Market Tent Rooms 09/08/2006 08:17 AM CDT
When you set up in a room with tarped tables, you run the risk of having that trader come back and yes, you have to actually <gasp> share the room. You can move if you want more room but please don't whine and complain because you were too stupid to use the other three rooms that were definitely empty.

Since I'm sure someone will bring it up, this is a different matter all together when the tent is near full but I've only had it happen way early in the morning my trader and a certain other trader were around.

PS: I'm not against mules that hold things for you, but Mesabre and Meedged? Sheesh, buy an imagination.

- Nordef's player
Re: Market Tent Rooms 09/08/2006 01:41 PM CDT
Settle it in the pit, see Tirsten if you want to join a trader-only fighting league...

I am --- Navak
Re: Market Tent Rooms 09/08/2006 02:24 PM CDT
Hrm. I should have proofread that before posting, but eh... ten coppers to the person who can guess the word I left out.
Re: Market Tent Rooms 09/15/2006 08:09 AM CDT
<When you set up in a room with tarped tables, you run the risk of having that trader come back and yes, you have to actually <gasp> share the room. You can move if you want more room but please don't whine and complain because you were too stupid to use the other three rooms that were definitely empty.

Since I'm sure someone will bring it up, this is a different matter all together when the tent is near full but I've only had it happen way early in the morning my trader and a certain other trader were around.

PS: I'm not against mules that hold things for you, but Mesabre and Meedged? Sheesh, buy an imagination.

- Nordef's player >

Wow Nordef why so angry? Sheesh. I never said a word to you about anything in the tent. What prompted your post was me saying to my friend "Another 3 anlaen wasted."?

Let's go further into what happened as I perceived it. I wake up and see two tables taken and wonder "WILL THIS TRADER BE RETURNING?" I highlight this because this is the real point to the whole 'problem' that I have and you'll see its with the SYSTEM not YOU.

I get a ticket but don't put it out yet. I stand there talking with a friend while waiting to see if someone would return. I get another ticket after the hour passes and I hold onto it for another 30 minutes and decide whoever has this room is probably not returning. I put my two tickets on table three and four and open shop. Thirty minutes pass and you log in and open your two tables and I say to my friend "Another 3 anlaen wasted." Referring to our conversation about the problems of communicating with other traders.

I never said a thing to you as my problem was not with YOU. You rented the tables and therefor have the right to open them and sell things or keep them closed while you sleep, eat, shower, study, play other characters or anything really.

We all realize the tent is beyond awesome to have.

We all know sales are better in the first room than any other room or stall.

We all know because traders are squashed and tags count as an item its difficult to pack up tables of goods. (By the way, tags can't be removed in the junk yard- can this be fixed?)

The PROBLEM IS there is no way to communicate if you're done with the room or plan to return. I suppose we could leave a Pyramid in the room with a label that says 'Done' or "Returning." for a temporary fix but it's Crossings and someone will steal it before you can blink. I'm open to other suggestions from anyone that can help with this dilema

By the way, it's Mededge not Meedge :P

Re: Market Tent Rooms 09/15/2006 09:05 AM CDT
>>Wow Nordef why so angry? Sheesh.

My name is Rhonda and I'm not Nordef. I'm sorry, this is another pet peeve of mine.

>>What prompted your post was me saying to my friend "Another 3 anlaen wasted."?

Not really, no. I find your trader annoying for many reasons but I was particularly irked that day. It's irritating coming back to the tent and having you sigh and ask how much longer I'm going to be around.

>>We all know sales are better in the first room than any other room or stall.

I don't think so. I mean, yes... if you're selling the same items everyone else is and you don't have many (or any) customers that favor you, I guess you would have less sales. I don't notice any difference. I like the first room because there's a bucket. :D And that's about it. I don't stand around hoping the person in the front room will leave shortly or ask if I can set up there unless that person is a good friend of mine or there are no other tables available.

>>The PROBLEM IS there is no way to communicate if you're done with the room or plan to return.

Just set up in another room. It won't kill you, I promise.

- Player of Nordef
Re: Market Tent Rooms 09/15/2006 10:16 AM CDT
Greetings Rhonda,

<It's irritating coming back to the tent and having you sigh and ask how much longer I'm going to be around.>

I have never sighed because you have arrived. If I have sighed as you have arrived it was in reaction to something in the room going on before you arrived.

