<<Tingle or Arc Light can now be used in the place of Lightning Bolt as a preq for Magnetic Ballista.
This has been updated on Elanthipedia and the graphical spell tree.
Re: Magnetic Ballista Preqs
07/01/2014 05:15 AM CDT
Oh, hey, look. I can make more work for you.
I meant to say Gar Zeng not Lightning Bolt (That should make more sense).
"Ever notice that B.A.'s flavor text swells in direct proportion to how much one of our characters is getting screwed?" - Brian Van Hoose
I meant to say Gar Zeng not Lightning Bolt (That should make more sense).
"Ever notice that B.A.'s flavor text swells in direct proportion to how much one of our characters is getting screwed?" - Brian Van Hoose
Re: Magnetic Ballista Preqs
07/01/2014 05:24 AM CDT
<<Oh, hey, look. I can make more work for you.
I hate you.
Go check out the Telekinetic Throw thread. Now we're even.
I hate you.
Go check out the Telekinetic Throw thread. Now we're even.
Re: Magnetic Ballista Preqs
07/01/2014 05:28 AM CDT
That was all said humorously in case someone doesn't get it, btw...
Re: Magnetic Ballista Preqs
07/01/2014 05:39 AM CDT
Nope! TKT is Armifer's problem.
"Ever notice that B.A.'s flavor text swells in direct proportion to how much one of our characters is getting screwed?" - Brian Van Hoose
"Ever notice that B.A.'s flavor text swells in direct proportion to how much one of our characters is getting screwed?" - Brian Van Hoose
Re: Magnetic Ballista Preqs
07/01/2014 05:59 AM CDT
Okay, this has been updated on elanthipedia and the graphical spell tree... again.
Re: Magnetic Ballista Preqs
07/01/2014 06:08 AM CDT
If there was only a thumbs up emoticon.
- Starlear, Warrior Mage and Lieutenant of Ilithi's Crystal Vanguard -
- I maintain the Warrior Mage Beginner's Guide at:
- Starlear, Warrior Mage and Lieutenant of Ilithi's Crystal Vanguard -
- I maintain the Warrior Mage Beginner's Guide at:
Re: Magnetic Ballista Preqs
07/01/2014 11:19 AM CDT
Bah now I have to go to Throne to forget spells because I hate the electricity book and the less I have to have the better. Or maybe thta book could get looked at to be worthwhile. Tingle is the only spell I use and only on Boss mobs.
[00:15] Chatter[Uzmam] Damian just wants to beat up dancers, what a bully
[00:15] Chatter[Morpion] Wait for them outside the club at 3 am?
[00:15] Chatter[Damian] i enjoy making them scream with pure terror
[00:15] Chatter[Uzmam] Damian just wants to beat up dancers, what a bully
[00:15] Chatter[Morpion] Wait for them outside the club at 3 am?
[00:15] Chatter[Damian] i enjoy making them scream with pure terror
Re: Magnetic Ballista Preqs
07/02/2014 09:05 PM CDT
I am in full agreement with Starlear, we definately need a thumbs-up emoticon and now, like Mkibbe1, to Throne to reselect I will be doing, as this is much more in line with MoF as far as the ratio of cost to what it does, and considering the two stat and 1 skill boost versus MoF's 1 stat and 1 skill/2 skills, it makes sense. It also means that now I can justify getting more spells than SuF from the earth, as one/three slots from the Electricity book is more than good to me (Gar Zeng can make a nice complimentary spell multi-shot single target tm to my Geyser, or even Tingle as no shield means Geyser hits harder.) Seriously, thank you all for considering this request and making it happen.
Re: Magnetic Ballista Preqs
07/02/2014 11:23 PM CDT
Tremor is pretty boss.
