Commands without Talismans 10/19/2017 04:24 PM UTC
Dear Grejuva and Javac,

Would you consider granting war mages the ability to issue commands to an already summoned familiar with out having to hold a talisman?

Familiars have such great potential for RP and practical communication, but using talismans is a serious hindrance. Many war mages use off hand weapons, bows or shields in combat, or find themselves with food in one hand and a stout drink in the other, or an instrument and a bow to play it.

From an RP perspective, it also really sucks having to reach into a container to get a talisman to issue commands. It cripples the ability to RP an interesting character/familiar dynamic, and gives the impression of the familiar as nothing more than a puppet.

I would also hope that this would allow a dead war mage to issue commands to a familiar, as it seems that they should at least have the option of searching for and communicating with friends of its master should he fall.

At the risk of sounding like a moron for speaking on matters I know nothing about, I'd like to offer three solutions on how this might be achieved:
1. Eliminate the code that checks to see if a talisman is being held when using "tell fam" commands.
2. Create a wearable container that can hold talismans, and eliminate the need to actually hold it in one's hand (this could even be a microtrans item if that would increase the likelihood of this actually happening ;).
3. Create an aether elemental ability (similar to elemental weapon infusions) that eliminates the need for a talisman when issuing commands.

Thanks for considering it!
Re: Commands without Talismans 10/21/2017 04:23 AM UTC

Seconded... using the talisman to summon a familiar I totally get, but once it's in the same plane as the WM it would be such a fantastic QoL change to not need to get out a talisman for every little command.
Re: Commands without Talismans 10/21/2017 12:26 PM UTC


Make it a perk of summoning. Since you can only have one, maybe the system can do a check.
If Summoning > ### && HasFamiliar:
command familiar, give player RT
Message: You have difficulty reaching out to your familiar.

You could even make RT something that could be worked down.
Re: Commands without Talismans 10/23/2017 06:55 AM UTC

Not sure if I can see an IG lore justification for commanding familiars from beyond the grave, as the only logical way that would work would be if familiars were commanded via spirit rather than mental/physical means, and I've never seen anything that would indicate that is the case. Then again, familiars do trigger some abilities based off of Charisma, and if you squint and tilt your head maybe that is justification enough

I don't want to knock the idea itself, it would be cool and I would not mind if it became possible to command familiars after death, but I would be plenty happy if they only made the first change of removing the talisman requirement after summoning.
Re: Commands without Talismans 10/25/2017 07:30 PM UTC
I vaguely remember a similar conversation with Rottclor.. its still a good idea.

I thought he had some plan for making them worn, and needing a skill check to use them while worn, vs. in hand, and having all your fams keyed to a single talisman that you continued to carve and make more powerful as your skills grew.