I want the front room, many traders do. For awhile there you were at the tables from sometime while I slept to about 10 a.m. I usually run tables between 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Sometimes you're there from early morning through the whole day. The only way for me to know if you're pulling an all nighter and about to leave is to ask you. I even explained that to you so that you'd not get the wrong idea. If you're about to leave as I am about to set up you're darn right I want your room. But from now on don't worry I wont ask. Honestly looking at the situation now I'd rather not have that room if it's causing problems for others.

It's become clear to me that you're doing everything you can to keep that front room. You get a ticket and put it on the table and go to sleep. You wake in an hour and get another ticket and put it out and go back to sleep. Your tables are constantly closed and nobody knows if you're coming back or not.

What irks me is you hugged me every day and talk nicely to me up until that day and now suddenly you show your true feelings. Now you pick on my character names and imply that nobody buys from me? You call me stupid and are just downright rude for what? Because I want the front room?

In life some people just don't mesh. The young soul feeds on that and thrives on what harm it can do to the other. The advanced soul knows the young soul needs yet to learn many of lifes lessons. Study well my friend. May you someday find peace.

Re: Market Tent Rooms 09/15/2006 11:17 AM CDT
I'll just say this.

I was browsing the tables, and found some stuff I liked at Nordef's table (A gown and a camb ring). But as is my policy, I visit the entire bazaar first, find what I want and get my money afterwards. When I left the tent, Nordef was there. I went to the bank, grabbed the money and came back only to find Nordef gone. Figuring since the tables were still there, that the trader would be right back I waited for nearly 30 minutes before I gave up and put my money back in the bank.

Not to pick on Nordef, because other traders do this as well - this is just a recent example. As a consumer, I HATE it when either the situation above happens or I come along and find unattended tables/stalls. When I see tables or stalls that are not tarped, I "get" an item from the table just so it gets tarped up. It's just really disappointing to me when I see something I want to buy, only to be confronted with the trader not being there. And that's my opinion on that.

Huldah: *hums the tune to 'Final Countdown'. Me: Stop that! Huldah: What? Me: STOP HUMMING THAT! Huldah: I don't know what you're talking about. Are you hearing things? (humming). Me: Only 2 more days of this? Right?!
Re: Market Tent Rooms 09/15/2006 11:21 AM CDT
>>I want the front room, many traders do. For awhile there you were at the tables from sometime while I slept to about 10 a.m. I usually run tables between 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Sometimes you're there from early morning through the whole day. The only way for me to know if you're pulling an all nighter and about to leave is to ask you. I even explained that to you so that you'd not get the wrong idea. If you're about to leave as I am about to set up you're darn right I want your room. But from now on don't worry I wont ask. Honestly looking at the situation now I'd rather not have that room if it's causing problems for others.

Again, I don't see what's so special about it other than the trash bucket and the occasional breeze from the tent flap.

>>It's become clear to me that you're doing everything you can to keep that front room. You get a ticket and put it on the table and go to sleep. You wake in an hour and get another ticket and put it out and go back to sleep. Your tables are constantly closed and nobody knows if you're coming back or not.

Haha, no. Salustra has it pretty often and Sileny had it yesterday. Rajara's pretty good at nabbing the very first table too. And I don't grab a table unless I plan on staying. Sometimes I claim the table and log off to get new goods from a mule. This usually doesn't take very long. I'm sorry my tables were closed while I was away. ;) Sometimes my internet connection isn't so great and I get booted several times an hour, though I usually return shortly. Sometimes (okay, more often than sometimes) my power goes out because we had a bad storm and it stays out for hours. Sometimes a friend asks me to join them for lunch and I drop what I'm doing to do that. I'm sure I could go on but hopefully you get the picture.

>>What irks me is you hugged me every day and talk nicely to me up until that day and now suddenly you show your true feelings. Now you pick on my character names and imply that nobody buys from me? You call me stupid and are just downright rude for what? Because I want the front room?

If Nord's been hugging anyone any less, it's probably because I didn't notice them arrive. Sorry, I guess. Nordef doesn't always agree with Prescious's pricing <cough>, but he respects and looks up to her. I didn't bring this conflict in-game for those reasons but maybe I should have since it seems you can't separate me from my trader and Prescious from yourself anyway.

As for being rude, I believe asking someone if they're leaving anytime soon almost everyday is rude also.

>>In life some people just don't mesh. The young soul feeds on that and thrives on what harm it can do to the other. The advanced soul knows the young soul needs yet to learn many of lifes lessons. Study well my friend. May you someday find peace.



