Any chance of getting the volume up on the amount of commods I can buy? It seems silly I can only buy 2 diamonds or 3 purple dyes at times. Thanks in advance.
Freedom isn't Free, I paid for it in combat....
Re: Commods
07/04/2010 06:38 PM CDT
Heh, I thought this was going to be a really inappropriate suggestion when I read the title. I saw an e between d and s.
Re: Commods
07/04/2010 07:31 PM CDT
Commodities system is being rewritten. Its on the SimuSoon list...since 2006. Maybe now that its the year of the trader.
Re: Commods
07/04/2010 07:45 PM CDT
>>Heh, I thought this was going to be a really inappropriate suggestion when I read the title. I saw an e between d and s.
Get your mind out of the toilet.
I will continue to get blunter on this topic until people get the message or my posts contain enough profanity to be removed. - Armifer
Get your mind out of the toilet.
I will continue to get blunter on this topic until people get the message or my posts contain enough profanity to be removed. - Armifer
Re: Commods
07/05/2010 11:35 AM CDT
On topic, please :)
Message Board Supervisor
If you've questions or comments, take it to e-mail by writing me at
Re: Commods
07/06/2010 03:22 PM CDT
What circle is your trader? I don't dabble much in commodities, but when I do it's usually indigo or purple dye- and I can get 10 to 20 or so at a time, depending on how much I feel like buying.
Sometimes the key to happiness is not assuming it is locked in the first place- Ziggy
A journey of a thousand SMILES begins with a single step- Ziggy
Sometimes the key to happiness is not assuming it is locked in the first place- Ziggy
A journey of a thousand SMILES begins with a single step- Ziggy
Re: Commods
07/06/2010 08:18 PM CDT
>>What circle is your trader? I don't dabble much in commodities, but when I do it's usually indigo or purple dye- and I can get 10 to 20 or so at a time, depending on how much I feel like buying.
He probably just has the misfortune of arriving after some of the wealthier Traders have run through and cleared out stocks. Commodities are commodities, if they were common, they wouldn't be valuable, and the first to capitalize is the better capitalist.
He probably just has the misfortune of arriving after some of the wealthier Traders have run through and cleared out stocks. Commodities are commodities, if they were common, they wouldn't be valuable, and the first to capitalize is the better capitalist.
Re: Commods
07/06/2010 08:27 PM CDT
Oh, of course! You did mention a point, Futility. It also depends on how much of the item is in stock. There have been times when I wanted to get 20 or so flats of Acanth wood and couldn't because that especial commodity pit had run out.
Sometimes the key to happiness is not assuming it is locked in the first place- Ziggy
A journey of a thousand SMILES begins with a single step- Ziggy
Sometimes the key to happiness is not assuming it is locked in the first place- Ziggy
A journey of a thousand SMILES begins with a single step- Ziggy
Re: Commods
07/15/2010 09:36 PM CDT
He's circle 67 and only needs 1 type of armor training to get to circle 75.
Also, every time I check my ledger against my caravan the commods are way out of wack; as an example:
Summary - Page 1 - Contracts and Commodities
You have bought the following Commodities:
gold - 4
silver - 4
saffron - 8
papyrus - 5
brass - 4
lead - 40
velvet - 2
myrrh - 15
indigo - 22
barley - 75
wheat - 15
oats - 10
corn - 10
acanth - 15
taffelberries - 35
Currently Loaded:
I have no idea how I can loss all this stuff and how do I get it back?
Thanks in advance.
Freedom isn't Free, I paid for combat
Also, every time I check my ledger against my caravan the commods are way out of wack; as an example:
Summary - Page 1 - Contracts and Commodities
You have bought the following Commodities:
gold - 4
silver - 4
saffron - 8
papyrus - 5
brass - 4
lead - 40
velvet - 2
myrrh - 15
indigo - 22
barley - 75
wheat - 15
oats - 10
corn - 10
acanth - 15
taffelberries - 35
Currently Loaded:
I have no idea how I can loss all this stuff and how do I get it back?
Thanks in advance.
Freedom isn't Free, I paid for combat
Re: Commods
07/16/2010 10:44 AM CDT
if you re-read your ledger you'll see its all correct.
