Mending CJs 03/28/2005 09:51 PM CST
Will this be possible? Can we get a definite yes or absolutely on this please? Thanks much.


exam hide
You can't see a tanned shaggy black hide clearly here.
You see nothing unusual.
Re: Mending CJs 03/28/2005 10:03 PM CST
I believe Mend will only affect elemental items. Wouldn't make much sense if it repaired lunar enchantments.

Re: Mending CJs 03/28/2005 10:27 PM CST
ditto on what aeth said. Wouldn't make any sense at all for elemental magics to repair lunar ones.
Re: Mending CJs 03/28/2005 10:42 PM CST
The plan was to repair all magical devices... I don't like the arguement just because it has lunar energy in it to not do it. However it would be terrible unbalancing to be able to repair CJs specifically. Please don't start trying to limit what it can do, it already can only repair magical devices, because it would be unfare to repair mundane weapons and armor. Now maybe if it could only repair a cj once or twice that would be okay, but maybe not. If we start only being able to repair elemental devices, thats really going to narrow the spell down and basically make it for the most part just for our enchanting.

~Worrclan, Dwarf of the Realms-
Re: Mending CJs 03/28/2005 11:01 PM CST
>>If we start only being able to repair elemental devices, thats really going to narrow the spell down and basically make it for the most part just for our enchanting.

Uh, that's the intent. As stated by Rigby, each Enchanting system will have specific spells that's mostly useless for other purposes. See Imbue and Unleash. Mend is an Enchanting spell, repairing stuff will be the side effect.

>>The plan was to repair all magical devices... I don't like the arguement just because it has lunar energy in it to not do it.

Can you honestly believe that? What makes warrior mages "masters of MD"?

Personally, I liked the original Mend better.

Re: Mending CJs 03/29/2005 12:02 AM CST
Can you honestly believe that? What makes warrior mages "masters of MD"?

Because the moon mages are apperantly masters of targeted for the time being...

CJ's are worthless far as i'm concerned, why do we want to fix them?

"A single spark is not a fire. Though a single spark can start the flames." ~Ecodom (Myself)
Re: Mending CJs 03/29/2005 12:16 AM CST
I don't care what Rigby stated for moon mage enchanting, this isn't moon mage enchanting. As GM Valdrick stated who is designing our enchanting system, he doesn't like to make things that only do one thing. If all enchanting was just one system, we'd already have our enchanting, and so would clerics. You'd just have to plug in the cleric and warrior mage things, into the enchanting system.

While were not the masters of MD, we are the only guild that uses aether, and we are the masters of aether. All sorts of things use aether, so we should be able to fix all sorts of things.

I like the original mend better as well, but if this is how its going to change, I'd like it to be the best version of it the spell can be. An really why wouldn't you want us to have something that can fix all sorts of magical devices? That would be awesome, to not have to look around for a merchant that isn't going to show up so you can have ten more charges in your favorite device, that is going to run out in a rew days.

~Worrclan, Dwarf of the Realms-
Re: Mending CJs 03/29/2005 12:58 AM CST
>>I don't care what Rigby stated for moon mage enchanting, this isn't moon mage enchanting. As GM Valdrick stated who is designing our enchanting system, he doesn't like to make things that only do one thing. If all enchanting was just one system, we'd already have our enchanting, and so would clerics. You'd just have to plug in the cleric and warrior mage things, into the enchanting system.

Ignorant aren't we? I'll highlight the important parts for you.

There are several key rules for enchanting which are "set in stone", regardless of the status of any given Enchanting system. Consider this the official word, please.

1) Spells will play a significant role in enchanting, some of which will be dedicated enchanting spells.
2) The target difficulty level will be comparable to the skills typical for 50th+ level characters.
3) The more potent the enchantment, the more steps required for its creation. Complex processes will be encouraged.
4) Learning to Enchant will require a quest. Quests will be encouraged for other applications.

>>While were not the masters of MD, we are the only guild that uses aether, and we are the masters of aether. All sorts of things use aether, so we should be able to fix all sorts of things.

Amazing logic. Aside from the fact that aether has nothing to do with lunar stuff (yes, you should stop throwing in aether for everything that's obviously non-WM), do you really think that repairing ALL magical items in the game is less unbalancing than repairing weapon/armor? (which was fine, IMO)

Re: Mending CJs 03/29/2005 03:11 AM CST
First off I see you are trolling for a conflict or just one who hates warrior mages getting things.

