I noticed the write command on tags seems broken. Maybe I am doing something wrong, if someone could tell me what has changed. Current directions posted for writing on tags are: WRITE (AMOUNT) {KRONAR|LIRUM|DOKORA} while holding a proper writing utensil. However, I only get "You can't write with both of your hands full." I've tried charcoal, a pen with nib, a quill, etc. while holding the tag in left hand and writing utensil in right hand. Also, the command "lower tag" stated here https://elanthipedia.play.net/Tag_sack no longer works.
Traders know the way, Rangers lose the way, Clerics praise the way, Bards sing the way, War Mages shape the way, Moon Mages go the ways, Barbarians clear the way, Empaths heal the way, Thieves take the way, Paladins lead the way.