Splitting pouches and RT 10/09/2009 02:45 PM CDT
If you're going to continue to make traders have to split pouches into some arbitrary number to learn best, please remove the RT for splitting pouches. 30 seconds is just beyond silly. It moves into the realm of ridiculous now that you're encouraging gigantic pouches.

Better yet, remove the need for traders to split pouches into some arbitrary size to get the best exp.

Even better, do both.

- George, Player of Foresee

>profile Hrethgar
Features: Hrethgar has no head at the moment. He has tanned skin.
Re: Splitting pouches and RT 10/09/2009 03:07 PM CDT
While I do very much appreciate the roundtime being reduced from 30 seconds to 10 for untying a pouch, I'm still not thrilled about this change.

I really would like to know why simply reducing the weight of tied pouches would not have been enough. It feels like a penalty to this entire guild and I'm not sure that there's any significant gain of having people going from say 30 tied pouches with reduced weight to 4 or 5 pouches with reduced weight.
Re: Splitting pouches and RT 10/09/2009 11:30 PM CDT
to me, it does not feel like a penalty. it feels like a blessing.
it's no matter either way really, but i do like people commin in with 20-30 plat pouches rather than 5 plat.

i see it as: the dude probably only has soo many pouches with him, and he cant put more in pouches he doesnt have, so you might simply run into more total pouch value just based on the change.
Re: Splitting pouches and RT 10/09/2009 11:34 PM CDT
30 > 5

30 ~= 1/5 of a newish vault
30 ~= 15% of total max on hand inventory

5 would be 1/6 of these numbers. Do you think the hunter wants to carry 30 pouches with him when he goes out on a hunting trip?

thanks for the change
Re: Splitting pouches and RT 10/09/2009 11:40 PM CDT
one final post about how this is a very good thing.

only traders can sell tied pouches, except for some shops, and thoes are financiable.

pouches can hold what now, 500?
dude cant be walking around with a 400-500 gem pouch and leave it open. It must be tied at numbers this size, ala inv check problems.

Guarenteed sale for some trader, somewhere.
Re: Splitting pouches and RT 10/10/2009 01:28 AM CDT
>Guarenteed sale for some trader, somewhere.

This is everything that's wrong about the trader guild right now.

Well, that and the fact that actual trading makes less money than hunting.

And the total lack of dev.

But yeah, point 1 bothers me.
Re: Splitting pouches and RT 10/10/2009 07:51 AM CDT
Except you know... it's not, since a bunch of people are going to go "Hmmm... find a trader vs sell at an outpost..." and selling at an outpost is just going to win frequently, particularly in the smaller instances.

Now I know you could argue selling to an outpost makes the trader money in the long term but... meh.

Dartenian says, "The thing that makes Dragon Dance king is that it pretty much bonuses every single that can possibly be buffed for combat. Including at least two things that don't even exist."
Re: Splitting pouches and RT 10/10/2009 05:33 PM CDT
This change sucks. Seriously.

hypotheticaly the gem pouch trading cap is lets say at 2 plats per pouch, meaning wether the pouch is 2 plats or 20000000 plats we learn exactly the same. How is a bigger pouch beneficial to a Trader? It isnt. We are expected to deal with mind numbing amounts of RT to split pouches, while impatient people want their pouches sold NOW or accuse us of skimming if we offer to buy the pouches in order to split them later.




P.S. Again that was a hypothetical scenario, I do not know what the cap on a pouch is.
Re: Splitting pouches and RT 10/11/2009 12:04 AM CDT
If you see a pouch worth 20 million plats, I'd love to see it myself :-D.

That said, I've said at least twice that we're going to look at the trading experience curve. Please be patient and see how the change affects you on a day to day level before projecting what you think will happen.


"The ninety and nine are with dreams, content but the hope of the world made new, is the hundredth man who is grimly bent on making those dreams come true." -E.A.P.
Re: Splitting pouches and RT 10/11/2009 07:59 AM CDT
I'd settle for one 4000 plat gem.

Dartenian says, "The thing that makes Dragon Dance king is that it pretty much bonuses every single that can possibly be buffed for combat. Including at least two things that don't even exist."
Re: Splitting pouches and RT 10/11/2009 09:42 AM CDT
You could raise the cap so that experience gain stops at something like 300 platinum, instead of 2 platinum. Due to a change like this. That way, 300 platinum could raise your experience to something like 10/34.

- Simon

A Locksmith Union Crier strides into the area, clears his throat and announces loudly, "Hear ye, hear ye! Winning groups of Riddle Run are as follows: First place, Grungy's team with 110 roisaen
Re: Splitting pouches and RT 10/11/2009 02:53 PM CDT
>>You could raise the cap so that experience gain stops at something like 300 platinum

It wasn't that easy :-P.

However, we took a look at the experience curves and tweaked them significantly. The old experience limited you your experience gain by your level rather than letting your skills affect it. Additionally, it would only give so much experience at a time, and would cause a time-delay for rest, which was the root cause of only seeing trading experience a second or two after the pouch sale.

This was silly enough to elicit several colorful swears that could only be repeated in TF, end even then Copernicus would probably blush.

The trading experience has been tweaked to scale with skill rather than level, and to scale properly with pouch sizes.


"The ninety and nine are with dreams, content but the hope of the world made new, is the hundredth man who is grimly bent on making those dreams come true." -E.A.P.
Re: Splitting pouches and RT 10/11/2009 02:55 PM CDT
Copernicus never blushes.

It's true.

