Suggested Spells to be Non Aligning- 05/22/2009 04:30 AM CDT
Aetheral Shield (Etheral shield)
Too many spells rely on it's usage.

Is a spell used to disarm the critter, mage may infact be a "Steel Mage" rather than an Electric/Lightning/Storm mage

Aegis of Granite
Is a non offensive spell that comes in handy reguardless of element, yet takes multiple casts to operate.

Rising Mists
Sub structure for spells of more than one spell, same as ES.
Re: Suggested Spells to be Non Aligning- 05/22/2009 08:26 AM CDT
>>Aegis of Granite
>>Is a non offensive spell that comes in handy reguardless of element, yet takes multiple casts to operate.

Huh? What do you mean "multiple casts to operate"? I've always just used one

Cute verbs and speaking from hiding are excellent ways to catch a lightning bolt in the face regardless of mystical ninja abilities.

Re: Suggested Spells to be Non Aligning- 05/22/2009 10:50 AM CDT
<<Huh? What do you mean "multiple casts to operate"? I've always just used one

I think its like ES where casting it again extends the duration?


Crackling with unspent rage since 386AV.
Re: Suggested Spells to be Non Aligning- 05/22/2009 10:51 AM CDT
>>I think its like ES where casting it again extends the duration?

Doesn't require multiple casts to operate though

Cute verbs and speaking from hiding are excellent ways to catch a lightning bolt in the face regardless of mystical ninja abilities.

Re: Suggested Spells to be Non Aligning- 05/22/2009 11:30 AM CDT
If I were to lobby for specialization exception spells it would be Swirling Winds, Sure Footing and Y'ntrel Sechra. The reason simply being that as those are and forever will be among my war mages casting staples. Course, as far as that goes, so is aether lash, chain lightning and fortress of ice. As a result, my character will always be making liberal use of air, earth, water, aether and electricity, which will probably preclude his ability to specialize effectively.

However, the fact that our trademark buffs and go-to TM spells reside in different books does seem to present problems for a system that encourages you to confine your casting to a specific book.
Re: Suggested Spells to be Non Aligning- 05/22/2009 02:49 PM CDT
However, from at least this users perspective, it does take multiple pre combat casts in order to use effectively, AlThough, I would be more than happy to instead lobby for RS to make it last 2 hours after one cast, 8 minutes on minimum(I get 20 on max cast) cast makes it pretty much worthless, so it does require multiple casts to be useful.
Re: Suggested Spells to be Non Aligning- 05/22/2009 02:50 PM CDT
"Hey mister GM this alignment idea sounds great! Except could you put in exceptions for all of the spells I actually use regularly? Thanks!"

Rev. Reene

The black panther growls, "Are you blind Tachid? Kill Caelumia."
Tachid says, "SHE HAS BLUE FIRE"
Re: Suggested Spells to be Non Aligning- 05/22/2009 02:55 PM CDT
"Hey mister GM this alignment idea sounds great! Except could you put in exceptions for all of the spells I actually use regularly? Thanks!"

Rev. Reene

The black panther growls, "Are you blind Tachid? Kill Caelumia."
Tachid says, "SHE HAS BLUE FIRE"

Jealous of something that's not even out yet? Go back and play in your guilds folder if you're not going to be constructive.
Re: Suggested Spells to be Non Aligning- 05/22/2009 03:00 PM CDT
<<Jealous of something that's not even out yet? Go back and play in your guilds folder if you're not going to be constructive.

Actually I'm sure a lot of us were thinking the same thing... what's the point of exceptions for the most commonly used spells? It just serves to make the system nichey at best since it'd only come into play on spells that aren't cast very often.


Crackling with unspent rage since 386AV.
Re: Suggested Spells to be Non Aligning- 05/22/2009 03:09 PM CDT
Most commonly used spells, or the most often cast because of their nature spells?

One isn't always the other, which, even before release thought of being simusoon they've already blacklisted ES from the program. If you'll notice I didn't say all of the defensive spells, someone else added the entire wind book, which on the surface has some tangible argument about that one book being exempt, however, that hopefully wont last.

Instead of going around with a sledge hammer Cleric Reene could possibly, maybe, offer reasons for spells to be on or off the element change list, rather than saying "yer stupid, ehaw." This is suppose to be a constructive discussion not a slam fest. Or even something else she might like to see in the simusoon enchantments system.
Re: Suggested Spells to be Non Aligning- 05/22/2009 03:16 PM CDT
My suggestion would be to learn how to spot when humor has been intertwined with a legitimate observation about the direction a thread of suggestions is taking.

