Help? 08/12/2009 04:05 AM CDT
I think i'm where I'm suppose to be, but the target is elusive.

email or im with hints please?

If there were no cost or sacrifice involved, there wouldn't be any benefits worth learning, and the entire system would be pointless. --GM Wythor

These statements were not endorsed or made by a GM and may be completely irrealavent to game play.
Re: Help? 08/12/2009 06:51 AM CDT


The Empath spellbook is a riddle trapped in an enigma hidden inside a lot of suck.-Armifer
Re: Help? 08/12/2009 03:37 PM CDT
no, it was a syntax problem, I figured it out.

If there were no cost or sacrifice involved, there wouldn't be any benefits worth learning, and the entire system would be pointless. --GM Wythor

These statements were not endorsed or made by a GM and may be completely irrealavent to game play.