I'm not sure if this is related to Mazrian's question, but the fact that an elemental plane of electricity exists has always been somewhat at odds with the ordering of the other planes, at least as far as my understanding of planar theory goes."
Perune says, "I'm amazed you have never seen it, I didn't think of that."
Gebuys says, "I'm not sure what you mean."
Gebuys asks, "Ordering?"
You say, "The plane of Electricity seem to lie somewhere distinct from the others. The rituals to reach it point to a different cosmological region."
Woten says, "It's been a LONG time since I've read that book, I'll save my questions till I can refresh my memory."
You ask, " did that come about? How did we find it? Is there anything else around it?"
Perune says, "Mazrian hit it."
Gebuys says, "Cosmology isn't really my specialty."
Gebuys says, "It's true the Elemental Plane of Electricity is different from the other Elemental planes, but I'm not sure regions have any meaning in Cosmology."
Serennade tenderly says, "Yummy."
Gebuys says, "I'm not sure anybody knows the origin of Elemental Magic."
Gebuys says, "Good luck with that."
Zaxor says, "Fieldtrip to the Grove."
Perune says, "Your mention of the Grove brings to mind a question."
Gebuys says, "That would need quite a bit of luck as well."
Xionara softly asks, "Make sure we bring lots of supplies, and refuse to leave until we get an audience?"
Perune asks, "Why have the Keepers kept it off limits?"
Gebuys says, "Say everybody in the guild knew the location of the grove."
Woten says, "Firulf might consider a bunch of warrior mages starving themselves to death at his grove as a lovely offering though."
Gebuys says, "What happens when someone turns down a darker path."
Gebuys asks, "Can you imagine if Lyras had known its location?"
Gebuys says, "Having been a Warrior Mage herself."
Woten says, "Or Mibgluc."
Xionara softly says, "I can imagine some necromancer's pets constantly showing up there to... play."
Perune says, "I see. So it's in relation to them being the longest surviving tradition."
Perune says, "They feel it's Firulfs imperative to keep surviving."
Perune says, "Makes sense."
Gebuys says, "I don't think Firulf hangs out there on a day to day basis."
Woten says, "But he could! And that's enough for me."
Perune asks, "Yes, but it is a religious order in a way, no?"
Woten says, "Starting that rumour as soon as I leave."
Gebuys says, "I'm not sure it's a religious order."
Gebuys says, "Firulf was rumored to have been there."
Gebuys says, "It's now mostly symbolic as the place where Elemental Magic users gathered."
Serennade tenderly says, "Thank you for the information."
Woten says, "]Gebuy Thanks again for the hard work on the spell, I'll be sure to test it out. And thanks for indulging our questions."
Fizzbitty distractedly exclaims, "Thankseveryone!!"
Munchausen says, "Elemental magic has helped me with my toga."
Saragos says, "Well. You mentioned that the current Lord of the Void just so happens to be a guild leader and a warrior mage, I believe. I was unaware that he was a guild leader."
Saragos says, "It's possible I misunderstood."
Xionara softly asks, "Who is the current Lord of the Void?"
Gebuys says, "I may be misremembering. He may not be a Guildleader."
Gebuys says, "I've never met the man, to be honest."
Gebuys says, "But the Lord of the Void isn't actually a formal place in the Guild Hierarchy."
Gebuys says, "He could just as easily choose a Bard as his apprentice."
You ask, "Would it have to be an Elemental Magic user?"
Gebuys says, "I believe so, yes."
Gebuys asks, "Ask him?"
Saragos says, "I suspect he's got better things to do than to spend his time with the riffraff."
Perune says, "Really good eggnog."
Xionara softly asks, "Hanger-on?"
Gebuys says, "Talking about having drinks with Daervlan, I believe."
Zaxor says, "Unfortunately I must leave."
Gebuys says, "Stay safe, electricute some enemies."
Kaelie says, "Sorry all, I have to get to the Empath Guild. So need to take my table back. But thank you all for letting me sit in."
Kaelie says, "Thank you."
Gebuys says, "Thanks for the drinks."
Devish says, "Thanks again."
You say, "For what it's worth, everyone who tries to tamper wiht the stones seem to die messily."
Xionara softly says, "I am after all, a curious creature."
Saragos says, "Gaeleranandae College has done some research on them, but they haven't published much in the way of deeper insights, to my knowledge."
Gebuys says, "Uh, I seem to be a little occupied with food and drink."
Gebuys exclaims, "Cram down the sugar, that's the way!"
Armoria says, "Thank you for letting non warrior mages come learn too."
Re: A visit with Gebuys (log)
01/15/2016 12:32 AM CST
Thanks for posting that log Mazrian. Have a look of him by any chance for elanthipedia?
Re: A visit with Gebuys (log)
01/15/2016 12:38 AM CST
Skaen, here ya go.
You see Scholar of the Grove Gebuys, Zen Alreid, a Human Warrior Mage.
Gebuys has a proud yet hardened warrior's face, silver-flecked topaz eyes and a classical nose. He has cropped frost-white hair, with ebon skin and an alluringly-toned build.
He is very tall for a Human.
He appears to be middle-aged.
He is in good shape.
He is holding an electric scimitar in his right hand.
He is wearing an elegant cape of sturdy steelsilk woven in a complex hexagonal weave, a high-collared shirt fastened with knotted silk ties, an orichalcum ring bearing the crest of the Warrior Mage guild, some elegant black pants with fine embroidery along the seams and some leather combat boots dyed in a black and grey pattern.
You see Scholar of the Grove Gebuys, Zen Alreid, a Human Warrior Mage.
Gebuys has a proud yet hardened warrior's face, silver-flecked topaz eyes and a classical nose. He has cropped frost-white hair, with ebon skin and an alluringly-toned build.
He is very tall for a Human.
He appears to be middle-aged.
He is in good shape.
He is holding an electric scimitar in his right hand.
He is wearing an elegant cape of sturdy steelsilk woven in a complex hexagonal weave, a high-collared shirt fastened with knotted silk ties, an orichalcum ring bearing the crest of the Warrior Mage guild, some elegant black pants with fine embroidery along the seams and some leather combat boots dyed in a black and grey pattern.
Re: A visit with Gebuys (log)
01/15/2016 01:53 AM CST
Re: A visit with Gebuys (log)
01/15/2016 09:22 AM CST
I just realized how much Gebuys looks like Agrus Kos.
That one guy
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That one guy
If you have questions or comments in regard to this post please email me at
Re: A visit with Gebuys (log)
01/15/2016 11:34 AM CST
I did want to ask where he worked out
Re: A visit with Gebuys (log)
01/15/2016 04:52 PM CST
Well... he is a Warrior Mage. Even the Scholars spend a good portion of their day in combat training.
That one guy
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That one guy
If you have questions or comments in regard to this post please email me at