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re: Some Spell Changes 04/19/2013 07:44 PM CDT
Damn you, and I thought I had my spell choices and slot usage all worked out...

>>Aether Cloak requires Veil of Ice now.

Frowny face- I was hoping to just pass on the entire water book probably... also it prevents a fire cabalist from picking up MOF... I guess you have to know your enemies or something...

I guess I can pick up IP- I just found myself using Vertigo more often than IP, it seems a lot more effective than it was, now that you can drop someone with the actual cast now.

or RM then Frostbite, but frostbite's pretty expensive slot-wise. So are our elemental transformation spells...

AEG- needs mag ball(needs LB which require arc light or tingle, as well as ANC, which just requires ss or elementalism) and aether cloak(needs WB or Substratum which both basically need ES, as well as VOI, which requires IP or RM, both of which either need geyser or elementalism)
AEG 3, MAG BALL 3, LB 2, AL/Tingle 2/3, ANC 1, AC 2, WB/Sub 2/1, ES 1, VOI 2, IP/RM 2, Elementalism 0, Intro spell 1=
20-22 spell slots and 12 spells...

MOF- AC (needs WB or Substratum which both basically need ES, as well as VOI, which requires IP or RM, both of which either need geyser or elementalism) and FB or Ignite (FS or elementalism)
MOF 3, AC 2, WB/Sub 2/1, ES 1, VOI 2, IP/RM 2, Elementalism 0, Intro spell 1, FB/Ignite 2/1 = 13-15 spell slots and 9 spells, not as bad.

-I was thinking of passing on the electricity book too, cept for maybe tingle(al's pretty handy now too) - wanna throw me for a loop here too? Bring back SD as an offensive barrier like stormbulls use? GF as a prereq?

An agonizing pain fills you as you feel your tongue turn to powder in your mouth! Through a haze of uncertainty and loss, you realize that something you just said was very wrong.
re: Some Spell Changes 04/19/2013 08:50 PM CDT

I can rationalize these changes and process them. But I am not happy with VOI for AC. I think that makes no sense and I hope it is changed before the preview goes off.

<<"earning too little skinning experience for a day or so isn't nearly as bad as having a spell that breaks your wings."
re: Some Spell Changes 04/19/2013 09:28 PM CDT
Shouldn't shockwave and fire rain also be signature because they're esoteric?

And any word on changing the requirement of a critter to have arms in order to be affected by Tingle? Now that it debuffs stats and not just drops things, it would make more sense for anything with a nervous system to be affected and not just ones with arms, you know?
re: Some Spell Changes 04/19/2013 10:02 PM CDT
>Frostbite can no longer reduce a target's fatigue all the way to 0.

Aww. :( Yeah it was ridiculous but I will still miss it...

Is this just from a single cast? Or just never?
re: Some Spell Changes 04/20/2013 12:38 AM CDT
I read someplace, they they are adjusting spell slots of spells across the board because they mis judged the amount of spell slots that we would get compared to cost of things. Doesn't seem to bad on the adjustments, but ya poor frostbite. Sad day.
re: Some Spell Changes 04/20/2013 02:41 AM CDT
>>I think that makes no sense and I hope it is changed before the preview goes off.

I'm very much reconsidering this. To be honest I just swapped the req around because when AC got moved to Esoteric it was still listed as a req for VoI which was Advanced. This made little sense, but as I've thought about it I'm becoming less of a fan of VoI as a req for AC instead. More than likely the reqs for these two (and maybe a few others) spells will see some changes before we go off preview.

>>Shouldn't shockwave and fire rain also be signature because they're esoteric?

Fire rain is signature, you might have meant Flame Shockwave. As far as Shockwave and FLS goes, I wanted to leave at least 1 esoteric spell as a non-signature spell. This is about in line with what the plan is for all spell books.

>>(Frostbite not reducing fatigue to 0) Is this just from a single cast? Or just never?


AGM Ricinus
Dev Systems
Cleric Advocate
re: Some Spell Changes 04/20/2013 02:54 AM CDT
>>>(Frostbite not reducing fatigue to 0) Is this just from a single cast? Or just never?


Well it was fun while it lasted.
re: Some Spell Changes 04/21/2013 10:26 AM CDT
Nice changes from where I'm sitting. Re: Shockwave, my main issue with it is that it feels functionally identical to CL, just using a different element. Any chance either of them could be made a little more different some way other than damage type?

- Starlear -
re: Some Spell Changes 04/21/2013 11:16 AM CDT
Speaking of CL; why is CL cheaper than FB while shockwave is so expensive? Seems like CL should need one more slot because it can hit everything in the room while FB is limited to things engaged to you.
re: Some Spell Changes 04/21/2013 11:29 AM CDT
>>why is CL cheaper than FB

Because it was always intended to be 2 slots, but for some reason was set to 1. It is fixed now.

