Guild Suggestions from the Trader Discord Channel - DR Trading Outpost 03/30/2019 04:09 PM CDT
Hi everyone!

There is a new discord channels just for Traders and we also have a suggestion box (er...suggestion channel) for our beloved Trader's Guild. So as a collective measure, we would like to post here a few discussions on some changes we would like to see if possible.

Suggestions for the Trader Guild as of March 30, 2019:

- multi-room shops like in gemstone
- stacking multiple identical items on a surface "back stock" when you have more the one of the exact same item it only takes up 1 spot on a surface
- ability to buy additional surface containers for your shop, like 10,000 platinum per table
- ability to dock your caravan at the plaza, when docked your caravan box become accessible from the back room of your shop
- recall shop inventory
- portable shop ledger (like a vault book)
- page 7 of the ledger to stop being bugged
- ledger showing payables (such as when rent is do, same as the shop status syntax)
- having more than one or two traders financing gem shops and furriers
Petitioners: Gashler, Annandale, Jennye, Vleri, Reenni, Nyken

DR Trading Outpost
Discord Channel For Traders by Traders :)

From the player of,
Re: Guild Suggestions from the Trader Discord Channel - DR Trading Outpost 03/30/2019 06:35 PM CDT
Since I'm not in the chat I'll add a few of my own:

- Optional notifications when someone buys something from your shop -- that way at least you have the option of running in to restock manually.
- Ability to add a note to each shop item, so we could list important things like weight, size.
- More options for shop features like walls, door, counter, etc.
- Make it easy to convert a surface cosmetically to another one. E.g. "your steel weapon rack is now a bloodwood table." That way you don't have to remove everything to change the look. More surface nouns would also be nice.
- Skylight in shops for starlight aura.

- Navesi

The First Land Herald -- Zoluren's newspaper.
Re: Guild Suggestions from the Trader Discord Channel - DR Trading Outpost 03/30/2019 09:52 PM CDT

I'm also not in the Trader chat, so here are mine.

- New titles since we have access to magic and no titles to reflect our new caster ways. (Starlight Princess should be one of these titles and not gender locked)
- Another debil spell, preference for an immobilize with or without a knockdown.
- Finesse brought down to an intro spell as we have no intro augment spell
- A new intro augment spell to fill that space.
- Some sort of portable access to the caravan box via magics
- Just more spells in general
- a complete overhaul of caravans (gotta dream big!)
Re: Guild Suggestions from the Trader Discord Channel - DR Trading Outpost 03/30/2019 10:40 PM CDT
Thank you for these suggestions. If you add them to the crowdsourcing spreadsheet (pinned to the #crowdsource-ideas channel of the player-run Discord), it will make it easier for us to find them.

GM Cordulia
Re: Guild Suggestions from the Trader Discord Channel - DR Trading Outpost 03/31/2019 03:00 AM CDT

Will do.

Also everyone is welcome to join the discord channel. This is the link:

DR Trading Outpost
Discord Channel For Traders by Traders :)
Re: Guild Suggestions from the Trader Discord Channel - DR Trading Outpost 03/31/2019 02:44 PM CDT
I went ahead and copied these over. You guys MAY regret introducing me to this document. ;)

- Navesi

The First Land Herald -- Zoluren's newspaper.
Re: Guild Suggestions from the Trader Discord Channel - DR Trading Outpost 03/31/2019 07:44 PM CDT
I would also like to see Trader Shops available in Ratha. Ratha has for 4 rooms for Trader Tables when it really only needs 2 at the very most (if even that much). Even Crossing could probably get bye with only 2 rooms for The Trader Market. I would suggest reducing Trader Market rooms to allow for more shops in the more distant provinces.

We cling to our own point of view, as though everything depended on it. Yet our opinions have no permanence; like autumn and winter, they gradually pass away.
Read more at:
Re: Guild Suggestions from the Trader Discord Channel - DR Trading Outpost 03/31/2019 08:10 PM CDT
>- Finesse brought down to an intro spell as we have no intro augment spell
>- A new intro augment spell to fill that space.

EASE Burden is an Intro Augment.

Naniaki Felyran

"I have faith in the current crop of GMs to not screw people over"

>>Actually an opinion cannot be changed or corrected. Nice try back of line.-VERATHOR
>>But it can be wrong.-Starlear
Re: Guild Suggestions from the Trader Discord Channel - DR Trading Outpost 03/31/2019 09:06 PM CDT
What might be fun is adding in a moon gate for the various shops; allow users to travel there and shop but not do anything else.

Would give some foot traffic to entirely empty units. Heck I'd be all for letting players stay but that would bypass so many 'pay for it' mechanics.