- Starlear, Warrior Mage and Lieutenant of Ilithi's Crystal Vanguard -
- I maintain the Warrior Mage Beginner's Guide at:
- Starlear, Warrior Mage and Lieutenant of Ilithi's Crystal Vanguard -
- I maintain the Warrior Mage Beginner's Guide at:
Re: Magnetic Ballista Preqs
07/03/2014 11:13 AM CDT
Dang you Starlear... now I have to think about Tremor some more too as I do like the concepts of the Earth Book. I could give up Shockwave to get Tremor, but is Tremor More effective than Shockwave (already Have Frostbite)? It felt like more Mobs are resistant to stuns than knockdowns, but Tremor always seems to require a lot more mana and still doesn't always effect things that a lower mana shockwave will. I could always forget the whole the whole PW->Shockwave line to get BG and through AeG, or drop AeG for now and free up two other slots for MoA and Something, or drop BG for 3 slots for MoA and 2 somethings... so many decisions, all in the name of Killing Science! You have to stop advocating spells, as it keeps me trying to rework my list... and I like having a Spell for the AoE damage for when FR is not useable. I do have FB, but I thought it's splash damage was A) random as to if it will happen and B) limited to the number of creatures at that engagement range.. so about 4 max, or am I wrong in these two facts? If I am wrong, then I can forgo shockwave for now with no concern... hmmm.. more to think on. Thank you for the information and if you have any additional information, then please share as I am always open to about anything (except the Electric Line higher than needed for MaB, if I get it, for now) and thank you in advance.
Re: Magnetic Ballista Preqs
07/03/2014 11:36 AM CDT
Tremor and shockwave are apples and oranges really.
Tremor is more than just knockdown. With each cast it pulses a number of times, like a not quite mini cyclic, every few seconds for 30ish seconds for me. Each pulse reduces balance, or if you succeed well enough will knock down, or even knock things back away from you. If you mix that with either some offensive spells or weapon hits (or you additionally vertigo something while it's tremored) it's brutal.
Shockwave is my "I want to hit the entire room and not just the 4 things engaged to me" spell personally but that isn't something I use regularly. I simply had the spell slots available to pick up a spell that I will only cast once every few months.
Shockwave is a TM spell and does damage (cold and slice, or fire and impact with Flame Shockwave - I picked it over chain lightning because of the variable damage options). Tremor doesn't. But tremor is a pretty solid way to keep a bunch of crap unbalanced and not hitting you, as well as making it easier for you to hit them.
- Starlear, Warrior Mage and Lieutenant of Ilithi's Crystal Vanguard -
- I maintain the Warrior Mage Beginner's Guide at:
Tremor is more than just knockdown. With each cast it pulses a number of times, like a not quite mini cyclic, every few seconds for 30ish seconds for me. Each pulse reduces balance, or if you succeed well enough will knock down, or even knock things back away from you. If you mix that with either some offensive spells or weapon hits (or you additionally vertigo something while it's tremored) it's brutal.
Shockwave is my "I want to hit the entire room and not just the 4 things engaged to me" spell personally but that isn't something I use regularly. I simply had the spell slots available to pick up a spell that I will only cast once every few months.
Shockwave is a TM spell and does damage (cold and slice, or fire and impact with Flame Shockwave - I picked it over chain lightning because of the variable damage options). Tremor doesn't. But tremor is a pretty solid way to keep a bunch of crap unbalanced and not hitting you, as well as making it easier for you to hit them.
- Starlear, Warrior Mage and Lieutenant of Ilithi's Crystal Vanguard -
- I maintain the Warrior Mage Beginner's Guide at:
Re: Magnetic Ballista Preqs
07/03/2014 11:50 AM CDT
Awesome combo also is Tremor + Vertigo. Targets balance completely destroyed for a long time with both pulsing.
[00:15] Chatter[Uzmam] Damian just wants to beat up dancers, what a bully
[00:15] Chatter[Morpion] Wait for them outside the club at 3 am?
[00:15] Chatter[Damian] i enjoy making them scream with pure terror
[00:15] Chatter[Uzmam] Damian just wants to beat up dancers, what a bully
[00:15] Chatter[Morpion] Wait for them outside the club at 3 am?