AGM Ricinus
Dev Systems
Cleric Advocate
re: Some Spell Changes 04/21/2013 12:51 PM CDT
Shockwave has the added extra of push-back, also it seems to hit more things in invasions than CL for me at least.
Is there still a cap on the # of total CL bolts?

Toss in FLS, naphtha, MOA, it just looks pretty.
Though I do miss spamming lightning storms...

An agonizing pain fills you as you feel your tongue turn to powder in your mouth! Through a haze of uncertainty and loss, you realize that something you just said was very wrong.
re: Some Spell Changes 04/21/2013 04:24 PM CDT
>Re: Shockwave, my main issue with it is that it feels functionally identical to CL, just using a different element. Any chance either of them could be made a little more different some way other than damage type?

For me, the difference in damage type is generally a selling point. I've mostly given up Shockwave in regular hunting, since, while it is awesome, it has a tendency to hurl corpses into adjacent rooms. Remains a really classy way to retreat.

>Is there still a cap on the # of total CL bolts?

Yep. RoS is far and away the spammiest spell now.
re: Some Spell Changes 04/21/2013 08:21 PM CDT
>wanna throw me for a loop here too? Bring back SD as an offensive barrier like stormbulls use? GF as a prereq?

Either that or trigger a stun or a knockback similar to Halo.

>Shockwave, my main issue with it is that it feels functionally identical to CL, just using a different element. Any chance either of them could be made a little more different some way other than damage type?

I defiantly agree, I feel a lot of the spells are all too similar to other spells. What made shockwave so good was it's functionality. The knock out and RT is what made the spell extremely useful. Now it just feels like a very mediocre area tm spell. Was also our one true way to really deal with stealth or getting out of a bad situation. The pushback on it now is barely noticeable. I don't even get consistent knockback to pole range on critters I greatly outclass.

Very similar to how useful RoS was before 3.0. I love that ros can come with me now but it really should trigger when something triggers it's boundry. Like casting at pole. I see someone has posted that it does trigger but from my testings it does not. Casted at pole both critters and players can get to melee without ever getting hit, same for melee though they will get hit when it finally does pulse.

Finally, PW. I initially thought this change was going to be great. But since it is targeted and does nothing else but either push or pull ( with exception of the naptha throwing ) it's extremely niche, and I have not found a situation where this spell would be better to use than any other. To get to melee it's much easier to just cast IP. Can have it already prepped plus have whatever you casted it on prone and stunned. There is no real reason to take the time to target a caped PW to push something to ranged when you can just simply retreat.

Also I can see a path for the long time requested lightning storm. Since we now have cyclic spells it could be similar to usol in which it would be a ranged area spell that stays with the caster if the caster leaves the room. Could even be a combination of old Ball Lightning in having the cloud separate from the caster with the ability to have it follow or attack a specific target, area, or engaged.

- Erixx
re: Some Spell Changes 04/22/2013 10:42 AM CDT

Erixx, I'm loving the sound of that lightning storm!! I loved having ball lightning before, I used it quite a lot, so anything like that would be incredible.

I'm finding that particular spell book a bit lackluster at the moment, so it would make a hell of an addition!

I'd love to see warmies have something along the lines of fire rain and RoS, a pulsing type spell, in each spell book, to allow for roleplay of the mage.
re: Some Spell Changes 04/23/2013 10:45 AM CDT
>I'd love to see warmies have something along the lines of fire rain and RoS, a pulsing type spell, in each spell book, to allow for roleplay of the mage.

A very cool esoteric or metaspell that changes the type of a few different spells based on your attunement. Maybe even add some modifications based on that;
Air and Water do more slice, Earth and Fire does more impact, Aether and Lightening do more puncture, or something like that.
re: Some Spell Changes 04/23/2013 11:12 AM CDT
Haven't heard much about the elemental weapon spells. I know it was a bit far out, but any updates, concepts or other teasing scraps you can toss at us? Also any word on YS? I've been training up chain but I would love to stay plate primary.

- Starlear -
re: Some Spell Changes (AETHER CLOAK) 04/23/2013 08:32 PM CDT
Hey, since you've gone ahead and made aether cloak cost another slot..... How's about we get ALL of the old functionality back?

I WANT it to protect me from being located by moon mages.

I WANT it to keep familiars from locking onto me (It'd be even better if it went a step beyond 'OLDAC' and it could confuse familiars which are already on your trail)

I WANT it to protect me from folks joining my group via STALK.

