~ A notice hung up in the Den ~ 04/20/2016 08:58 PM CDT
To all brethren that walk the passages,

Your help is required to DIG the stone WALL out of the center spot in the tunnel near Town Green, and the stone wall in the Master's Den.

Each side must be complete before the interior can be accessed. Workmen are on hand to help clean rubble and will let you know once the passage is open.

Foremen Zevox, Fiasko, and Sendithu are tracking helpers, providing explanations, and help. See one of them for any additional information.

Additionally, by now you should be much more proficient in your hand shaking with Rangers, Barbarians, or imitating the Trader's handshake.

Rose Sister Oryise, Regulator.

OOC: You may consider this full in game knowledge.

Disguise hand shakes are now live. If you fail the handshake, you are NOT outed, you simply look like a low-skilled person of that Guild. As with other disguise things, you must be actively mimicking via TITLE PRETEND the guild that you're trying to do the handshake for, which means minimum, you need pretend titles.

Re: ~ A notice hung up in the Den ~ 04/21/2016 01:31 AM CDT
Thank you for all of this Naohhi

SEND[Naohhi] We'll look into it, but for now, you're making giant errors pop up all over the place on this side. :p
SEND[Naohhi] That means.. please stop.
You have some tiny scratches to the wings.