[00:15] Chatter[Damian] i enjoy making them scream with pure terror
Re: Magnetic Ballista Preqs
07/03/2014 08:07 PM CDT
Crap Starlear.. I posted my Question this morning before my coffee.. I meant to ask how Tremor compares to TC? Shockwave was supposed to be compared to Fireball for overall effective get things off someone and dead?
I apologize for the mix up, but I thank you guys for the good information... I keep thinking of Frostbite, Tremor and then Vertigo (and if I have it after some of the changes, TC)and it kind of cracks me up, I admit.
Re: Magnetic Ballista Preqs
07/03/2014 10:57 PM CDT
Tremor doesn't work indoors unless it's a single target you cast at
TC doesn't work on lots of undead and constructs that are just immune
TC's stun will stop advancement too, but if it fails that's it
Tremor pulses which is nice in case it doesn't work off the bat, or especially if it does work off the bat
the knocking things outta combat can be obnoxious for youngins if you cast tremor as a support and they have to chase the thing they're trying to kill constantly
pretty sure tremor knocks stuff outta hiding, forget about if the rest does
frostbite's pretty handy too-
works on undead
stamina sap is pretty effective
(flame) shockwave is pretty good for tons of creatures in invasions, and I like it better than CL, but I'd rather go with Fire Rain(or Fire Rain and another) as far as normal combat, I'd rather use Fireball's Shard barrage of doom.
An agonizing pain fills you as you feel your tongue turn to powder in your mouth! Through a haze of uncertainty and loss, you realize that something you just said was very wrong.
TC doesn't work on lots of undead and constructs that are just immune
TC's stun will stop advancement too, but if it fails that's it
Tremor pulses which is nice in case it doesn't work off the bat, or especially if it does work off the bat
the knocking things outta combat can be obnoxious for youngins if you cast tremor as a support and they have to chase the thing they're trying to kill constantly
pretty sure tremor knocks stuff outta hiding, forget about if the rest does
frostbite's pretty handy too-
works on undead
stamina sap is pretty effective
(flame) shockwave is pretty good for tons of creatures in invasions, and I like it better than CL, but I'd rather go with Fire Rain(or Fire Rain and another) as far as normal combat, I'd rather use Fireball's Shard barrage of doom.
An agonizing pain fills you as you feel your tongue turn to powder in your mouth! Through a haze of uncertainty and loss, you realize that something you just said was very wrong.
Re: Magnetic Ballista Preqs
07/04/2014 01:41 PM CDT
Hmmm ok, thank you... I never used tremor much, just a few times before I realized I could get a lesser mana cost frostbite or TC off for what appeared to be more effectiveness, so wasn't too sure about it. Frostbite's Stamina Sap I love.. drops most things to the ground for a couple seconds at least and allows for a retreat if need be, or just keep hitting them and you can actually take on things that are higher than your defenses (and to an extent at the far upper edge of your weapons) with some decent safety margins. I just like to have options for other of crap moments, or for when the thing is immune to one disabler (ie. IP or Frostbite not working, or stun immune etc etc), and I was already looking towards another area Spell for when I needed to stack up a lot of damage with Fire Rain, and couldn't decide if (which I already have this and will be keeping regardless) Fireball's possible/probable lesser max target limit and random shards would be enough, or if I was better to get Shockwave for the bigger target numbers and less randomness. If Tremor really is that good and Fireball can fill the normal day to day AoE needs besides Fire rain, then I could open up 6 more slots to use elsewhere.. or if I wanted to get Flame Shockwave, I would need to stop backtraining and just work on circling for a couple of circles until I get one more slot or give up my ease scroll slot for my flame shockwave scroll lol. Either way, this is much more information and insight than I had... Thank you all again for the information and input. Much thinking to do and possibly/probably change when I get home this eve.
Re: Magnetic Ballista Preqs
07/04/2014 01:51 PM CDT
Fireball is plenty IMO. I don't use Fire Rain outside of PvP. You can't have more than 4 things engaging you. This also makes Shockwave underwhelming because the Fireball explosion can hit multiple times per target, but Shockwave is one only per target.
If you DO get Shockwave, Flame Shockwave becomes must have. Being able to change what type of damage a spell deals is quite valuable. It isn't any stronger than the base spell, just different types of damage.