Ignorant no, I've read several of your post where you just throw that in there thinking it will win your little arguement, as apparently you think this is an arguement and not a civil discussion. Absolutely nothing is set in stone, things change, people leave, people realize things are too strict. None of that matters though, our spell has been slated to do more than just work in the enchanting process so hopefully you'll realize that. How much more it all depends. They have said it would work on magic devices in general, now I know I never said all devices.. I said all sorts of devices in my last post and the first I ment to say most, cause I realize it won't and should not be able to do everything. CJs shouldn't be repairable I don't think, that would be stepping on the moon mages cash flow.

Aether does have something to do with everything. From the most simplest spell, when you trace the sigil you do it with aether, if its targeted you create anouther matrix with more aether. So we have your spell you use to make the enchantment relying on aether, next we have the object that you actually use to imbue the enchantment in. Unless otherwise stated, like a shard most things are made of the elements and probably a little bit of aether.

No I don't think it would be unbalancing at all to be able to potentially repair/recharge all 'types' of devices with some exceptions of course. The exceptions should be made on a case by case basis not just arbitrarily saying all lunar devices will not work. For example we already know that elemental magic and lunar magic can mix, there are examples of it in sorcery. Would it be harder to do of course it would most likely, do I have faith that the GMs will put checks and balances in there to make it balanced better, you bet. I personally don't try to throw aether in everywhere to justify warrior mages getting something, I realize what our scope is as a guild a lot better than others sometimes. While TM, and summoning, and the elements are our scope... thats pretty hard to do anything with so adding something new is a good thing. You can already get any magic device or pretty much any magic device fixed if you find a merchant that can do it.

I hope to have a better discussion with you, and not an arguement. If you decide to continue it, please don't turn this into a conflict.

~Worrclan, Dwarf of the Realms-
Re: Mending CJs 03/29/2005 04:40 AM CST
>>Aether does have something to do with everything. From the most simplest spell, when you trace the sigil you do it with aether, if its targeted you create anouther matrix with more aether.

Please prove this. I have never heard of such a thing. (that non-WMs use aether for creating spell patterns)

Back to the topic. Basically what I'm wondering is, why you think that war mages should be able to repair lunar items but not moon mages. What makes 'general MD repairing" a war mage area? Every guild should only repair items of their own mana type.


PS. I wasn't trying to start a conflict, BUT saying "I don't care what Rigby stated" does make you ignorant.
Re: Mending CJs 03/29/2005 05:22 AM CST
I don't think I ever said moon mages shouldn't be able to repair there own items. Why don't you ask if you haven't already in the moon mage folder? An as far I know or care "general MD repairing" a WM area, the GMs said that our spell was going to do that. ::shrug:: I don't remember which gm posted it or when exactly, but it was after they came out with the umm what yah call it the umm magic rules guide (I'm sure thats not what its called, but I can't remember what it is called.), and a gm explained all about spell matrixes and targetted matrixes, and he mentioned yep everyone uses a little bit of aether to do it with.

An no it doesn't make me ignorant to not give a care in the world what rigby said on the subject, even though I read that when ever he posted it however many years ago it was. Untill a higher authority says so, I consider that out of context and applys only to the moon mage enchanting. It was too long ago to be considered, unless someone says its so and even if it does, that still doesn't mean anything. The GM coding our ability has higher relevance to the matter when he says, he wants to code it so it does more than just enchanting. Just cause someone says something in the past, it doesn't mean it has to be the rule forever and ever, specially in DR things just change too durn much.

~Worrclan, Dwarf of the Realms-
Re: Mending CJs 03/29/2005 05:36 AM CST
<The plan was to repair all magical devices...>

The only thing Vladrik posted about was that it would mend Warrior Mage enchantments and some magical items like the magical metals which have no magic type. It really does make no sense at all for a Warrior Mage spell to recharge a magical item outside of Elemental items, especially when the guild that created it has no way of recharging it.

Using Aether as a catch all excuse is also weak. I could easily do the same thing with Holy mana being from the gods or with Lunar mana being close to time to justify any ability for guilds using them.

Like Yucelem said, "Every guild should only repair items of their own mana type."

<Just cause someone says something in the past, it doesn't mean it has to be the rule forever and ever, specially in DR things just change too durn much.>

Yet, your argument relies on something stated about aether and spells back when new magic first came out, of which Rigby did the most writing of? If you are basing it off the fact that you believe that the new magic rules are reliable, they also contain the future ground rules for enchanting, which Rigby mentioned.

Think about it a second, the original Mend plan was changed because there is already a creation system in place for weapons and armor. To have a spell repair all those items, outside of the system, lead to problems.
There is already a creation system to create Lunar items, having the spell effect those items, outside of the system, leads to the identical problem.

