cyclic for air, aether and lightning 08/19/2014 10:22 PM CDT
While I understand bards are masters of cyclic. As a warrior mage I'd like to see my magical arsenal open up with some different flavors, maybe like a meta/ritual spell to change things around much like will of winter does for bards.

some ideas I have are

magic a cyclic aoe tm electricity spell much like a Tesla coil. with the strikes having the posiblity to chain out to other targets. Something like:

You charge the air around you with a surplus of electrical energy

You focus intently on connecting the excess energy in the area around your foes. Small sparks of electricity suddenly burst into a flurry of lighting centered around you!
A wyvern screams as in agony as a stray bolt of lightning arches out from you and strikes it squarely on the forehead sparking wildly for a moment
The bolt splays out and strikes a wyvern on its right leg completely annihilating a huge chunk of flesh.
A wyvern roars as it falls to the ground!
A wyvern spasms unnaturally as a stray bolt of lightning arches out from you and strikes it on its chest landing a solid strike, leaving behind a small stream of smoke rising from the blackened patch.
the bolt splits off and strikes a wyvern, a wyvern and a wyvern!

maybe a nice debilitating cyclic air spell.. downdraft?

You direct the local wind currents downward around you while increasing their speed

The wind currents focused around you howl with ferocity (cut me some slack this is all on the fly :p)
A wyvern is thrown off balance!
A wyvern is thrown off balance!
A wyvern is thrown to the ground!
A wyvern is unaffected!

i'm having a hard time coming up with something for aether but maybe a ritial/meta spell that changes the damage type of rimefang from i'm guessing slice (just started playing my warmie again 2 days ago) that it is currently to impact or piercing

maybe like cast rimefang (aetherspell name) (impact|pierce)
The frosty vapor surrounding you coalesces into an icy blade that begins twirling about you in a graceful yet deadly dance. Before it finishes forming completely aether gathers around the encasing it in a solid sphere of raw aether!

The frosty vapor surrounding you coalesces into an icy blade that begins twirling about you in a graceful yet deadly dance. Before it finishes forming completely aether intertwines itself into the blade splaying it out into a multitude of fine frozen needles flairing out from a small aether core!

just some ideas!
Re: cyclic for air, aether and lightning 08/20/2014 04:35 PM CDT
A cyclic debilitation would fill an interesting niche for WMs who prefer physical weapons rather than TM.

For the sake of balancing spell books, it should be Electric. A pulsing effect that penalizes enemy offense/defense is an effect we don't have.
Re: cyclic for air, aether and lightning 08/21/2014 08:04 AM CDT
>A pulsing effect that penalizes enemy offense/defense is an effect we don't have.

Probably for good reason.
Re: cyclic for air, aether and lightning 08/21/2014 11:06 AM CDT
Bards are the cyclic masters of elemental magic because Earth, Wind and Fire.

On a serious note, warmies probably don't have cyclic debilitation because the guild already has so few weaknesses. Well trained and played, it's already unequivocally top tier in terms of combat effectiveness.
Re: cyclic for air, aether and lightning 08/21/2014 01:45 PM CDT
Tremor pulses over a duration. It's just not cyclic.

- Starlear, Warrior Mage and Lieutenant of Ilithi's Crystal Vanguard -

- I maintain the Warrior Mage Beginner's Guide at:
Re: cyclic for air, aether and lightning 08/21/2014 03:52 PM CDT
I want to like Tremor, and sometimes I do... when I need to leave quickly or get out of dodge. For regular debilitation use to train weapons, nothing is more frustrating than having that mob thrown to missile every time it gets back to melee before I can even get 1-2 swings in. Great for training non-combat skills like outdoorsmanship though, which can't be trained with mobs at pole or closer.

Then again, I'm the guy that thinks "Knockback" in most games is more of a penalty than a benefit, cause I don't want to be chasing enemies all over the map while attacking them.

I actually used to have Tremor and ignored Frostbite. After using it for about a week, I went to Throne and forgot Tremor to learn Frostbite instead.

-Master Ndin
Re: cyclic for air, aether and lightning 08/21/2014 04:45 PM CDT
>Tremor pulses over a duration. It's just not cyclic.

True that.

>I want to like Tremor, and sometimes I do... when I need to leave quickly or get out of dodge.

For what it's worth, tremor's SUCH an annoying spell on the receiving end. Fall down, stand up, fall down, stand up, fall down, give up, spell wears off, stand, caster recasts, repeat. My favorite is a cocktail of tremor and vertigo. Vertigo's incidental offense debuff is icing on the cake. It makes me literally ROFL IG against some warmies because, well, I can't do anything else.

The number of spells not on the PvP diminishing returns timer that are more annoying than stun and immobilize is a little baffling but that's not a new complaint and certainly a topic for another thread.
Re: cyclic for air, aether and lightning 08/21/2014 05:13 PM CDT
Wait, we have weaknesses? Someone get on that asap.
Re: cyclic for air, aether and lightning 09/06/2014 05:31 PM CDT
>Great for training non-combat skills like outdoorsmanship though, which can't be trained with mobs at pole or closer.

Except for mining.