Thought that they were going to post these, but not. Wish I had started from the beginning, but I didn't.
So, as I find title requirements, I'll post what I get. For info, I have all titles I have highlighted. Also have highlighted when I gain a rank. Plus a few other things. Its hard and will be long for us to discover all. On these notes:
Bankrupt: Requires that you have a debt. Easiest way is to go to an auto-empath with a bleeder and no money.
Upper Crust: Requires you have 1000 plat in one bank. Total of banks don't matter, its just 1000 plat in a bank.
Other requirements for these not sure. Trading, appraisal, circle, not sure. For info 78th circle, 440 trading , 330 appraisal.
Re: Title Requirements
03/20/2009 03:07 PM CDT
>>Bankrupt: Requires that you have a debt. Easiest way is to go to an auto-empath with a bleeder and no money.
requires you to have NO money in the bank, and NO debt
as you're now bankrupt, your debts have already been nullified/invalidated
requires you to have NO money in the bank, and NO debt
as you're now bankrupt, your debts have already been nullified/invalidated
Re: Title Requirements
03/20/2009 03:53 PM CDT
>>requires you to have NO money in the bank, and NO debt
Sorry, but just tested it again. Having a debt gives you the bankrupt title. Not sure if what you say works too. But I have 1000 plat in the Shard bank, owe a debt and have the bankrupt title. So this is one way to get title.
Sorry, but just tested it again. Having a debt gives you the bankrupt title. Not sure if what you say works too. But I have 1000 plat in the Shard bank, owe a debt and have the bankrupt title. So this is one way to get title.
Re: Title Requirements
03/23/2009 10:36 PM CDT
o, i thought we were talking about prop's... i guess if its already there then sure, your title req's are right.. but i think my suggested ones are more reasonable
Dealer Title Requirements
01/29/2011 03:04 PM CST
Anyone have an idea of what the requirements are for the Dealer/Arms Dealer titles?
Re: Dealer Title Requirements
01/30/2011 10:13 AM CST
When these titles came out I got those immediately. Not sure why, but perhaps at 40th or 50th?