Liquid Mana eh? 06/17/2007 12:32 PM CDT
The warrior mage is I see it is a very down and dirty fighter using any trick they can get their hands on, what better to use than your own lifeblood to enchant? My basic idea is we are attuned to the aether and the aether is part of us so to enchant we use our very blood to do so which would with the proper spell cast allow the weapon to be charged with mana to boost and power the spell held within it. The warmage being able to distill mana from their own blood as a reserve in case during battle the warmie or weapon/armor runs low.
Re: Liquid Mana eh? 06/17/2007 02:05 PM CDT
>The warrior mage is I see it is a very down and dirty fighter using any trick they can get their hands on

Could you explain this? I see no history of this. In fact, I see counters to this, in that the guild surpresses Blackfire, etc.

As for the rest, I think it's a cool idea, health into mana. Wait..don't clerics already have that spell..hrm..