In the spirit of advanced notice, and because we want some player feedback on something this large, Warrior Mages are getting to be the first to have their Magic 3.0 tentative spell list posted.
A couple rules for the discussion:
#1) Constructive criticism. I'm going to ask the Mods to be a bit harsher than usual on posts that are just 'this sucks!' without offering any sort of positive feedback. If you think something is bad, it's fine to say so, just try to politely explain reasoning.
#2) Don't yell at each other.
#3) Slot cost is not part of this discussion, but spells no longer have to be created equal. Therefore not all of the spells on this list cost the same amount of slots to learn. We're not going to be answering questions about it, but if a spell seems to have less (or more) effects, it may cost less (or more) spell slots.
#4) If an effect is on a spell, it will be at capped strength for your guild. What this means is that if the skill or stat it boosts is considered to be in your 'sphere of influence' it will produce a maximized boost. If it is not it will produce a somewhat smaller boost.
#5) Stacking boosts of the same type is strictly disallowed. If you have for example an evasion booster, then said evasion booster is as powerful as the guild is allowed to get and you won't be allowed to have a second evasion booster somewhere else.
#6) I have some nifty ideas for Pathways but we're not talking about them yet either
#7) Prerequisites are not listed, but they won't be the same. We haven't even begun to look at that yet.
#8) It is possible I made a mistake or put something in that won't make it. It's tentative for a reason, but we went over this pretty thoroughly and are generally confident with it.
Okay, I think that's enough advance rules, let's get on with the list.
Opening notes: I will list spells as Introductory, Basic, Advanced, and Esoteric. These are in order of difficulty to cast, but their power levels are not expressly different. What one is, is simply based on what the spell does. Niftier effects go to the harder side, whereas simple skill buffs tend towards the easier side.
I will also list spells as Augmentation, Debilitation, Targeted, Warding, or Utility. This is the new Magic skill it will use along with PM. If you're confused by this or the above, you may want to go find previous GM posts on Magic 3.0 because I don't want to type it all again.
Multi Strike TM's advantage over Single Strike will be Accuracy at a cost of Reduced damage. It will be literally impossible for a Multi Strike spell to do as much damage as Single Strike given good enough skill, but when you can barely hit (or maybe can't at all with Single Strikes), Multi Strike TM will be superior.
If I don't list an effect it used to have, it's probably because the effect is no longer there. Same with disadvantages / restrictions. We took out a lot of synergies and restrictions in favor of making spellbooks that people can simply use.
-- Aether Manipulation --
Aether is being removed as a damaging spellbook because it doesn't exactly fit the lore particularly well to do so. Damage spells that used to be in Aether will appear elsewhere, so do not fret.
Ethereal Shield:
An introductory Aether Warding spell. It protects from splash damage caused by Warrior Mage spells, as well as provides a damage mitigator versus elemental damage only.
Aether Cloak:
An esoteric cyclic Aether Warding spell. It provides a barrier versus TM spells only (think Shear-like here) with the effect that if Aether Cloak wins, the TM spell is instead reflected at its full strength back at the caster. If it loses, the spell is weakened by the power of the Cloak but goes through. The barrier does not ablate as it takes hits. The Cloak hinders the caster's own TM spells as badly as outside spells, but they cannot hurt themselves.
Ethereal Fissure:
An advanced Aether Augmentation spell. It increases the Elemental mana in the room which it is cast for a time. The boost no longer degrades over time and a separate cast will replace rather than increase the fissure.
(Unnamed new spell)
A basic Aether Augmentation spell. It improves the caster's skill at targeting magic.
-- Electric Manipulation --
Arc Light:
An advanced Electric Debilitation spell. Magic vs. Reflex. It will stun the target, do non-lethal damage to their head, and ignite naphtha.
An advanced Electric Debilitation spell. Magic vs. Fortitude. It will debuff the target's Reflex and Agility.
Static Discharge:
Candidate for Removal due to obsolescence with other WM disablers. Discharged Ethereal Shields no longer exist or are needed.
Lightning Bolt:
An advanced Electric Targeted spell. It will be a shield-ignoring TM spell.
Chain Lightning:
An esoteric Electric Targeted spell. It will strike everything in the area (or everything engaged to you, whichever you prefer) once. It can be generally targeted without need for a specific target.
Gar Zeng:
An introductory Electric Targeted spell. It will strike a target (at any range now) multiple times.
Ball Lightning:
Candidate for Removal due to obsolescence. We're not totally against keeping it but we have other spell we think people will generally like better.
-- Fire Manipulation --
Fire Shards:
An introductory Fire Targeted spell. It will strike a target multiple times.
Sun Lance:
A basic Fire Targeted spell. This is where Aether Lance went. Single Strike.
Fire Ball:
An advanced Fire Targeted spell. It will strike a target directly, and do collateral damage to targets around the initial victim. Reference note: Better single target damage than Chain Lightning, but worse area damage.
Dragon's Breath:
An advanced Fire Utility / Targeted spell. It allows the caster to store up one single fire TM attack that may not be targeted but will not suffer an accuracy penalty (like Thrown weapons).
