I won the Traders Guild! 05/04/2004 12:50 PM CDT
I finally reached Savant in a certain skill!

Can you guess which one it is? :P


"Dispite all my rage; I am still just a rat in a cage."

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Re: I won the Traders Guild! 05/04/2004 01:17 PM CDT
Congratulations, Veii!

Ryeka, giving the yak an extra sugar-cube!

Sometimes the key to happiness is not assuming it is locked in the first place- Ziggy

A journey of a thousand SMILES begins with a single step- Ziggy
Re: I won the Traders Guild! 05/04/2004 02:04 PM CDT
Congratulations Veii,

I'm guessing it must be Evasion.
Re: I won the Traders Guild! 05/04/2004 03:41 PM CDT
trading. thats my only skill above 300. Its also my only skill above 200.



A scavenger troll arrives, scouring the area.

The scavenger troll exclaims, "I dinks I like da' Moongate!"

The scavenger troll bends over and picks up the Moongate. After appraising it, the troll places the Moongate in its frayed knapsack
Re: I won the Traders Guild! 05/04/2004 06:49 PM CDT
Well it must be mech lore if she thinks she's won the Trader's guild :) Isn't that all we do anymore?

Re: I won the Traders Guild! 05/04/2004 08:44 PM CDT
Circle: 42

SKILL: Rank/Percent towards next rank/Amount learning
Mechanical Lore: 109 06.52% clear

I think that means I lost DR then, my non-mech training must be blasphemous

Re: I won the Traders Guild! 05/04/2004 10:19 PM CDT
<<Well it must be mech lore if she thinks she's won the Trader's guild :) Isn't that all we do anymore?>>



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