Elemental alignment will be frankly meaningless if you build in exceptions to all of the spells you happen to find useful enough to cast on a regular basis. It defeats the whole purpose of the system from my perspective. If you're casting a lot of Air spells, well, maybe you should be aligned to Air?

In summary: calm down, brah.

Rev. Reene

The black panther growls, "Are you blind Tachid? Kill Caelumia."
Tachid says, "SHE HAS BLUE FIRE"
Re: Suggested Spells to be Non Aligning- 05/22/2009 03:28 PM CDT
I can agree with both those statements.

That's why the OP didn't even have sw(which is used by 2 other books and one other spell as a core.)

But I would still like your specific opinions or thoughts on the use of other multi book core spells for identifying what is or isn't valid for alignment, including ES?

What about spells that are cast it and forget it spells?
Spells that have to be maintained and would skew the spell casting count?

Should these types skew more heavilly (align+2 instead of align+1) than regularly cast spells (this includes MOA and FireRain)
Re: Suggested Spells to be Non Aligning- 05/22/2009 04:58 PM CDT
>Rising Mists; Reason- Sub structure for spells of more than one spell, same as ES.

Wait, what? Was there a change I missed? Does RM have positive spell-interactions with spells outside of Water now?

ES is a requirement for spells in not just other books, but its opposed book. Without ES you kill people with electricity that you don't intend to. Without ES you kill yourself with fire.

Punishing Electrical or Fire specialists for casting ES is obviously questionable. I don't see what that has to do with RM at all.

"...I am inclined to think the focus of the [Warmage's] spellbook should be ways to make things explode, to help you make things explode, or to assist your victim in exploding." -Armifer
Re: Suggested Spells to be Non Aligning- 05/22/2009 09:50 PM CDT
>>Punishing Electrical or Fire specialists for casting ES is obviously questionable.

Since in this theoretical model the worst possible outcome is no outcome at all, I don't think arguments about punishing the player are going to work.

The point of the exercise was trading otherwise mandatory environmental restrictions for a completely optional set of usage restrictions that you can take backsies on at any time. If that means you need to keep in mind how often you're casting ES and compensate for it to maintain alignment, that's part of the cost of getting otherwise free benefits from the system.

<Kvlt> Step 1: Want stuff! Step 2: Be ambitious! Step 3: Believe in the ability of your fellow man to carry you to heights you are too incompetent to reach alone.
Re: Suggested Spells to be Non Aligning- 05/22/2009 10:44 PM CDT
> keep in mind how often you're casting ES and compensate for it to maintain alignment, that's part of the cost of getting otherwise free benefits from the system. -Armifer

What. No it wasn't:

>Well first off, Ethereal Shield is automatically exempt because it's a requirement for casting spells from other elements (SD, MoF). -Wythor

"...I am inclined to think the focus of the [Warmage's] spellbook should be ways to make things explode, to help you make things explode, or to assist your victim in exploding." -Armifer
Re: Suggested Spells to be Non Aligning- 05/22/2009 11:23 PM CDT
>>What. No it wasn't:

Mind fart on my end. I was thinking back to the Make Every Useful Warmie Spell Exempt push.

<Kvlt> Step 1: Want stuff! Step 2: Be ambitious! Step 3: Believe in the ability of your fellow man to carry you to heights you are too incompetent to reach alone.
Re: Suggested Spells to be Non Aligning- 05/23/2009 12:21 AM CDT
>Mind fart on my end. I was thinking back to the Make Every Useful Warmie Spell Exempt push.

><Kvlt> Step 1: Want stuff! Step 2: Be ambitious! Step 3: Believe in the ability of your fellow man to carry you to heights you are too incompetent to reach alone.

Oh that was obviously a wind mage that wanted to specialize in anything but, and a snide remark from a non war mage.

RM affects electricity and shockwave, as well as bonuses frostbite and electricity.

I did offer a second option, which will probably be thrown away just as fast as most of my suggestions.

Alignment teirs, where by spells, including ES, still change alignment, but where different spells, such as es, get a different amount of alignment shift per cast, with one being the absoulte minimum, na klar.
Re: Suggested Spells to be Non Aligning- 05/23/2009 12:31 AM CDT
>> Oh that was obviously a wind mage that wanted to specialize in anything but, and a snide remark from a non war mage.