You have bought the following Commodities:
eg, past tense, in the past, previously, you have done in the past, a total of your history.
Currently Loaded: None
you have nothing right now
You have bought the following Commodities:
eg, past tense, in the past, previously, you have done in the past, a total of your history.
Currently Loaded: None
you have nothing right now
Re: Commods
07/16/2010 10:52 AM CDT
You have bought the following Commodities:
diamonds - 14164
pearls - 14732
gold - 15812
silver - 16141
iron ore - 15499
amber - 13347
saffron - 16023
cinnamon - 15925
papyrus - 16073
oranges - 15891
limes - 16250
slate - 16132
brass - 16214
lead - 12050
copper - 14621
bronze - 9302
silk - 16207
cotton - 12371
wool - 15464
velvet - 13863
lace - 5869
deobar oil - 15187
myrrh - 13704
salt - 13708
indigo - 13492
purple dye - 16142
barley - 15413
wheat - 15695
oats - 14867
corn - 14835
acanth - 15107
taffelberries - 16014
apples - 15978
Currently Loaded:
You have bought the following Commodities:
diamonds - 14164
pearls - 14732
gold - 15812
silver - 16141
iron ore - 15499
amber - 13347
saffron - 16023
cinnamon - 15925
papyrus - 16073
oranges - 15891
limes - 16250
slate - 16132
brass - 16214
lead - 12050
copper - 14621
bronze - 9302
silk - 16207
cotton - 12371
wool - 15464
velvet - 13863
lace - 5869
deobar oil - 15187
myrrh - 13704
salt - 13708
indigo - 13492
purple dye - 16142
barley - 15413
wheat - 15695
oats - 14867
corn - 14835
acanth - 15107
taffelberries - 16014
apples - 15978
Currently Loaded:
Re: Commods
07/16/2010 12:05 PM CDT
<<if you re-read your ledger you'll see its all correct.
<<You have bought the following Commodities:
<<eg, past tense, in the past, previously, you have done in the past, a total of your history.
<<Currently Loaded: None
<<you have nothing right now
I don't think thats right either because I've been doing commods for a long time( I've completed over 4,300 contracts with crossing alone) and I know I've bought more than what I've listed in my post below and it's not listing everything I've bought. Listed below is from my ledger:
You flip back and forth through the pages of your ledger. After a moments consideration you are certain that you have made a small mint in lirums, a small mint in kronars, or a small mint in dokoras delivering contracted goods.
After a bit more study you are certain that you have made 219457 lirums, 274321 kronars, or 197950 dokoras working the commodity market.
Freedom isn't Free, I paid for combat
<<You have bought the following Commodities:
<<eg, past tense, in the past, previously, you have done in the past, a total of your history.
<<Currently Loaded: None
<<you have nothing right now
I don't think thats right either because I've been doing commods for a long time( I've completed over 4,300 contracts with crossing alone) and I know I've bought more than what I've listed in my post below and it's not listing everything I've bought. Listed below is from my ledger:
You flip back and forth through the pages of your ledger. After a moments consideration you are certain that you have made a small mint in lirums, a small mint in kronars, or a small mint in dokoras delivering contracted goods.
After a bit more study you are certain that you have made 219457 lirums, 274321 kronars, or 197950 dokoras working the commodity market.
Freedom isn't Free, I paid for combat
Re: Commods
07/16/2010 12:43 PM CDT
totals get reset periodically.
some totals, not all totals, but those totals do.
some totals, not all totals, but those totals do.
Re: Commods
07/16/2010 01:02 PM CDT
Sorry, posted on this yesterday but my machine crashed. This is a known bug that happens with disconnects or crashes. You haven't lost anything, all your contracts were delivered properly, the ledger is just stuck. One of us will get to it and clean it out.
Life is the journey, not the destination.
Sorry, posted on this yesterday but my machine crashed. This is a known bug that happens with disconnects or crashes. You haven't lost anything, all your contracts were delivered properly, the ledger is just stuck. One of us will get to it and clean it out.
Life is the journey, not the destination.
Re: Commods
07/16/2010 01:32 PM CDT
Thanks appreciate it Adera
Freedom isn't Free, I paid for combat
Freedom isn't Free, I paid for combat