Talian slashes the really ugly pathian statue to dust.
Re: Mending CJs 03/29/2005 06:19 AM CST
Yes some... if you read on, I did say all types should be included but on a case by case basis should you not include certain ones based on whatever things. I'm not using aether as a catch all thing, I'm using it as a very specific thing here and here only. Woo it can make fly, and part rivers! That would be catch all. Aether runs the world, its how lots of things work durnit, that in its self is a good enough reason to mention we might use it. If there is a way you could justify it with holy mana or lunar mana great do it, but I'm pretty sure you can't. It doesn't matter anyways it isn't relivant to the subject this is the warrior mage folder, and warrior mage enchanting, so please don't here.

foc rat
You focus your magical senses on a S'kra indakar rattle.
The indakar rattle has a definite magical pattern, which is apparently a spell.
You recognize the pattern as a manifestation of Holy magic.
It seems to involve Holy Defense.
The pattern appears to be the Protection from Evil spell.
There is a weak point in one of the lines of energy, which will hold for 6 more uses.
The lines are thin, and they glare with brilliance.
Roundtime: 35 seconds.

Hey lookie there it has a pattern which is set into place with aether most likely, and then the energy with in it is a core of holy mana. Hmm at least I think thats how it is, might be wrong on the energy being mana. So we run into our first condition on what we wouldn't be able to repair, if it doesn't have an aether pattern and is set with pure what ever energy, we wouldn't be able to fix it, unless for whatever reason we are let to. Like perhaps an unknown mana type or one that no one can use.

Again it is perfectly reasonable for one little bit of information from a source to be wrong or out of date and the rest of it to not be, and again untill someone higher up says so, I take those supposed enchanting rules for all enchanting as out of context and for moon mages. There are plenty of reasons do so, it was so long ago for one, no one else even had an enchanting system in the approval stage yet (At least I don't think so, and if we did, were not using that one now anyways), all other enchanting systems were just in the talks.

Your last paragraph, there is the crux you are right we might run into that being the reason why it is struck down. I really hope it doesn't though, that would be a very bad reason to do so in my opinion. However there are items out there that are not created by the Lunar creation system, that have lunar energy in them, and I'm sure there will be more, those are items we could fix maybe under the right reasoning of course.

~Worrclan, Dwarf of the Realms-
Re: Mending CJs 03/29/2005 07:40 AM CST
Agreeing with Aeth makes me feel dirty. :(
Re: Mending CJs 03/29/2005 07:47 AM CST
<<Hey lookie there it has a pattern which is set into place with aether most likely, and then the energy with in it is a core of holy mana.>>

Are you using the Jump To Conclusions mat from Office Space?

<<Again it is perfectly reasonable for one little bit of information from a source to be wrong or out of date and the rest of it to not be, and again untill someone higher up says so, I take those supposed enchanting rules for all enchanting as out of context and for moon mages. >>

Moonmage enchanting was already in place when those rules were posted. They were, in fact, directed specifically AT warmage and cleric enchanting - not moonmage.
Re: Mending CJs 03/29/2005 02:37 PM CST
hate to tell you this, but CJs are far more complex then any simple rune or wand. Sure mending wands and runes even if their not of your mana type is one thing. But CJ's are far from that. Basically a CJ is a group of a Celestial Sigils which feed off of eachother to form a pattern which is infinitively more complex then that of a spell. This was stated in one of rigby's posts about enchanting in general. By using the CJ(and most other enchantments) you drain the sigils of their power and when they finally run out of power they callopse, taking the item with it. Each sigil has an intense amount of lunar energy in it trying to refill the lunar energy with elemental energy wouldn't make sense and would probably be dangerous.
Re: Mending CJs 03/29/2005 08:44 PM CST
As Mend undergoes revisions, it is still unknown at this time whether or not it will affect CJ's. It's under discussion.

-Chakram - insert witty remarks here.
Re: Mending CJs 03/29/2005 10:08 PM CST
<<As Mend undergoes revisions, it is still unknown at this time whether or not it will affect CJ's. It's under discussion.>>

Just to clarify, it's the whole spell that is under discussion, trying to figure out what it will affect and what it won't. We've got some of the spell basics hammered out but, due to the magical nature of things, the whole concept of "aether is magical duct tape" (as suggested by some) may not quite work. So we're going to be taking a hard look at what should be affected by the spell and what shouldn't.

-Chakram - insert witty remarks here.
Re: Mending CJs 03/29/2005 11:10 PM CST
>>Just to clarify, it's the whole spell that is under discussion, trying to figure out what it will affect and what it won't. We've got some of the spell basics hammered out but, due to the magical nature of things, the whole concept of "aether is magical duct tape" (as suggested by some) may not quite work. So we're going to be taking a hard look at what should be affected by the spell and what shouldn't.

