How far should I raise Charisma? 09/11/2020 10:42 AM CDT

I assume their are diminishing returns on the benefits of raising Charisma. (I'm not thinking of effect on spells so much as making more money trading, getting better prices on things, etc.)

So is their a point where it is kind of useless to raise your Charisma stat anymore?

At this point I am circle 52 with 34 charisma.
Re: How far should I raise Charisma? 09/11/2020 10:43 AM CDT


Sorry, need caffeine.
Re: How far should I raise Charisma? 09/11/2020 05:17 PM CDT
For Work order pay, there is no limit, but the effect is fairly small (generally speaking, an extra 1% of WO item appraisal per +3 Charisma). This amounts to a few extra coppers to silvers per WO, depending on the value of the WO items.

For Trader bonus for selling gems/skins/gem pouches/bundles, it's a complicated answer. The more Trading+App you have, the less you need Charisma, and vice versa, once you hit the cap. I would say at 52nd circle, you need more Charisma if you want to reach the cap sooner. On the flipside, if my 102 Trader with 575 Trading and 498 Appraisal were to have 34 Charisma, that wouldn't be quite enough to cap Trader bonus (would be 48%), but it would be with Finesse up.

I am not familiar enough with caravan routes to know whether more charisma is helpful there.

Pretty sure you're fine as far as buying things from NPC shops.

Naniaki Felyran

"I have faith in the current crop of GMs to not screw people over"

>>Actually an opinion cannot be changed or corrected. Nice try back of line.-VERATHOR
>>But it can be wrong.-Starlear
Re: How far should I raise Charisma? 09/11/2020 11:36 PM CDT
Of moderate note, charisma is also the secondary stat for Fluoresce's debilitation stat check. If all you're doing is hunting and don't PvP, it won't matter overly much, just don't neglect it entirely.