The only guild I haven't played past 20th circle at this point is Barbarians.

Just because I liked Moon Mages best doesn't mean I can't have informed opinions about every other guild I played before I played a Moon Mage.

Rev. Reene

The black panther growls, "Are you blind Tachid? Kill Caelumia."
Tachid says, "SHE HAS BLUE FIRE"
Re: Suggested Spells to be Non Aligning- 05/23/2009 10:01 AM CDT
<<Alignment teirs, where by spells, including ES, still change alignment, but where different spells, such as es, get a different amount of alignment shift per cast, with one being the absoulte minimum, na klar.

I like this idea. Makes sense to give more weight to higher tier spells
Re: Suggested Spells to be Non Aligning- 05/24/2009 07:28 AM CDT
To be honest, I don't like the idea of spell usage determining "alignment" at all.

1) A scheme like that would distort our spell usage in ways that are un-fun. We'd be potentially sacrificing abilities in order to buff or defend ourselves, buff or defend others, etc. That would probably discourage people from doing those things. Does that sound fun for the WM or anyone else? Does that sound fun applied to every single spell a WM can cast?

2) Those sacrifices would almost certainly be a net negative. There are already abilities that hit the global caps or are as good as abilities of their type are going to get. By and large those don't have restrictions anything like what we're talking about here (or they won't once they're rewritten). I can't conceive of the Arcana abilities being allowed to be 'better than the best' in this dev environment, so what is the point of onerous restrictions?

3) The scheme does not favor casual users, and doesn't favor natural behavior. Managing spell use is going to be a PITA for everyone, but less of a PITA for the people who can write scripts to adjust their usage ratios in the right way. That sounds like the opposite of what Wythor wants to encourage.

4) You can create timers, etc, to prevent #3, but that will make the system harder to work with for everyone.

I like the concept of aligning, but I think it should be accomplished through actions specifically designed to change alignment rather than through casting spells. I'm thinking of something similar to Devotion for clerics.

This way, there would be no strange incentives placed on our use of our main abilities, we could manage our Alignment in a straightforward way, and the cost would be consistent with what we could realistically expect to get out of the system.

- Mazrian

The Flying Company
Re: Suggested Spells to be Non Aligning- 05/24/2009 09:06 AM CDT
or it could be done akin to the way moonmages align to moons

>align fire
you focus on becoming more attune to the fire elements

>align water
you've recently aligned to fire you'll have to wait X amount of time before you can change you alignment to something else.

If life doesn't need intelligence,
Then why should intelligence need life?
Re: Suggested Spells to be Non Aligning- 05/24/2009 09:34 AM CDT
I agree with Mazrian for what its worth


You gesture at a gargantuan korograth.
A sheet of slippery rich amber ale-hued ice forms beneath a gargantuan korograth!
The gargantuan korograth refuses to fall.
Re: Suggested Spells to be Non Aligning- 05/25/2009 12:51 AM CDT
Of all the spells in our books, Ethereal Shield is the only spell that is a required cast in order to cast spells of other elemental books (MoF, SD). That's why I excluded it -- I don't want casting options in some books limited by the unwillingness to cast spells from other books.

None of the other options you suggested meet that criteria. True, there are a lot of spells out there with unique abilities, but sacrificing some for better performance with others is a big part of what specializing is all about. Selectively casting spells from outside your specialty won't instantly tank your alignment, but it will make it harder for you to advance.

>>However, the fact that our trademark buffs and go-to TM spells reside in different books does seem to present problems for a system that encourages you to confine your casting to a specific book.

If there were no cost or sacrifice involved, there wouldn't be any benefits worth learning, and the entire system would be pointless.

I'll say it again: the alignment system will exist to reward those who already restrict the majority of their spellcasting to specific elemental books, rather than to reward powerplayers who want to be good at everything.

That's the way it's intended, and those who like to have their options open (myself included) won't be able to specialize beyond a very basic level. If you find yourself favoring a certain element because of your hunting situation, however, you may consider the option of short-term specialization which will enhance your abilities with the element you're currently using the most. Flexibility is one of this system's strengths, at least compared to the alternatives.