Every guild is going to scream that they should be fixing anything that deals with thier specialty or mana type and warrior mages aren't going to get anywhere near it. Might as well go ahead and make mend just a spell for our enchanting, because we have to have one dedicated to it I guess, and we can avoid all the posts that are going to come from all the other guilds. Which will turn into arguments and then posts will be pulled and such. So save the board monitors a lot of grief and yourselves a lot of reworking, heh.

Re: Mending CJs 03/29/2005 11:34 PM CST
<<hate to tell you this, but CJs are far more complex then any simple rune or wand. Sure mending wands and runes even if their not of your mana type is one thing. But CJ's are far from that. Basically a CJ is a group of a Celestial Sigils which feed off of eachother to form a pattern which is infinitively more complex then that of a spell. This was stated in one of rigby's posts about enchanting in general. By using the CJ(and most other enchantments) you drain the sigils of their power and when they finally run out of power they callopse, taking the item with it. Each sigil has an intense amount of lunar energy in it trying to refill the lunar energy with elemental energy wouldn't make sense and would probably be dangerous.

Aye, so yet anouther reason not to, besides it would be stepping on moon mages cash flow.

Yah know it kinda came to me, that no guild is the 'Master of Magical Devices'. So why couldn't we become that as well as Master's of Targeted Magic? As targetted magic is so hard to create things for in general.. I think this would be a boon for our guild.

An to Chakram's post... durnit stop making me repeat my self, I said it should be thought of to be able to repair all devices but of course there are exceptions made on a case by case basis.(basically what you said, minus it being magical duct tape) ::beats Chakram with his own gerbil launcher:: But excellent to hear your words on the subject, thank you for shedding some light on it, I'm glad to know I was headed in the right direction.

And Ash, they might yell about it at first and that is a might.. but when we can do it they'll be very glad we can. If they get to as well somehow great, but if there is no development in that direction which there probably won't be for all sorts of other guilds. They will be very happy we can do the feat.

~Worrclan, Dwarf of the Realms-
Re: Mending CJs 03/29/2005 11:53 PM CST
What is a cj? Celestrial jewlery. What does it do, packs a prediction type bonus that becomes adivated by rubbing. How these bonus work or are giving only speculation even by the moon mage guild, knowlage to make them isn't knowlage of how they work.

Focus on the CJ as a war mage, you don't see the sigils they are made from now do we have the astrology or knowlage of them to know anything of the device.

How are you going to fix a sigil of a constation you know knowthing about, using elemental magic that has nothing to do with focusing on future events?

This is just not gonna happen, you can't fix celestrial events. You don't give bonus to skills with mana and magic. Moon mages use the study of constalations to find the proper path to these bonuses and facilitate using magic to allow us to use these bonuses as we need them or see fit.

"A single spark is not a fire. Though a single spark can start the flames." ~Ecodom (Myself)
Re: Mending CJs 03/30/2005 12:44 AM CST
>>What is a cj? Celestrial jewlery. What does it do, packs a prediction type bonus that becomes adivated by rubbing. How these bonus work or are giving only speculation even by the moon mage guild, knowlage to make them isn't knowlage of how they work.

In short, it doesn't matter.

Remember that Enchanting is going to be based off of our knowledge of Magical Devices, not our knowledge of whatever weapon type we are currently enchanting.

And being able to focus on a CJ at all, means that we can see where a line is weak or broken, and repair it.

Mend will be our soldering gun. We don't need to know sub-atomic physics, or even how to program a ROM chip in order to fix a broken bead in the solder on the circuit board that it is on, so why should we need to know how to make a CJ in order to be able to repair something that shows up as wrong through our mana microscope, also know as "focus"?

~Kyn (Kynevon)

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Re: Mending CJs 03/30/2005 11:30 AM CST
thats the thing though Kyn, if a non-moonie focuses on a CJ they don't even see the "Lines" to be able to repair it.
Re: Mending CJs 03/30/2005 01:57 PM CST
> thats the thing though Kyn, if a non-moonie focuses on a CJ they don't even see the "Lines" to be able to repair it.

It's really a non-issue considering...

1) CJs crumble and dissapear when they break. I say let Mend fix broken CJs.

> rub my ring

You get your bonus.
Your ring crumbles to dust.

> prep mend

You trace an arcane sigil in the air, preparing the Mend spell.

> cast ring

I cannot find what you are referring to.

2) The MM GMs stated it isn't going to happen.

wandering, not wondering - not praying for, nor pondering...