Thinking of dropping Fire Shard for a different intro TM 03/10/2016 11:04 AM CST
So I started with the Fire book. I'm definitely happy with my decision to start that way, but now that I have a few circles under my belt, I'm considering dropping Fire Shard for one of the other intro TM spells. I have Fireball now as a second TM spell, so my thought is that it may be worthwhile to pick up something else to diversify my elemental damage a little bit. FS or FB, with Ignite on my weapon, and MoA on the target has been great for dealing out damage, but I'm worried that I am too invested into one elemental damage type, and will have issues if I come across something fire resistant?

Thoughts? If I did drop FS for a different intro TM spell, what would other suggest? Are they all pretty much equal in strength, or do some of them kinda suck? I notice a couple are multi-strike, whereas others are single, what are the benefits and draw-backs of the two?

Thanks in advance!
Re: Thinking of dropping Fire Shard for a different intro TM 03/10/2016 01:48 PM CST

Diversification is a good idea, though most if the time it's not going to matter much.

>>If I did drop FS for a different intro TM spell, what would other suggest?<<

Maybe go for Air Lash or Stone Strike so you have a source of pure physical damage and don't have to care about elemental resistances. Or Gar Zheng and go all in on a spell that does all elemental. I probably wouldn't get Geyser because that's going to be iirc impact/fire or piercing/fire damage so similar in characteristics to your fire spells.

Single-strike spells will do more damage in a single strike, but be less accurate.
Multi-strike spells will be more accurate, but do damage spread over several smaller strikes.

If your target has a lot of armor the single-strike is theoreticly better. If your target has less armor the multi-strike is theoreticly better.

Re: Thinking of dropping Fire Shard for a different intro TM 03/11/2016 08:21 PM CST
I fancy my character a storm mage, but a lot of that evolved through play and due to my spell choices. I personally have Gar Zeng. My thought processes was this

1) I want to have one of teach "type" of spell. I don't have a multi-strike spell through other means, so I should probably get one on my intro spell.
2) Physical damage is much better protected against by most armor than elemental damage. Plus, many other spells do element+physical. Also, that's why I train melee and ranged weapons. So I don't need Stone Strike or Air Lash.
3) Geyser does fire/impact. So does Fireball. I'll have FB, so I'll have little reason to use Geyser.

So that left me with looking at FS or GZ. I honestly went with GZ because I liked the look more, but FS is cool too. GZ does fire+elec, which is nice.

That said, pick the one you like. Multi-strike is of some use against the few champion opponents you'll face during invasions and such, but AFAIK that's the only real niche it has. This isn't the most important choice ever.

- Saragos
Re: Thinking of dropping Fire Shard for a different intro TM 03/16/2016 03:29 PM CDT

Strange Arrow?

"I, for one, think it's nice to have new folks who are excited and already care enough about the game to offer suggestions. We need more of that." -Solomon

Thanks for being in my corner Solomon, come back soon.
Re: Thinking of dropping Fire Shard for a different intro TM 03/16/2016 03:41 PM CDT
>Strange Arrow?

Shut the front door.

Re: Life mana Spell preps

You raise your hands in the air. You wave them like you just don't care. Somebody says, "Hey!" Somebody says, "Ho!" Somebody screams.