I thought the reason these things were taken away from the spell was 'well it's only a 1 slot spell now, it'd have to be 2 in order to do ALL THAT STUFF', and also "The reason it has a drawback in that it penalizes your outgoing TM is because it only costs 1 slot"

How about we get these looked at since it now costs more to learn?
re: Some Spell Changes 04/23/2013 08:33 PM CDT
>>>Frostbite can no longer reduce a target's fatigue all the way to 0.

Not like it matters. 0 fatigue is no longer the automatic death sentence it was pre 3.0
re: Some Spell Changes (AETHER CLOAK) 04/23/2013 11:13 PM CDT
The anti-locate was really a nice feature. Every other guild besides clerics i believe, even barbs, can combat locating.

Always makes me laugh that a magic tert guild is better equipped at defending against magic than magic primaries.

- Erixx
re: Some Spell Changes (AETHER CLOAK) 04/24/2013 12:55 AM CDT
>Always makes me laugh that a magic tert guild is better equipped at defending against magic than magic primaries.

.... really?

Are you mad those magic secondaries get better healing spells than the primaries?

Weapons for Sale:
Hunta Talna Kortok, built by Gor'Togs, for Gor'Togs
re: Some Spell Changes (AETHER CLOAK) 04/24/2013 01:34 AM CDT
AC is probably better off as a pure Warding spell, and at 2 slots, I don't think it is over priced for all that it does. As far as some of the other things you want, I certainly don't mind entertaining ideas that bring that functionality into being for War Mages.

AGM Ricinus
Dev Systems
Cleric Advocate
re: Some Spell Changes (AETHER CLOAK) 04/24/2013 08:11 AM CDT


I've been thinking more about the Aether Cloak requirements and looking at our spells in general and I'm glad you're strongly considering removing the VoI requirement.

If you look at the conversations regarding summoning we've had on these forums, the one big theme that's come from it is that we all agree we mostly choose our aligned element for RP reasons and generally stick with it. Generally this being fire, lightning, water, earth, air... I think and especially feel if you look at the 'utility' purpose that the Aether manipulation book has turned into, a great solution here would be to make the requirement to learn it be that a warrior mage know any advanced spell from any other book before they can learn AC as opposed to one specific spell in a particular element flavor.

Thoughts? Is that technically even possible?

<<"earning too little skinning experience for a day or so isn't nearly as bad as having a spell that breaks your wings."
re: Some Spell Changes (AETHER CLOAK) 04/24/2013 01:53 PM CDT
I do find it kinda funny that people thought 2 spell slots was over priced. AC doesn't get weaker as spells are casted at it. AC can reflect the spell at it, AC prevents TM being casted at you, and AC prevents you casting spells. Went from 1 to 2. Cyclic.

Shear. Prevents and weakens TM spells being casted at you. Weakens as it is hit. Lasts for 2 shots, sometimes 5 depending on the power of the spells being casted. Stuns the caster. Prevents you from casting spells. AC and Shear both, with enough mana in a spell, you can cast through it, both sides, but really weaken the spells. Shear costs 3 spell slots. Duration cast.

Veil of Ice. Prevents and weakens TM spells being casted at you. Weakens as it is hit. As its takes damage, lasts about the same as Shear I think. Outgoing casts are not hindered. Cost 2 spell slots. Duration cast.

Ghost shroud. Prevents and weakens TM spell casted at it, more weakens than prevents. Also reduces damage from mundane range weapons. Outgoing casts are not hindered. Cost 2 spell slots. Cyclic.

Those are just the similar type of spells off the top of my head. I think bards may have one or two that do something like that. No idea about rangers, necros, and empaths. At least in terms of AC going from 1 to 2, I think at the very least it has to be 2. Specially compared to the other spells. I think shear and AC should be like 3, while VOI, and Ghost shroud types are 2. Thats just my thoughts on it, but glad it went to 2 spell slots, since I do believe 1 was way to low for it.
re: Some Spell Changes (AETHER CLOAK) 04/24/2013 05:13 PM CDT
No, it's funny that Necros, for whom WORM was supposed to be one of the most potent anti-magic spells in game, have actually taken second seat to a number of other anti-magic Wards with strikingly less penalties. AC, GJ, GhS Sanyu Lyba, Swan, Bastion, Shear, SR, EY. I might have missed a few.
re: Some Spell Changes (AETHER CLOAK) 04/24/2013 05:24 PM CDT
>No, it's funny that Necros, for whom WORM was supposed to be one of the most potent anti-magic spells in game, have actually taken second seat to a number of other anti-magic Wards with strikingly less penalties. AC, GJ, GhS Sanyu Lyba, Swan, Bastion, Shear, SR, EY. I might have missed a few.

