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Re: Active Cabals 06/23/2004 06:35 PM CDT
<<Now...I wouldn't know that much about blackfire...<cough>

...She did it she did it!

::Innocently smiles and plays 'spread the blame'::

~The Blackfire Mage Magmus
Re: Active Cabals 06/24/2004 02:11 AM CDT
>>...She did it she did it!

::Innocently smiles and plays 'spread the blame'::<<

<laughs> I haven't done anything...yet..;)


....<insert witty and sarcastic comment here>
Re: Active Cabals 06/25/2004 04:42 PM CDT
> What are the current active cabals?

Oooooh! Oooooh! The Aether Cabal is active. Its organizer is just really bad at checking the boards. <hangs head in shame>

--David (Jolebin Swordstaff, Elemancer of Riverhaven)
Re: Active Cabals 06/26/2004 04:43 AM CDT
"Oooooh! Oooooh! The Aether Cabal is active. Its organizer is just really bad at checking the boards. <hangs head in shame>"


I won't beat you up too badly.

I'd like to hear more about it, look me up IG around 'Haven mostly, or by IM silvernsparks.

~Suruli's player

Of Wind and Flame http://www.livejournal.com/~suruli/
Cabals and Wm groups 11/12/2007 01:59 PM CST
Arcanum, Aether Cabal, Warrior mage fellowship, do any of these groups or any other warrior mage groups still exist? if so id like to know, thanks.
Re: Cabals and Wm groups 11/12/2007 02:55 PM CST
I know one of them does. You can shoot me an email at the play.net address w/ your AIM IM if you want.

Axillus - Halfling Warrior Mage
>You charge your steel-toed footwrap at a musk hog.
Cabals, arcawhatevers, etc. 12/15/2008 09:28 PM CST
Any of these vaguely scholarly groups or their descendants still around?
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