only noticing it with the marauder blade, and in either hand
s> tap blad
You tap a fiery marauder blade that you are wearing.
s> shape blad to fiery
You can't shape that unless you are holding it!
s> rem blad
You aren't wearing that.
summon weapon fiery - fiery marauder blade
shape blade to earth - black line feedback, and it ends up worn still fiery
did an inv fix
s> invfix
Checking your inventory
Unattached item, a fiery marauder blade on you.
Moving to right hand ... set.
s> shape blad to stone
s> shape blad to stone
You can't shape that unless you are holding it!
s> rem blad
You aren't wearing that.
s> tap blad
You tap a fiery marauder blade that you are wearing.
and in other bugs...
You make a few adjustments to the Zoluren, and you feel confident that it will recognize you as its owner.