Throw Pathway Verb into Summon 06/19/2014 04:48 AM CDT
So, crazy idea don't take this seriously.

We have two verbs for interacting with the elemental charge system, one of which isn't even a verb.

Command bloat is a concern, and the help text could get somewhat complicated (Caveat: the help text for both commands is already too wordy and should be viciously edited) but are there any other compelling reasons not to chuck Pathway and move its arguments into Summon?

Summon focus, summon sense, summon perceive, summon check... summon stop would be a little weird an uintuitive, but for the most part consolidating the verbs would improve the natural language feel of the command, cut out a few degrees from the learning curve, maybe.

>Forgive my snark, but welcome to the life of a warrior mage.