Adoption Licenses and Trading 12/07/2017 06:35 PM CST
Do these things teach Trading? I did one today and I didn't notice any exp come in from it, though if it was minor, I easily could have missed it.

Since these are such an uncommon thing, and something that only Traders can do, I would expect that they should teach Trading to us and to a fairly significant degree. IF anyone has a moment to to look into this, I'd appreciate hearing what's up with it.

Keishalae raises her hand level with her eye and stares at Malakye through her fingers while she makes a quick pinching motion. Malakye's head explodes like a grape!
Re: Adoption Licenses and Trading 12/10/2017 07:08 PM CST
I did one last week and didn't notice any experience gain. It's such a niche skill and so uncommon (I've done a whole two of them) that I don't think the GMs warrant experience gain from it.

I don't even engage in contract trading anymore because of the lackluster experience gain (coin is so-so) and my script keeps hanging up (and I lack the skill to make the correction without breaking the rest of it).

Nice this is both times they tipped me out 30-50 plat.

Balkomar(and pals)
Re: Adoption Licenses and Trading 12/11/2017 06:09 PM CST
>Nice this is both times they tipped me out 30-50 plat.

Yeah, that's what typically keeps me doing them, the fact that people tend to tip well for it. Since most players who've done their research understand that there has to be some investment in that character before they can even do one of these.

I've done far more than two of them, but just because they're niche and uncommon doesn't mean they shouldn't offer some sort of experience gain. IIRC, there is a timer in place for how often someone can remove/change their last name, and I feel like any sort of abuse using this wouldn't be the hardest to spot and catch. But, IDK.

Keishalae raises her hand level with her eye and stares at Malakye through her fingers while she makes a quick pinching motion. Malakye's head explodes like a grape!