- Starlear, Warrior Mage and Lieutenant of Ilithi's Crystal Vanguard -
- I maintain the Warrior Mage Beginner's Guide at:
If you DO get Shockwave, Flame Shockwave becomes must have. Being able to change what type of damage a spell deals is quite valuable. It isn't any stronger than the base spell, just different types of damage.
- Starlear, Warrior Mage and Lieutenant of Ilithi's Crystal Vanguard -
- I maintain the Warrior Mage Beginner's Guide at:
Re: Magnetic Ballista Preqs
07/04/2014 02:13 PM CDT
Ok then.. Thanks Starlear, between what you and Powerhaus have said (both here and what has been said in the other thread about our TM spells that Raesh asked, along with Mordimer's input), I think I will drop the whole PW ->
Shockwave line for now, and get Tremor and open up a few more slots for other spells or feats.. other than Electricity, because I am still avoiding that (unless it is to get MaB lol). So definately to throne city tonight when I get
home, assuming it is all still on free erase that is. Thanks everyone for the information, it is good to have when one isn't able to test the spells at the fullness of their abilities.
Shockwave line for now, and get Tremor and open up a few more slots for other spells or feats.. other than Electricity, because I am still avoiding that (unless it is to get MaB lol). So definately to throne city tonight when I get
home, assuming it is all still on free erase that is. Thanks everyone for the information, it is good to have when one isn't able to test the spells at the fullness of their abilities.
Re: Magnetic Ballista Preqs
07/05/2014 02:48 AM CDT
Can someone confirm the pre-reqs for me specifically please? I believe there's been some confusion over the phrasing Raesh used when correcting himself in his second post, since there's an edit on elanthipedia that sort of makes sense if you read the correction one way but was changed from something that makes sense when read another way.
If I'm reading Raesh's correction correctly then I believe it should require Anther's Call and Gar Zeng. Lightning Bolt, Arc Light, and Tingle are no longer needed either directly or indirectly. Is this correct? If not, what is it specifically?
If I'm reading Raesh's correction correctly then I believe it should require Anther's Call and Gar Zeng. Lightning Bolt, Arc Light, and Tingle are no longer needed either directly or indirectly. Is this correct? If not, what is it specifically?
Re: Magnetic Ballista Preqs
07/05/2014 02:56 AM CDT
Magnetic Ballista. Before you can learn this spell, you must know Anther's Call. Additionally, you must know one of Gar Zeng, Arc Light or Tingle. It will also cost three spell slots.
Re: Magnetic Ballista Preqs
07/05/2014 03:00 AM CDT
Ugh, okay. More work for me on the graphical tree then. I don't quite know how those requirements fit what Raesh said, but DISCERN doesn't lie. (I think.) The tree will be updated shortly.
Re: Magnetic Ballista Preqs
07/05/2014 03:02 AM CDT
AC + one of (GZ, AL, Tingle)
"Ever notice that B.A.'s flavor text swells in direct proportion to how much one of our characters is getting screwed?" - Brian Van Hoose
"Ever notice that B.A.'s flavor text swells in direct proportion to how much one of our characters is getting screwed?" - Brian Van Hoose
Re: Magnetic Ballista Preqs
07/05/2014 03:11 AM CDT
FYI, if you want to get what the guildmasters pull and save yourself heartache,
ask guildleader about all
Dumps every spell plus pre-reqs. We asked for that to be added on 3.0 test.
ask guildleader about all
Dumps every spell plus pre-reqs. We asked for that to be added on 3.0 test.
Re: Magnetic Ballista Preqs
07/05/2014 03:13 AM CDT
I think that only works if you're that guild? While it would be helpful for maintaining the spell trees, I don't have a character in every guild to be able to do this.
Re: Magnetic Ballista Preqs
07/05/2014 03:16 AM CDT
Oh, duh yeah you need to be in the guild, but if you periodically nudge someone to send you that, it'd save you a little grief in maintaining (your very appreciated) charts.