Scrolls/Ostracons 04/25/2008 09:12 AM CDT
I suppose since you guys are the ones who sell all the items in the economy, this would be the place to ask this.

In hunting I'm gradually finding scrolls and ostracons and other items and I was wondering what i should do with them. I'm not quite sure what the use of these items are, other than I believe Moonies can use a spell that lets them use them maybe?

Specifically, I have an Ostracon that has compost spell on it, and a scroll that has Seal of Deflection on it.

Are these items of any value? Should I put in the effort of trying to sell them? Or just fire them onto a donation shelf in their respective guilds? I'd imagine if someone could read the scroll and get the spell permanantly without using up a spell slot these would be quite a commodity, but I'm not sure if that's how they work.

Thanks in advance for anything you guys can tell me.
Re: Scrolls/Ostracons 04/25/2008 10:04 AM CDT
Ostracons are among the easier to read spell scrolls, as I recall. I'm not sure what the market is for Compost, but I have enjoyed using SOD while hunting magic-using critters.


Sometimes the key to happiness is not assuming it is locked in the first place- Ziggy

A journey of a thousand SMILES begins with a single step- Ziggy
Re: Scrolls/Ostracons 04/27/2008 11:31 AM CDT
Anyone else? Sounds to me like I should just donate these things... is there any particular place I should put it? The only donation shelf I can think of is the Empath one in Crossing... would there be a more appropriate place for me to fire these things?
Re: Scrolls/Ostracons --wait! 04/27/2008 12:29 PM CDT
Hi there.. I would suggest that you post this over in Surviving Elanthia. While traders often sell goods, and hold auctions to sell player-accumulated items, it wouldn't be hard for you to sell these yourself. They are worth a few plat each, depending on whose looking to pay for them. Don't shelve them yet unless you're feeling particularly generous. Cheers! --Arhia

"The difference between the right word and the almost right word is the difference between lightning and the lightning bug." --Mark Twain
Re: Scrolls/Ostracons --wait! 04/27/2008 10:28 PM CDT
Alright, will do, thanks for the advice Arhia