why did I join..? 07/02/2002 08:25 PM CDT
I was promised cake, immortality, and riches beyond my wildest dreams...

*gnaws on a stale cookie*

~Mek, still waiting.
Re: why did I join..? 07/02/2002 11:19 PM CDT
>>I was promised cake, immortality, and riches beyond my wildest dreams...

*gnaws on a stale cookie*

~Mek, still waiting<<

Ya get th immortality first....that way ye dont die before ye done waitin
Re: why did I join..? 07/03/2002 05:26 AM CDT
>>I was promised cake, immortality, and riches beyond my wildest dreams...

See, that's where you made your mistake...it's immorality, not immortality. Once you get it right, the others should follow.

Re: why did I join..? 07/03/2002 08:28 AM CDT
LOL ... love it, Subai. Love it.
Re: why did I join..? 07/03/2002 08:48 AM CDT
Hey, I gave up my morality a long time ago...I have a little over 1000 plats in the bank...this is my 4th time up there. ;>

Re: why did I join..? 07/04/2002 09:26 PM CDT
>>Hey, I gave up my morality a long time ago...I have a little over 1000 plats in the bank...this is my 4th time up there. ;>

hmm, in that case my trader is a hell of a lot more immoral than I am.... <smirk>

Re: why did I join..? 07/28/2002 06:37 PM CDT
Mekhi..? (sobs) My story teller has left me! (shoves her tail in her fave and bawls her eyes out)

-Leyhan(Who still hugs her tail in public)
Re: why did I join..? 07/28/2002 07:55 PM CDT
face rather.. (grins like an idiot)
Re: why did I join..? 08/01/2002 08:01 PM CDT
<<-Leyhan(Who still hugs her tail in public)>>

Huggin yer tail in public.. thats a new one.. <ducks>

Re: why did I join..? 08/03/2002 06:13 PM CDT
<g> Dun mess with me.. you'll regret it later (wink)

-Leyhan(Who is madly in love with her tail)