Suggestion for an alternative trading trainer 10/15/2019 02:02 PM CDT
Currency exchange.

Let traders of a certain circle exchange one currency for another. Maybe an item they interact with. Maybe a verb with an implied courier. Maybe a function of their shop/shopkeeper. Maybe a negotiation technique at the exchanging window (same verb, same location as today - just xp and %cut modified when a trader does it.) Maybe something attached to their caravan.

Whatever it is, they can turn coins from one type to another type and get some experience in the process. The more they exchange, the more they learn, up to a modest limit of say 100 platinum to lock the skill.

In addition to this, to encourage the use, they also can negotiate a reduced fee based on their trading skill. Maybe every 100 ranks of trading results in 5% less. For example, assume a 15% bank cut on exchange, a trader with 100 ranks would get 14.25%. A trader with 1750 ranks would get 2.55%. If you had a 5% bank cut, a trader with 100 ranks 4.75%. A trader with 1700+ ranks would get 0.75%.
Re: Suggestion for an alternative trading trainer 10/17/2019 03:51 PM CDT

It would have to be a LONG cooldown, in my opinion, for the xp gain. But I could see this being AWESOME during festivals
Re: Suggestion for an alternative trading trainer 10/17/2019 04:25 PM CDT

I don't think the cool down really matters, so long as it became a viable way of learning trading when not tied to a caravan or other players.
Re: Suggestion for an alternative trading trainer 10/18/2019 04:56 AM CDT

I would just worry about 'exchange all kronar for lirums" then "exchange all lirums for kronars" rinse and repeat till locked. hence, needing a CD. unless I misunderstood your concept...
Re: Suggestion for an alternative trading trainer 10/18/2019 01:49 PM CDT

> I would just worry about 'exchange all kronar for lirums" then "exchange all lirums for kronars" rinse and repeat till locked. hence, needing a CD. unless I misunderstood your concept...

Right, but I'm just saying this method would inherently come with a set of timers and penalties.

- Natural CD on interacting with the bank too often.

- Cost of currency use to train the skill.

- No benefit to train beyond a certain point.

- Tied with empathy and bardic lore with the most ranks required to circle of any skill, but it's the only guild skill which isn't lockable almost anywhere. Maybe it and empathy depending on your manipulate or IZ ranges.

- Already requires a specific physical location to train.

Considering all of that, I think it's penalized enough.
Re: Suggestion for an alternative trading trainer 10/18/2019 05:40 PM CDT
I always felt traders should tithe like clerics do.

Inside each of us, there is the seed of both good and evil. It's a constant struggle as to which one will win. And one cannot exist without the other. Eric Burdon
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Re: Suggestion for an alternative trading trainer 10/18/2019 06:58 PM CDT

Traders should reverse tithe from the box.
Re: Suggestion for an alternative trading trainer 10/18/2019 06:58 PM CDT

Taken a step further, they should ask task givers for taxes.
Re: Suggestion for an alternative trading trainer 10/20/2019 10:44 AM CDT
<<Taken a step further, they should ask task givers for taxes.

Where would the Risk vs Reward be? You can't have PC's running around freely collecting coin for no work. This is why payment is often gated by hunting or crafting.

Re: Suggestion for an alternative trading trainer 10/20/2019 08:49 PM CDT

> Where would the Risk vs Reward be? You can't have PC's running around freely collecting coin for no work. This is why payment is often gated by hunting or crafting.

Considering the demands on GMs these days, I think the game has some room for more simple systems which just reward the player for interacting with those systems. In this case, the task system could just reward experience. Consider the following:

Simple Option:

1. Trader goes to citizenship clerk.

2. Trader asks clerk for task [only available to traders].

3. Trader is offered a task to buy debt. They're given a discount based on trading ranks.

4. Trader accepts, the modified debt is added to their balance, and they're given an NPC name.

5. Trader goes to NPC.

6. Trader asks NPC about debt.

7. NPC gives them the coins.

8. Trader gets a heap of trading experience.

Complicated Option:

0. Same as above, except to unlock the clerk the trader has to hit 100th. This is their 100th circle ability. It's the trading equivalent to whirlwind, easy way to lock.

6. Before the trader is paid, they are asked to complete a task for the NPC. They ask NPC about task. They complete it, and then they return.

7. Based on a luck roll, modified by charisma and potentially a new spell, the NPC could offer the trader an item instead of the debt. The item would either be a gem of value ~= the debt, a junk item from the hopper, a box roughly of value similar to the debt (chance for super box), or a rare crafting drop (find-able lumber or metals).

8. Trading exp is awarded which could bring you to 16/34 with maybe a 15 minute CD.

9. New trader spell that summons an NPC you can accept debt tasks from. Think guardian spirit, but call them a financial clerk. You can ask NPC for task. Maybe a metaspell could turn this into a "fence" where you or any guilded thief could interact with it. Anyone giving it stolen goods rewards trading for the trader and a few coins for the person turning it in.

10. Tasks vary. With enough experience you can ask for each one, and there could be a thievery check for a fourth option. Some are worth more than the rest. Fees < fines < debts < bribe. Bribe requires thievery check, but it's the most lucrative.
Re: Suggestion for an alternative trading trainer 10/21/2019 07:52 PM CDT
I'm thinking by tithing, it's more like the wealthy merchants of Medieval cities who gave money for local projects and donated large amounts to temples and such.

Inside each of us, there is the seed of both good and evil. It's a constant struggle as to which one will win. And one cannot exist without the other. Eric Burdon
Read more at:
Re: Suggestion for an alternative trading trainer 10/24/2019 06:22 PM CDT

Municipal Financing. you could really be onto something here...Could do financing options with all kinds of things, including the crafting societies....