Dartenian says, "The thing that makes Dragon Dance king is that it pretty much bonuses every single that can possibly be buffed for combat. Including at least two things that don't even exist."
Re: Splitting pouches and RT 10/11/2009 03:13 PM CDT
<<It wasn't that easy :-P.>>

I figured as much. ;)

- Simon

A Locksmith Union Crier strides into the area, clears his throat and announces loudly, "Hear ye, hear ye! Winning groups of Riddle Run are as follows: First place, Grungy's team with 110 roisaen
Re: Splitting pouches and RT 10/11/2009 03:13 PM CDT
Yay! One less crusade I can drop. Maybe next time I'll whine and cry about something that actually effects me.

Thanks for putting up with it. :)

- George, Player of Foresee

>profile Hrethgar
Features: Hrethgar has no head at the moment. He has tanned skin.
Re: Splitting pouches and RT 10/11/2009 03:16 PM CDT
can ya tackle the exp loose from the new exp system to contracts.

Aranathem squints at the balance beam needle and says, "There's some stuff in here. All told, the haversack weighs about three thousand, fifty-eight stones," and puts the haversack on the counter.
Re: Splitting pouches and RT 10/11/2009 03:45 PM CDT
>Copernicus never blushes.

This one time, at Vegascon...
Re: Splitting pouches and RT 10/11/2009 03:49 PM CDT
>Copernicus never blushes.
I'm 99% positive he has once.

Thank you for looking at the experience and working on it.

Oleveir says, "One must be careful around the angry ODS women."
Re: Splitting pouches and RT 10/11/2009 03:57 PM CDT
I demand pictures.

Dartenian says, "The thing that makes Dragon Dance king is that it pretty much bonuses every single that can possibly be buffed for combat. Including at least two things that don't even exist."
Re: Splitting pouches and RT 10/12/2009 03:15 AM CDT
Thanks a bunch for looking into this Socharis.

<<The trading experience has been tweaked to scale with skill rather than level, and to scale properly with pouch sizes.

Is there any ceiling to the pouch size? Or will a 1000 plat pouch teach >>> a 100 plat pouch >> 10 plat pouch?


The gods are jerks. No, really.
Re: Splitting pouches and RT 10/12/2009 03:41 AM CDT
There is no ceiling - It takes forever to fill pouches now, so your pouch frequency is going to (and probably already has) drop significantly.

I'll take a look at increasing financing amounts, as well, but that's unfortunately not going to be as fast of a turnaround.


"The ninety and nine are with dreams, content but the hope of the world made new, is the hundredth man who is grimly bent on making those dreams come true." -E.A.P.
Re: Splitting pouches and RT 10/12/2009 04:07 AM CDT
Awesome. You rock Socharis!


The gods are jerks. No, really.
Re: Splitting pouches and RT 10/12/2009 10:57 AM CDT
Thank you for looking into this Socharis.


Re: Splitting pouches and RT 10/12/2009 05:26 PM CDT
>>I'll take a look at increasing financing amounts, as well, but that's unfortunately not going to be as fast of a turnaround.

I really object to this. Increasing financing amounts is not going to solve any problems but just make bigger the problems that already exsists(okay, maybe an exception for TF if their amounts can be raised separate from the other instances). Right now a player can have a pet trader sit at a financable shop. They can then sell their gem pouches, have the trader log in, collect the pouch and refinance. Yes, it is possible that you might be able to catch it at a time when some else used up their finance amount, but its not easy. Have to hope to hit it at the right time, or be a trader that spends 5 minutes of every half hour checking if a shop can be financed.

What needs to be changed is to make it that there is a queue within the gem shops. Not sure how hard or limits, but a line of 5-10 traders would be nice.
Re: Splitting pouches and RT 10/12/2009 06:16 PM CDT
Oooooooor get rid of the wait, raise the limit and make ALL gem shops work like that.

And then make it so a trader can only finance one at a time.

Though then we might have more gem shops then traders :P

Dartenian says, "The thing that makes Dragon Dance king is that it pretty much bonuses every single that can possibly be buffed for combat. Including at least two things that don't even exist."
Re: Splitting pouches and RT 10/12/2009 06:24 PM CDT
>>I really object to this.

As I said, I'll take a look. I'm not going to increase potential for abuse, don't worry.


"The ninety and nine are with dreams, content but the hope of the world made new, is the hundredth man who is grimly bent on making those dreams come true." -E.A.P.
Re: Splitting pouches and RT 10/12/2009 07:26 PM CDT
What would be the advantage of selling pouches to your own trader? I mean, aside from experience.
Re: Splitting pouches and RT 10/12/2009 08:02 PM CDT
JM90, what I mainly see is that people have just one account. So they would have to go to another trader if they wanted to get a better price for their pouches. As you know though, money has become almost meaningless. Higher level players only collect coins in order to bid on special auction items. Therefore, when money becomes meaningless, why not just sell the pouches and help get experience on a secondary character?

If I was a TF player(and considering I'm plat think of doing a trader there) I'd script a trader to 15th or so. Sit them at the gem shop my main character used. If unable to to sell pouches, log them in to finance and sell pouches as needed.
Re: Splitting pouches and RT 10/13/2009 12:22 AM CDT
>JM90, what I mainly see is that people have just one account. So they would have to go to another trader if they wanted to get a better price for their pouches.

But why couldn't they just hand off the pouches directly? I mean, obviously they could, so what makes you think this activity is commonplace?

>If I was a TF player(and considering I'm plat think of doing a trader there) I'd script a trader to 15th or so. Sit them at the gem shop my main character used. If unable to to sell pouches, log them in to finance and sell pouches as needed.

I have an 130th circle trader. I just think that it's asinine that I need to go through a trader when I tie the pouch, which was only added to reduce item count when creature drops switched from being primarily coin drops to gem drops many years ago. Especially since tied bundles can be sold by anyone.