Backstab/Blindside/Confidence 04/09/2020 08:32 PM CDT
So, having just recently come back i've been perusing the forums and elanthipedia trying to figure all this new stuff out. But one thing I don't understand, is backstab/blindside don't appear to be teaching backstab? or giving me confidence boosts? I haven't been able to find a way to get my confidence up yet since I came back a couple days ago.

I seem to only learn backstab using prowess/terrify with 2+ spirit dancers at melee with me. Backstab: 462 45% considering (6/34). But if I don't use prowess/terrify, I can't get backstab up above 1/34. And my confidence state seemingly never changes using ambush/backstab/blindside I stay right around neutral confidence most of the time with 43 charisma. Dancers are still teaching me other combat skills at comparable ranks just fine, evasion is 540 and still chugging along nicely so I don't think im outside of the skill range.

So I guess my question is, did the way we get confidence change? if not, are there better ways? because backstabbing/ambushing isn't doin it for me anymore apparently. Is khri the primary way we're supposed to learn backstab now? Just need some help figuring some stuff out :-/

Re: Backstab/Blindside/Confidence 04/10/2020 03:15 PM CDT
Hit me up on Discord, I'd be happy to help. DM me at Rogue#7286

Monster Elec

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