Heya folks.
I've got a version of MAB converted (and somewhat rewritten) and live for you guys to play with.
A few differences to note from 2.0 MAB:
-You cannot cast more than 1 in a given location. Other WMs can still add more to an area, but only one each.
-Rubbing the ballista is an arcana check which switches the 'jerk forward' effect from aoe to single target only. It no longer suffers an accuracy penalty from doing this.
-The initial shot is now the same as all the other shots.
-Ballistae no longer suffer from duration issues due to weather or ground conditions. The type of ballista that arrives is just for flavor and will last as long as any other type (though generally durations are a bit shorter). They still can't be cast in certain depths of water.
-Once a ballista switches to a new target, it will fire quicker than before.
-The range of ballista firing speed is a little longer between shots (based on potency). Maximum firing speed is accomplished well before 100% potency is reached.
-At the very high end of potency, the ballista will reload itself (this is done through magic).
-Failed loading (arcana check) has a larger random aspect to it, and a RT. Loading RT can be reduced further than before through skill.
AGM Ricinus
Dev Systems
Cleric Advocate