Update and slight disaster: I have two mandatory volunteer orientations at the community library I'll be staffing over the summer. They are Tuesday evenings.
Nonetheless, I'm going to be warming up with some seat-of-your-robes teaching/fight nights. These first few will also be testing the suitability of various locations! Because I didn't have time to do that. They may also fall on irregular days and consequently be very badly attended. Sorry!
Weather or not anybody else shows up, I'll be just outside the guild doors in the Crossing this upcoming Tuesday, May 6th starting from 8pm eastern (5pm pacific). I might have a prize bag of 'stuff' with me!
Things to note: this is a justice room, I'm not sure if that's going to be feasible at all. If we get arrested I'll totally help cover fines.
By April I'll hope to have settled down details of location, and have it calendared and everything.
>Forgive my snark, but welcome to the life of a warrior mage.