>>Alignment teirs, where by spells, including ES, still change alignment, but where different spells, such as es, get a different amount of alignment shift per cast, with one being the absoulte minimum, na klar.

Some spells will definitely affect alignment less than others, but I see that mostly as a function of difficulty -- the only fair way to differentiate between spells that do very different things. There's also the whole opposing/related/unrelated element factor.

>>Those sacrifices would almost certainly be a net negative. There are already abilities that hit the global caps or are as good as abilities of their type are going to get. By and large those don't have restrictions anything like what we're talking about here (or they won't once they're rewritten). I can't conceive of the Arcana abilities being allowed to be 'better than the best' in this dev environment, so what is the point of onerous restrictions?

That's a bit of a leap considering the alignment shifts haven't been established beyond a basic design principle, and none of the abilities (except the first, most basic one) have been revealed.

The alternative to the system as I've laid it out here is to completely ban the use of spells from other elemental books, or arbitrarily limit their power (can't get more than 50% power into any of them, for example) and add a timer for changing specialization to prevent abuse. I've presented my reasons for avoiding this option like the plague.

- GM Wythor

What goes up
is futile --
unless it goes out
Re: Suggested Spells to be Non Aligning- 05/25/2009 02:19 AM CDT
>None of the other options you suggested meet that criteria. True, there are a lot of spells out there with unique abilities, but sacrificing some for better performance with others is a big part of what specializing is all about. Selectively casting spells from outside your specialty won't instantly tank your alignment, but it will make it harder for you to advance.

Great, Begs be asked, will dual aligments (such as storm mage) be availible?

>If there were no cost or sacrifice involved, there wouldn't be any benefits worth learning, and the entire system would be pointless.

My new tag line, ya like?

>I'll say it again: the alignment system will exist to reward those who already restrict the majority of their spell casting to specific elemental books, rather than to reward power-players who want to be good at everything.


>That's the way it's intended, and those who like to have their options open (myself included) won't be able to specialize beyond a very basic level. If you find yourself favoring a certain element because of your hunting situation, however, you may consider the option of short-term specialization which will enhance your abilities with the element you're currently using the most. Flexibility is one of this system's strengths, at least compared to the alternatives.

Hopefully some of the features will negate that need, except maybe in the rare event that a fire mage wants to hunt fire elementals exclusively.

>Some spells will definitely affect alignment less than others, but I see that mostly as a function of difficulty -- the only fair way to differentiate between spells that do very different things. There's also the whole opposing/related/unrelated element factor.

>>Those sacrifices would almost certainly be a net negative. There are already abilities that hit the global caps or are as good as abilities of their type are going to get. By and large those don't have restrictions anything like what we're talking about here (or they won't once they're rewritten). I can't conceive of the Arcana abilities being allowed to be 'better than the best' in this dev environment, so what is the point of onerous restrictions?

That's a bit of a leap considering the alignment shifts haven't been established beyond a basic design principle, and none of the abilities (except the first, most basic one) have been revealed.

The alternative to the system as I've laid it out here is to completely ban the use of spells from other elemental books, or arbitrarily limit their power (can't get more than 50% power into any of them, for example) and add a timer for changing specialization to prevent abuse. I've presented my reasons for avoiding this option like the plague.

- GM Wythor

What goes up
is futile --
unless it goes out

All Hail!
Re: Suggested Spells to be Non Aligning- 05/25/2009 07:59 AM CDT
>>The alternative to the system as I've laid it out here is to completely ban the use of spells from other elemental books, or arbitrarily limit their power (can't get more than 50% power into any of them, for example) and add a timer for changing specialization to prevent abuse. I've presented my reasons for avoiding this option like the plague.<<

I can think of at least another couple of alternatives. Are you under a constraint that forces you to consider only those two possibilities?

>>I'll say it again: the alignment system will exist to reward those who already restrict the majority of their spellcasting to specific elemental books, rather than to reward powerplayers who want to be good at everything.<<

I'm not following. Who are power players? How can you tell them from 'normal' players? I would think people who severely restrict their casting choices to fit their concepts of WM RP are in an extreme minority. I can probably name all of them.

- Mazrian

The Flying Company
Re: Suggested Spells to be Non Aligning- 05/25/2009 09:20 AM CDT
>I'm not following. Who are power players? How can you tell them from 'normal' players? I would think people who severely restrict their casting choices to fit their concepts of WM RP are in an extreme minority. I can probably name all of them.