- Player of Nordef
Re: Market Tent Rooms 09/15/2006 11:26 AM CDT
>>I was browsing the tables, and found some stuff I liked at Nordef's table (A gown and a camb ring). But as is my policy, I visit the entire bazaar first, find what I want and get my money afterwards. When I left the tent, Nordef was there. I went to the bank, grabbed the money and came back only to find Nordef gone. Figuring since the tables were still there, that the trader would be right back I waited for nearly 30 minutes before I gave up and put my money back in the bank.

I got booted and went to fix some lunch. :D Sorry.

- Player of Nordef
Re: Market Tent Rooms 09/15/2006 11:27 AM CDT
>I got booted and went to fix some lunch. :D Sorry.

There's no need to apologize. I just wish there was a way for regular old consumers like myself to tell if a trader was coming back or was "gone".

Signs maybe? "TraderJoe puts a sign on the maple table that says "Back in 8 rois"."

Huldah: *hums the tune to 'Final Countdown'. Me: Stop that! Huldah: What? Me: STOP HUMMING THAT! Huldah: I don't know what you're talking about. Are you hearing things? (humming). Me: Only 2 more days of this? Right?!
Re: Market Tent Rooms 09/15/2006 11:30 AM CDT

<<I was browsing the tables, and found some stuff I liked at Nordef's table (A gown and a camb ring). But as is my policy, I visit the entire bazaar first, find what I want and get my money afterwards. When I left the tent, Nordef was there. I went to the bank, grabbed the money and came back only to find Nordef gone>>

what Might be helpful <as I work retail in RL and have encountered this type of situation> - is to let the seller know there are a couple items that you are interested in, but tell him/her you want to browse for a little bit but you'll be back to buy. Then maybe the seller will stick around for a little bit waiting to make the sale. The seller can't be expected to read your mind and expect the customer to be back if you just come in the establishment and then leave.

"Word on the street is, ya been lookin' out for the best interests of the Guild."
Re: Market Tent Rooms 09/15/2006 11:50 AM CDT
>>Gonif's post

Can't disagree with that.

On another note, my mom wants to know if I'll run to the grocery store and pick her up a few things. Can I go? :(
Re: Market Tent Rooms 09/15/2006 12:14 PM CDT
<I didn't bring this conflict in-game for those reasons but maybe I should have since it seems you can't separate me from my trader and Prescious from yourself anyway.>

Now you're just being silly. Prescious has a problem with Nordef because he's/she's away from her/his table more than at it. Because of your personal attacks in your post I have a problem with you. Now if you were to walk up to Prescious as another character Prescious would have no problem at all with that character. It's three seperate issues.

Re: Market Tent Rooms 09/15/2006 03:07 PM CDT
>>he's/she's away from her/his table more than at it.

I think this is bull and you're welcome to time him.

Also, I don't want people getting the impression that Nordef wants an entire room to himself. He's happy with two tables if anyone (and yes, I mean ANYONE) wants to join him as long as they're willing to teach. :) Most of the time the fourth table goes unused anyway, and sometimes the third table too.

- Nordef's player

PS: "Anyone" doesn't include Halajar, of course. <whistles>
Re: Market Tent Rooms 09/15/2006 10:40 PM CDT
<Also, I don't want people getting the impression that Nordef wants an entire room to himself. He's happy with two tables if anyone (and yes, I mean ANYONE) wants to join him as long as they're willing to teach. :) Most of the time the fourth table goes unused anyway, and sometimes the third table too.>

True! He/She has always been very sweet about sharing the tables as are most traders. But he also likes to conspire with people to spread consumption to other traders and shoppers. Plus he conspires to have people juggle over and over in other traders room in an attempt to chase off shoppers from his competition.

Silly Nordef. So wierd how one day you're female and as sweet as can be and the next you're a male and delving into the dark side.

Re: Market Tent Rooms 09/16/2006 03:55 AM CDT
>>But he also likes to conspire with people to spread consumption to other traders and shoppers.

Correct me if I'm wrong but I believe Solomon said intentionally spreading disease was a reportable offense. If you honestly think this maybe you should report.

>>Plus he conspires to have people juggle over and over in other traders room in an attempt to chase off shoppers from his competition.

- Nordef's player
Re: Market Tent Rooms 06/10/2007 07:05 PM CDT
I think business is better in the east room. :)

XOXO -Cossetta