Heyas folks.
Since Lyneya made it official, I wanted to stop by to give a similarly official greeting. She didn't warn you I'm a rambler, but you'll quickly see that.
Firstly, it's good to be joining you. I've spent most of my time on staff focusing on Premium projects, but that group covers a large part of the population with members of every guild. I've never spent much time focusing on a single guild for a prolonged period. That aspect of this role is new territory for me, and I'm finding it refreshing!
Secondly, I've been browsing at various parts of trader code for the better part of a year now. That initially is what drew me in -- I'm a sucker for mechanics that haven't been touched in a decade, and some of your core stuff falls into that category. The recent work on caravans specifically opened up some new options for us, which I believe many of you are already playing with some of them.
As I said when the shelves were released, though, they were just the beginning. I've been browsing parts of the trader boards and writing down ideas -- new things I think are doable, odd things to investigate, updates or expansions to existing things as well as ideas of my own from exploring. My list has grown nearly daily in the past couple of weeks as I keep finding more.
We're also in a period of transition with the various X3 projects and how they'll affect us -- requirements, acquiring magic, etc. I haven't been involved with the X3 work in any great detail, so I've got some learning to do myself.
I'm not going to get your hopes up with promises of specific things to come; I've been taught a lesson in doing that more than once. But I do want to tell you what my focus in general will be here at the start, though this is by no means a complete list. Please keep in mind that I'm still Logistics Lead and also taking over Premium once again, so stick with me as I find my groove in splitting attention between them.
1) Continue cleaning up existing code that the guild is built around. I think with a strong foundation, it's much easier to develop new things in the future as well as expanding existing things.
2) Low level options. There are many solutions to the low level trader hurdles, and several have been suggested by you guys. Some I like more than others, but I think we can find a number of things, in time, to help newer traders (especially newer players) with this.
3) Quality of life updates where and when I can.
4) Make more POC customizations that become available at various levels. There are some fun ideas here.
I may be a bit quiet on responses through the weekend; that real world thing has plans for me, but I'll be catching up on your responses and moving forward with my work early next week. Just the same, it's good to be joining your ranks, and I look forward to working with you all going forward.
ASGM Zadraes
Logistics Lead
Premium Lead
Trader Guild Advocate