Maybe this is the incentive needed for more to follow that path.
Re: Suggested Spells to be Non Aligning- 05/25/2009 04:48 PM CDT
>I would think people who severely restrict their casting choices to fit their concepts of WM RP are in an extreme minority. I can probably name all of them.

That sounds like a fun party game.

"...I am inclined to think the focus of the [Warmage's] spellbook should be ways to make things explode, to help you make things explode, or to assist your victim in exploding." -Armifer
Re: Suggested Spells to be Non Aligning- 05/25/2009 04:51 PM CDT
my wm only casts fire spells

true story

Rev. Reene

The black panther growls, "Are you blind Tachid? Kill Caelumia."
Tachid says, "SHE HAS BLUE FIRE"
Re: Suggested Spells to be Non Aligning- 05/25/2009 08:40 PM CDT
>>I can think of at least another couple of alternatives. Are you under a constraint that forces you to consider only those two possibilities?

Only the constraint of system design that I posted earlier. Offer your alternatives. Convince me. :)

>>Who are power players?

Pretty much everyone who tries to game the system to reap the greatest reward for the least cost. Trying to work out a deal by which players enhance the damage and duration of some spells without actually giving up anything worthwhile or working for the result qualifies.

>>I would think people who severely restrict their casting choices to fit their concepts of WM RP are in an extreme minority.

There is currently no reason beyond roleplaying to limit spell choice/use. The alignment system is a method of rewarding these folks, however minor they may be, without penalizing those who choose not to. It is intended to encourage diversity without being overpowered.

- GM Wythor

What goes up
is futile --
unless it goes out
Re: Suggested Spells to be Non Aligning- 05/25/2009 11:17 PM CDT
I'd like to see it tied into the up coming enchantment system. That be a good bonus. You can only do types of enchantments depending on your level of alignment with whatever element.
Re: Suggested Spells to be Non Aligning- 05/30/2009 01:19 AM CDT
<<Pretty much everyone who tries to game the system to reap the greatest reward for the least cost.

Nobody wants less reward for a given cost than they can get.

Nobody wants to pay a higher cost for a given reward than they have to.

So is everyone a power gamer?
Re: Suggested Spells to be Non Aligning- 05/30/2009 03:13 AM CDT
>>Nobody wants less reward for a given cost than they can get.

>>Nobody wants to pay a higher cost for a given reward than they have to.

Here's where we get into semantics.

There will always be those who view certain costs as prohibitive, while others view them as nominal at best -- depending on play style. The goal of a game designer should be to strike some sort of balance between the two.

A power gamer is one who manipulates, abuses, or stretches the system until all costs have been reduced to nominal levels -- he wants to be good at everything. In some ways, power gaming could be considered a playing style -- it's just one we try to code away from, rather than cater to.

The point you should try to take away from this discussion is that elemental alignment isn't going to be a system where you can be good at everything, or even good at most things. You'll have to pick and choose what you're good at, but at least you'll be able to change your mind down the road if something else catches your eye.

- GM Wythor

What goes up
is futile --
unless it goes out
Re: Suggested Spells to be Non Aligning- 05/30/2009 07:47 AM CDT
>>The point you should try to take away from this discussion is that elemental alignment isn't going to be a system where you can be good at everything, or even good at most things. You'll have to pick and choose what you're good at, but at least you'll be able to change your mind down the road if something else catches your eye.<<

How about an organizational system like this:

The whole package consists of abilities grouped along elemental themes. They can be unique abilities that are different for each element, or a common set of abilities applied to each of the different books.

The abilities are grouped by elements, and elements are grouped in three sets of opposing elements.


Each set of opposing elements is represented as an axis, and where the WM falls on each axis determines what abilities he has access to.

For example: if there are four ability tiers, a WM in the center of the Earth/Air axis would have 2 in each set. Moving to the Earth side somewhat, he'd get 3 Earth but only 1 Air. Moving to full Earth, he'd get all 4 Earth but no Air.

Moving along an axis requires performing specific rituals - somewhat like the Devotion system. The rituals might take specific components, have to be done in a particular place, take time, etc.

I think this proposal meets all the qualifications we've been talking about.

1) It's a net benefit. Everyone benefits, at the basic level, from the new system.

2) It requires meaningful trade offs. A character can't be good at everything under this system. Assuming no other restrictions, he could master 3 elements. That would come at the cost of having no special abilities in the opposing elements.

