We had a lot of close fights tonight and I'm particularly please with how well the format Kyudo suggested worked out. Hope to see you back at the end of August!
A brief summary of the night's progression...
Merigrae v. Kiashandra to Kiashandra
Kiashandra v. Phalena to Phalena
Phalena v. Tolcon to Tolcon
Tolcon v. Ogdaro to Ogdaro
Ogdaro v. Venarstrualis to Venarstrualis
Venarstrualis v. Remu to Venarstrualis
Silus V. Skilair to Skilair
Slaris v. Venarstrulais to Slaris
Slaris v. Skilair to Skilair
Skilair v. Redeth to Skilair
A Moon Mage won! Scandal!
Special mention to Merigrae in particular for bravely shouldering the role of being the first out. Thanks also to Tolcon for running the cavalry.
Triage was assembled very last minute and thanks to Lanita, Geothst, Soleille for helping. There were a lot of Empaths that passed through to help so sorry if I missed anyone there.
"Magic has rules and so does posting on these forums." -Annwyl