Are you claiming all of those other barriers to be better than WORM?
re: Some Spell Changes (AETHER CLOAK) 04/24/2013 06:35 PM CDT
<<I certainly don't mind entertaining ideas that bring that functionality into being for War Mages. >>

I think the point was not so much bringing functionality into being, but more bringing back what was lost in the swap from 2.0 to 3.0.

You cannot imagine how annoying it is to get spammed with locates and no longer be able to cast AC, give them the elemental version of an ethereal middle-finger, then go back to doing whatever you were doing, sans peeking eyes and spooky paranoia inspiring messages about being watched.
re: Some Spell Changes (AETHER CLOAK) 04/24/2013 11:34 PM CDT
>>Are you mad those magic secondaries get better healing spells than the primaries?

Great comparison.

A tert magic guild has some of the best magic defense which completely shuts down magic.

Tell you what, lets completely shut down all weapons then maybe call it even.

- Erixx
re: Some Spell Changes (AETHER CLOAK) 04/25/2013 07:52 AM CDT
>Are you claiming all of those other barriers to be better than WORM?

No, but some are. Of those, Shear and SR are the only ones that limits the caster (Psychic spells cannot be used, and outgoing TM from the Paladin cannot be used, I think?). Shear and AC have retaliatory effects which are pretty rad. Mind you, some of them aren't anti-magic, persay, but anti-incoming TM, so, sure, that's not as all encompassing as WORM. Swan is a form, so that potentially limits what the Barb can also run, and Bastion and Serenity (forgot about Serenity!) are meditations, so that too limits what the Barb can also run.

But WORM prevents all magic, including the casters. Warmies have access to a strikingly wide range of TM magic wards, between AC, VoI, and GF. I suppose each guild has access to their own range of Wards, and none are as all encompassing as WORM (save Bastion and Serenity), I was just suggesting or trying to suggest that Warmies have it pretty good with AC doing what it does.
re: Some Spell Changes (AETHER CLOAK) 04/25/2013 09:01 AM CDT

<<No, but some are. Of those, Shear and SR are the only ones that limits the caster (Psychic spells cannot be used, and outgoing TM from the Paladin cannot be used, I think?). Shear and AC have retaliatory effects which are pretty rad. Mind you, some of them aren't anti-magic, persay, but anti-incoming TM, so, sure, that's not as all encompassing as WORM. Swan is a form, so that potentially limits what the Barb can also run, and Bastion and Serenity (forgot about Serenity!) are meditations, so that too limits what the Barb can also run.

Aether Cloak stifles outgoing TM spells also. Pain in the butt really, but small price to pay.
re: Some Spell Changes (AETHER CLOAK) 04/25/2013 12:08 PM CDT
>>But WORM prevents all magic, including the casters. Warmies have access to a strikingly wide range of TM magic wards, between AC, VoI, and GF. I suppose each guild has access to their own range of Wards, and none are as all encompassing as WORM (save Bastion and Serenity), I was just suggesting or trying to suggest that Warmies have it pretty good with AC doing what it does.

AC is good at what it does but it is not the end all to TM as it was in 2.0. With it up we cannot cast the majority of our TM spells including spitting DB or activating BG. Pretty much any TM spell that cannot be cast at 100 mana cannot be used because we have to contest our own AC. It also is a all or nothing ward. If you pass it, you do so at full strength.

It's very rare we get anything that doesn't directly effect TM either incoming or outgoing. The general idea for warrior mages is that all problems should be solved with TM. Now that TM is streamlined for all magic focused guilds, so has all the defenses for it making that answer a lot less useful. Utility is needed to fill the gap.

- Erixx
re: Some Spell Changes (AETHER CLOAK) 04/25/2013 06:39 PM CDT
I didn't realize AC had as significant drawbacks. VoI and GF (which also has significant drawbacks) then help fill the gap.
re: Some Spell Changes (AETHER CLOAK) 04/25/2013 06:56 PM CDT
It is considerably harder for me to get through a capped AC in 3.0 than its 2.0 equivalent. It's not even close. Firekast made me annihilate my own skull repeatedly with capped burn even though I have 500-700 more ranks than him in all relevant skills. No comment on the locate stuff, but the current incarnation of AC is pretty awesome for what it does IMO.