3) It rewards players who restrict their spell choices. Players who concentrate their casting in a few books can swing for the fences and master their favorite elements without losing anything - they don't cast spells from the opposing books. Players who cast spells from all the books will want to stay more evenly balanced and will not want to shoot for the higher-tier abilities.

4) A character can always go back if he's willing to put in the ritual time to shift his alignment.

With an additional benefit:

All players benefit, but players who want their mages to specialize benefit the most.

What do you think?

- Mazrian

The Flying Company
Re: Suggested Spells to be Non Aligning- 05/30/2009 10:50 AM CDT
>What do you think?

I like it. The only thing I would add are a few higher tiers for if you specialize in only one or two. To extend your example, if you only have specialization in two elements you get tier 5 abilities. If you only have specialization in one element, you get tier 6 abilities.

Elemancer Opieus, Warrior Mage of Elanthia
I blame Bubba:
Re: Suggested Spells to be Non Aligning- 05/31/2009 05:32 AM CDT
>>What do you think?

>>1) It's a net benefit. Everyone benefits, at the basic level, from the new system.

The concepts you've set forth are solid, and somewhat similar to the organization I've been aiming for. Item number 1 above is the only problem I can see with this particular system, and it can be summed up in a question.

What are the benefits of not specializing at all?

The system you've outlined does mean that a PC must sacrifice specialization in one element to increase specialization in another element, but what is the sacrifice for specializing at all? What is the PC giving up for the specialized abilities gained?

There needs to be some benefit to remaining aloof from specialization; specialization should not be required to remain competitive. The last thing I want to see is a system intended to promote diversity making the guild even more cookie-cutter than it is now.

I'm not criticizing your ideas, just trying to convey my personal design tenets. I understand that there may be a fundamental disconnect in the way you see specialization and the way I see it. Balancing abilities against themselves is easy; balancing them against the game as a whole is hard.

- GM Wythor

What goes up
is futile --
unless it goes out
Re: Suggested Spells to be Non Aligning- 05/31/2009 07:48 AM CDT
>>There needs to be some benefit to remaining aloof from specialization; specialization should not be required to remain competitive. The last thing I want to see is a system intended to promote diversity making the guild even more cookie-cutter than it is now.<<

I think the benefit is baked in, if I am understanding you correctly.

There will be a suite of abilities that all Warrior Mages can use. If a Warrior Mage does nothing with the rituals to change his elemental alignment, he will have middling access to abilities from all the elemental groups. He is a mage who doesn't specialize. If the Warrior Mage uses the rituals to shift his elemental alignment from neutral, he is a specialist.

The benefit to the non-specialist is access to middling abilities from all the elemental groups - more flexibility.

The benefit to the specialist is access to the more potent abilities in a few elements, but at the cost of access to the basic abilities in the other elements - more potent abilities within a theme, but less flexibility.

This set-up should encourage diversity and still benefit the WM who wants to do absolutely no work. Some mages will choose to be generalists. Some will fully specialize in one or more elements. There can be (and probably will be) shades in between.

- Mazrian

The Flying Company
Re: Suggested Spells to be Non Aligning- 07/28/2009 02:47 PM CDT
seems a while since this haseen discused so i thoug would dig it up....
It appears the benefit of not specializing is as yu said, the ability to use all of the elemnts in a ballanced way. No particular weaknes or strength when casting from any book. And should someone who plays it safe and has chosen well rouned spells really be rewarded beyond having the ability to enter a lot more situations with confidence in their casting abilities. I hate when it is storming out and my fire spells are weaker than normal, but i have to deal with it since i have never casted a water spell.
Re: Suggested Spells to be Non Aligning- 07/28/2009 03:00 PM CDT
>I hate when it is storming out and my fire spells are weaker than normal, but i have to deal with it since i have never casted a water spell.

Storms don't usually help water magic, they help electricity.

I think. Usually. It's not very straightforward. Frost Scythe has an indoor penalty, of all things.

"...I am inclined to think the focus of the [Warmage's] spellbook should be ways to make things explode, to help you make things explode, or to assist your victim in exploding." -Armifer
Re: Suggested Spells to be Non Aligning- 07/28/2009 05:53 PM CDT
i was mor or less refeing to the snow storms and blizzards lately. it's my first winter too, i guess i'm just a summer person.