Look caravan defaults to everyone else's caravans 07/26/2020 02:57 PM CDT
If I leave an outpost and "Look caravan" and there is any other caravan there besides mine, it always looks at the other caravan. Using "look my caravan" doesn't help, then it can't find what I am looking for. I assume I can use Look Second Caravan, but what a pain. I usually move one spot then look again.
Of course I don't know the mechanics behind the scenes or how difficult this would be to fix, but I'm sure you can agree that from a player viewpoint, this is very silly.

This is very similar to being in the Empath courtyard with a treasure box in your hand, lets say it's a "box", and if someone has stashed a "box" in the statue/garbage can, and you "disarm/pick/open" box, without saying "my" box, it defaults to the one in the statue instead of the one in your hand. That is the only case where I have blown up a box since my return and someone was mad about it, even though it only hurt me thankfully.

I know these are two different complaints, but they are related. The game should default to my stuff.

Re: Look caravan defaults to everyone else's caravans 07/27/2020 06:19 AM CDT
It can be annoying. Fortunately, if you're holding a treasure box, Disarm by itself will default to the box you're holding.

Caravans are a bit touchier, but "Look (descriptor) caravan" gets around that.

Silly parser!

Player of...

Sometimes the key to happiness is not assuming it is locked in the first place- Ziggy

A journey of a thousand SMILES begins with a single step- Ziggy
Re: Look caravan defaults to everyone else's caravans 07/29/2020 08:33 AM CDT

Except when we have the same descriptor. :D

Although I do love my new Bullock pulled Caravan. I call her Sandy.