-player of Traim
re: Some Spell Changes (AETHER CLOAK) 04/25/2013 09:57 PM CDT
I remember hearing it'd fall into enchanting or a new analogous spell, back when they said our spells would have less multi-function.
there was mention in the enchanting folder that someone won a raffle prize that had an anti-locate funtion, limited use I believe that only lasted a few minutes.
An agonizing pain fills you as you feel your tongue turn to powder in your mouth! Through a haze of uncertainty and loss, you realize that something you just said was very wrong.
re: Some Spell Changes (AETHER CLOAK) 05/15/2013 04:33 PM CDT

I figured 'protection from magical scrying' fell into that "One guild only category" in regards to WMs and AC.

That was one thing that made me feel different, distinguished, apart from the magical crowd. Now it's been taken, thrown on the ground, and trampled all over just like the other magic related stuff I used to enjoy (Like using runestones and scrolls from other guilds without DEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAATH being the reward).

I'm just shocked i'm the only one who feels this way, everyone else is like 'Meh, it's better now, it made X spell reflect at Y aggressor, so Zis great spell!!'

This would be like if a ranger lost blend or earth meld, or couldn't run trails anymore, or a trader could still run caravans but now had to be circle 50 instead of 5 to trade commodities, or if that whole 'permashocked/no longer able to heal others/pure battle empath' turned into 'nah, we changed our mind, no more combat for empaths, also we're removing all constructs'.

I had AC running pretty much all the time for the last RL decade or so in game. To have it suddenly not function as I was used to is extremely disconcerting.
re: Some Spell Changes (AETHER CLOAK) 05/15/2013 04:40 PM CDT
>magic related stuff I used to enjoy (Like using runestones and scrolls from other guilds without DEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAATH being the reward).

Even if you critical fail and blow off both arms, it's not remotely a death sentence. And the skill to use runes is relatively low, depending on the rune and your guild.

>This would be like if a ranger lost blend or earth meld, or couldn't run trails anymore, or a trader could still run caravans but now had to be circle 50 instead of 5 to trade commodities, or if that whole 'permashocked/no longer able to heal others/pure battle empath' turned into 'nah, we changed our mind, no more combat for empaths, also we're removing all constructs'.


It isn't.

You lost a single function of a single spell. Just because it's some huge earthshattering thing to you doesn't mean the guild as a whole has suffered. If you try conversing about it like a sane person without factual innacuracies and massive hyperbole, you might get a GM to answer wether it'll come back or not, or even wether it's on the table at all.

But please, continue whining and chicken-little dancing about that sky.

re: Some Spell Changes (AETHER CLOAK) 05/16/2013 10:24 AM CDT
>This would be like if a ranger lost blend or earth meld, or couldn't run trails anymore, or a trader could still run caravans but now had to be circle 50 instead of 5 to trade commodities, or if that whole 'permashocked/no longer able to heal others/pure battle empath' turned into 'nah, we changed our mind, no more combat for empaths, also we're removing all constructs'.
I had AC running pretty much all the time for the last RL decade or so in game. To have it suddenly not function as I was used to is extremely disconcerting.

What the spell is suppose to do works great. Having it reflect absorbed TM spells just makes the spell god like. Anti-locate was a perk of the spell, without it the spell is no where near useless. I think we all can agree that we would pay for another spell slot to have anti-locate added back to it.

- Erixx
re: Some Spell Changes (AETHER CLOAK) 05/16/2013 10:27 AM CDT
>You lost a single function of a single spell. Just because it's some huge earthshattering thing to you doesn't mean the guild as a whole has suffered. If you try conversing about it like a sane person without factual innacuracies and massive hyperbole, you might get a GM to answer wether it'll come back or not, or even wether it's on the table at all.
>But please, continue whining and chicken-little dancing about that sky.

Please learn to spell if you are going come in here and disrespect somebody so you can feel like a big boy.


- Erixx
re: Some Spell Changes (AETHER CLOAK) 05/16/2013 10:35 AM CDT
>>I had AC running pretty much all the time for the last RL decade or so in game.

How terribly did you have to act to get that many moon mages focused on you so consistently?

>>Please learn to spell if you are going come in here and disrespect somebody so you can feel like a big boy.

You missed a to in between going and come.
re: Some Spell Changes (AETHER CLOAK) 05/16/2013 11:03 AM CDT
>>Please learn to spell if you are going come in here and disrespect somebody so you can feel like a big boy.

Delicious irony.

TG, TG, GL, et al.

"Disagreement with the fundamental plan at this point is akin to supporting Richard III vs the Tudors."
re: Some Spell Changes (AETHER CLOAK) 05/16/2013 02:24 PM CDT
Spelling attacks: when you have nothing related to he comment to add but feel that it was too spot on and want to throw mud on it because people just don't see things your way and you're so perfect.

Or: you've got nothing. Try replying to the point, spanky.

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