First time fighting a Dillo 03/24/2011 07:17 PM CDT
20+ minute long fight, trying to find a combination of spells/sword that could bust through that hide. Finally I did this:

You gesture at a juvenile desert armadillo.
The mana you were holding contributes to the spell.
You manage to channel most of your energy into the spell. The rest is wasted.
Your brown lynx seems to make your Lightning Bolt spell less straining.
A bolt of hazy blizzard blue-white lightning blazes out of the sky toward a juvenile desert armadillo!
The lightning bolt tears into its abdomen like a blast from Firulf's staff.
Roundtime: 2 seconds.
A juvenile desert armadillo falls over and, after a couple of spasms, is still.
The hands release their grip on a juvenile desert armadillo's corpse and fall to the ground, reverting to small piles of sand that are quickly blown away.

BtW, only 400's in combats and TM unbuffed. Go me!

Re: First time fighting a Dillo 03/24/2011 07:19 PM CDT
>BtW, only 400's in combats and TM unbuffed. Go me!

Magic too powerful, yada yada. Kill all mages, etc.

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Re: First time fighting a Dillo 03/25/2011 11:40 PM CDT
I walked away from the fight pretty beat up, and it took a capped ANC with path power to get it to stick long enough for the full target LB... but yea it was a one shot thx to DfA rules applying to critters now.