Note:Posted this over in the critter bugs spot, but figured I'd ask over here too. Anyone know anything about this?
Was testing a few things out in Juvies, and noticed that even with Grounding Field cast to fire, their fire breath attack still sets me on fire from time to time. It triggers correctly when they manage to land a normal hit, blocking whatever portion of their attack is fire damage, so I know it's doing something. Is this intentional, or is this a bug? For the record, GF does interact with their tail special attack, although it seems like it might be handled differently than a regular attack:
A juvenile wyvern lurches forward to stab its tail stinger at you!
The field buckles briefly under the kinetic strain, failing to entirely stop the attack.
The air around you solidifies into a blinding yellow luminescence, buckling and losing much of its mass under the force of the attack.
The juvenile wyvern's tail lashes at you. The tail stinger lands a light hit to your left arm!
[You're nimbly balanced and opponent has slight advantage.]
Here the GF triggers then the MAF triggers, whereas with every normal attack it's the other way around:
The air around you solidifies into a blinding yellow luminescence and throws off shimmering light in the wake of the attack.
Your Grounding Field redirects the energy into Elanthia.
* Attacking forcefully, a juvenile wyvern lunges foward and snaps its fangs at you. You attempt to dodge.
The fangs lands a grazing blow to your chest.
[You're battered, winded, nimbly balanced and opponent has slight advantage.]
Re: Juvenile Wyverns and Grounding Field
03/01/2017 09:18 PM CST
I haven't used GF since my testing during the last magic preview, but what I would assume is happening is that the attacks still include some portion of physical damage and that it's blocking the elemental part of the damage while the physical is still getting through. For example, we know that fire shards are fire and impact damage. If you test it against critters that fire those, you'll get hit with the impact damage but not the fire, so you still take damage.
GF is one of the spells up for revision during the Barrier Review, and the last we knew, the proposed effect was this: "No effect in passive mode. In active mode protects cancels the specific element (and any secondary damage). Undecided if the element is set during casting or activation."
So once the spell gets rewritten, I would assume that issue will be resolved.
- Saragos
GF is one of the spells up for revision during the Barrier Review, and the last we knew, the proposed effect was this: "No effect in passive mode. In active mode protects cancels the specific element (and any secondary damage). Undecided if the element is set during casting or activation."
So once the spell gets rewritten, I would assume that issue will be resolved.
- Saragos
Re: Juvenile Wyverns and Grounding Field
03/03/2017 09:40 AM CST
>>Grounding field
Found your problem. Just go to TC and forget that spell till its made better. Not being a jerk, just being honest with you on this one. As they say in broken italian "Shesa no worka too good"