Mantle of Flame:
An esoteric Fire Augmentation spell. It fuses the caster into a form of flames, granting them increased Agility as well as better prowess in melee combat. As a side effect, it also produces light. This spell is an Elemental Transformation spell, only one of which can be active at a time (but it's not Cyclic, separate things).
Fire Rain:
We want player opinions here. Without going into slot cost again, you have a couple options.
1) Area Effect Multi-Strike TM. Would strike all targets in the room 3-5 times. Can be targeted.
2) Cyclic Area Effect Multi-Strike TM. Would immediately and then continuously strike all targets in the room with you multiple times. Cannot be targeted.
3) Something similar to what you have now, which would throw a few volleys of fire after considerable buildup and between some waiting times. Cannot be targeted.
Mark of Arhat:
We also want player opinions here. Damage over Time spells are often seen as lackluster, so you have two options here...
1) Advanced Targeted Damage over Time TM. Damage potential would be about half again what a regular spell is, but doles it out over 20 seconds or so.
2) Introductory Debilitation. MoA becomes an elemental damage amplifier debuff. Think Heighten Pain for Necromancers but with an emphasis on improving elemental instead of physical damage.
A basic Fire Augmentation spell. Temporarily enchants your weapon with the power of fire. Details on what this means are still a little sparse, but it's planned to be the first in a line of spells to assist the Warrior Mages in a better focus on weaponry.
-- Water Manipulation --
An advanced Water Debilitation spell. Magic vs. Fortitude. It damages the Stamina of those it strikes, as well as draining some of their fatigue.
Ice Patch:
An advanced Water Debilitation spell. Magic vs. Reflex. It knocks the target down and stuns them.
Rising Mists:
An advanced Water Utility spell. It boosts the Stealth of everything in the area, friend or foe.
Veil of Ice:
An advanced Water Warding spell. It provides a moderate barrier against incoming Targeted Magic that will shatter after several attacks. Better if you want to attack with TM yourself but considerably worse protection than Aether Cloak.
Fortress of Ice:
An esoteric Water Utility spell. No changes to how it is now except you can just make a roof by 'cast roof' instead of using Rising Mists.
Chill Geyser:
An introductory Water Targeted spell. Single Strike.
A cyclical esoteric Water Targeted spell. Very quick cyclic single strikes that will tear up anything at melee range with the caster.
-- Earth Manipulation --
An advanced Earth Debilitation spell. Magic vs. Reflex. Short duration pulsing knockdown and unbalance. May be cast on a single target or the area.
Sure Footing:
An advanced Earth Augmentation spell. Pulsing balance improvement and parry buff.
Ring of Spears:
An esoteric Earth Targeted spell. Pretty much the same as current.
Granite Spike:
An introductory Earth Targeted spell. Single strike.
Earth Sense:
Candidate for Removal, as the current incarnation is widely considered unimpressive.
Magnetic Ballista:
An esoteric Earth Utility / Targeted spell. Basically the same as now.
Aegis of Granite:
An esoteric Earth Augmentation spell. It fuses the caster into a form of Earth, granting them superior strength, stamina, and shield skill. It is an Elemental Transformation, of which only one can be used at a time (but it is not a Cyclic).
Stone Strike:
A basic Earth Targeted spell. Multi-strike.
Anther's Call:
A basic Earth debilitation spell. Immobilizes. Much less strange about where you use it.
-- Air Manipulation --
A basic Air Utility spell. Continually restores the fatigue of all things in the area.
An introductory Air Augmentation spell. Improves the caster's accuracy with ranged weapons.
Air Lash:
A basic Air Targeted spell. This is where Aether Lash went. Single target.
Air Bubble:
A basic Air Utility spell. Allows underwater breath for whoever it's cast on. (We don't actually expect most people to take this, it's there so the functionality still exists)
Paeldryth's Wrath:
An advanced Air Targeted spell. Does no damage, but blasts an opponent from Ranged to Melee or Melee to Ranged, at the caster's discretion. More accurate than most TM spells due to its non-damaging nature.
An esoteric Air Targeted spell. Strikes everything in the area once as well as knocking them away from the mage.
Metaspell addition: Flame Shockwave. Changes (at caster option upon cast) the damage of Shockwave to be primarily fire instead of impact.
Swirling Winds:
A basic Air Augmentation spell. Evasion and Reflex boost.
An advanced Air Debilitation spell. Magic vs Will. Pulsing balance debuff and general offense debuff.
An advanced Air Debilitation spell. Magic vs Fortitude. Area effect stun.
Y'ntrel Sechra:
A basic Air Augmentation spell. Improves the armor skill of the first piece of armor it finds on you (it will first check hands then cycle across your body). Only one instance of this spell may be up at once.
Blufmor Garaen:
An esoteric Air Utility / Targeted spell. Stores multiple delayed strikes for use at the caster's discretion, which also can have variable damage types.
-- Non-placed spells --
(As yet unnamed)
Esoteric Cyclic Augmentation / Targeted spell. Draws forth the latent potential within your familiar, allowing them to serve you in combat for a time. The familiar can be directed to attack a target of your choice or attack freely. It will continually attack its target until it is slain, then move on to the next.
You may have noticed that the spells that create weapons are absent, but do not fear. They will still exist, through a system which we are not quite ready to elaborate on.